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Chart Info. : Ascendant Your Personality and Physical Traits
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/3/2008 11:07 PM
 Your Personality and Physical Traits 

(The Rising Sign or the Ascendant)

       This first house, is the house of the self as it deals with the physical person. The Rising sign/Ascendant is a filter lens through which the Sun, the Moon, and the planets come in to play.

    The Ascendant distinguishes the different variables in disposition, temperament and even physical appearances in persons born on the same day, but at different times. Your Ascendant denotes the way you look at life. Often, it's the impression of "you" perceived by those around you.


 Mars, ruler of Aries, produces a personality that is positive, aggressive, and competitive. Tact is usually lacking when Aries is on the rise because of the headstrong and aggressive mode of this influence. With Aries rising, diplomacy must generally be learned or obtained from other factors in the chart. Mars is the planet of direct action and high energy.... Its influence in your horoscope suggests that true decisiveness allows you to act on ideas the moment they are formed, without much hesitation. You move from your ideas to action, never looking back. You aren't one to waste any time getting into a project. Yet you are likely to become bored or impatient if results don't come as readily as expected, abandoning such a project to initiate something new. There's a desire to continuously prove yourself through a constant series of endeavors, whether anything gets finished or not.... Physical activity is a necessity for you, and if you don't get it, energy is apt to escape in the form of temper and frustration. You are keen, alert and possess quick reflexes. The influence of Mars produces individuals with above average athletic ability. The sign combines outstanding physical characteristics with competitive spirit... Properly controlled, Aries can move mountains, but when out of control it can be too impulsive and self-centered in an unthinking way.  You are a champion of independence and freedom, but sometimes outspoken in your opinions... The aggressiveness of this sign often extends to mental outlook. Accordingly, you may do exceptionally well in circumstances requiring mental drive, ambition and cunning. Many leaders in business and the military can attribute their success to an Aries Ascendants.


Taurus rising produces a personality that is stable, graceful and harmonious, very much the country squire at heart. The nature of Taurus is affectionate, steadfast and loyal.. You're an individual with very basic needs: good food, good sex, and a suitably luxurious place to live...  Ferdinand the bull symbolized Taurus; very happy to sit in the meadow, smell the flowers and enjoy a cool summer breeze. This personality is passive and easy going until pushed.  When finally provoked, Taurus is stubborn and rigid, and can display an uncontrollable bull-like temper...With Taurus on the rise, the majority of the time, your manner is slow and reserved. You are never one to take big chances... All reactions to proposed changes are carefully considered, and there is often resistance..  You are very possessive and fixed in your convictions. Your steady and dependable methods insure that whatever project you undertake will be completed. Though dependable always, you cannot be hurried, and you refuse to do anything at other than your regulated pace.You have a strong appreciation for the good things in life, and you never hesitate to indulge your desires...  This is because Venus, as ruler of Taurus, is the ruling planet in your chart. The planet Venus, like Taurus, is associated with love, beauty, ease of living, graciousness, and charm. In a positive sense, Venus brings a high degree of diplomacy, tact, and sociability. From a more negative perspective, it can show laziness and self-indulgence... The temptation for one with this rising sign is pleasure. That can include pleasure of the sight, taste, touch, and feelings. The sensual nature is hyperactive. Frequently, there is talent or at least a strong interest in singing or speaking, natural Taurus attributes... Physically, there is a tendency toward being heavy (prompted by both bone structure and the self-indulgence tendency) and very strong. With this strength and body design comes endurance that is rarely surpassed. The stability and steadfastness of Taurus are characteristics of the earth element... You are apt to display a very practical and pleasure-seeking approach to life that can be clearly defined as "down to earth."


Life is never the least bit dull when Gemini is in the rising position because this sign produces a personality that is so witty and clever... Unfortunately, the nature is also anxious, high-strung and diffusive. With this lively sign on the rise, you need constant mental stimulation... This is because you cannot stand the thought of being bored, not even for a minute. You want to keep yourself surrounded with people, activities, and exciting situations. You are happiest when you are very busy and fully engaged in a variety of activities.. Gemini is a mental or air sign, and you are by nature very active mentally.  You identify with ideas and consider yourself essentially a mental person.You are friendly and adaptable, but at times you can be temperamental and a little indecisive.. Although you appear confident, inner assurance is not a natural trait. Your disposition is good when you can manage to stay calm and serene.  You are a wonderful conversationalist, and many natives of this sign become writers, reporters or active in some phase of communication.. Mercury is the ruling planet of your horoscope since Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini. Like the metallic chemical mercury, you are slippery and quick, extremely hard to pin down. Gemini is clever.. You can outtalk, outthink and outsmart most people you meet. Physically, you are agile and well coordinated. Nervous activity keeps you slender. Your enthusiasm for change is a trait that makes you perpetually young and progressive of mind, even as you grow older...   The symbol for Gemini is the twins, and this symbol depicts a duality in your nature. There is a tendency to be somewhat fickle. You can handle more than one job at a time... You tend to dart from one topic to another, from one task to the next, in and out of relationships. You are a collector of trivia and random information.. With a Gemini Ascendant, you may indeed be a walking encyclopedia.


The Moon rules the sign Cancer, and therefore is called the ruler of your horoscope. When the Moon is so predominate in a chart, it produces a personality that is sensitive and a little on the timid side.. You like to feel out a situation before projecting yourself into it. The Moon is the indicator of emotions, the feelings, and the sensitivities... It is also closely related to the mothering instinct. You are very protective of those who are close to you, as you are protective of yourself. If you don't have a family around you to mother, you'll probably exhibit these characteristics with your friends... Being extremely receptive, you may be somewhat psychic or at least extremely sensitive to your environment. Your moods are very strong and changeable, much like the tides... You are ruled by your strong emotions and intuition. You can change moods in a significant way, two or three times in any day. You respond to life through feelings and emotions, instead of from thinking. You can become easily upset, but never stay that way for any length of time... When you are in control of your emotions, you can be the most understanding person one could hope to find. You are compassionate and receptive, in touch with those around you... When you are not in control, you can be miserable; the victim of your moods and sensitivities. The symbol of Cancer is the crab. Like the crab, a Cancer Ascendant often chooses an indirect approach to meeting objectives... There is a tendency to retreat when directly confronted, but with a tenacity of purpose that is unsurpassed. The Crab is always vulnerable, but seeks shelter in a rock-hard shell. Like the crab, you can protect yourself with a shell-like personality that can make you nearly unapproachable when you feel threatened....You identify strongly with your family, and a solid "home base" is essential to your well-being. There is a very strong connection with background and tradition, leaning toward a sense of heritage and warm, homey trappings... You can become very attached and sentimental about people, places, and belongings. You are particularly affected by memorabilia that reminds you of good times and special people.You pick up the feelings of those around you.. This makes you especially sensitive to slights, or just about any other type of negative energy. It's important for you to avoid people with problems because you are so receptive that you pick up their problems as your own.


Leo rising produces a personality that is generous, warmhearted, and forceful. Leo is the royal sign, and having this sign for your Ascendant gives you a regal bearing and a sense of control over most situations.. You are a very open and active person, showing a very happy face when things are going well. Integrity, courage, and dignity are your chief virtues, and your "sunny," extroverted disposition helps you gain the popular following you need.... Being fond of power and command, you sometimes attempt to dominate situations when it may not be called for. Even if you're not the one in charge, you carry yourself so proudly and almost reek dignity and self-assurance. You're so self-confident that you may be even a little careless at times..Though you are quick tempered, you get over your upsets as quickly... Your personality is so engaging when everything is going well, but you are less well equipped to handle adversity. You haughtily ignore persons causing conflict in your life.There is a tendency for you to overdo, at times becoming too extravagant and too daring... You are stubborn, but not in an unpleasant or disagreeable way. You are romantic and sentimental, but sometimes a little foolhardy.... You appreciate what people do for you, and you are a devoted friend who will remember and repay a kindness. You have royal tastes and a sense of luxury, prompting you to spend much to keep up appearances.. Your personality is on the dramatic side, steeped in pomp and ceremony, and you may look for opportunities to release a flamboyant side of your nature.


The sign Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. Virgo is an earth sign, suggesting a practical approach to life. Mercury expresses mental energies... Thus, this rising sign is known for its practical approach, objectivity, basic detail, and analysis. Virgo rising produces a personality often on the quiet side, somewhat unassuming, and never crude or coarse...With Virgo on the rise, you possess a mental acumen expressed in everyday practical affairs. Analytical and methodical in everything you do, you are very systematic in developing ideas and seeing projects through to completion. You are careful to notice details... So much so there is rarely a flaw in anything you do. Your mind is the epitome of neatness and order, absorbing facts and tidbits like a squirrel storing away nuts for the winter... You are a master at handling all the boring nit-picking matters others want to avoid. There is a tendency for you to become something of a workaholic, going over the same ground to be sure you haven't missed anything... You probably are a list-maker, wanting to have everything you need at hand. Everything should have a place and everything should be in its place for you to be comfortable.As you love detail, you also love precision and order... You're refined in your conduct and demeanor.... Unassuming in your behavior, you can be so modest that you may not get the credit you deserve. There is a tendency to hide behind an inquiring mind and stay out of the lead... You prefer the role of researcher, observer, critic, or teacher.You can become very restless and nervous, having difficulty learning to relax. Your restlessness, combined with a critical nature, sometimes results in picayune fault findings... Despite the tendency to be a little fussy, Virgo rising is rarely mean or ugly. Even the tendency to criticize is just a bad habit formed early in life as a defense mechanism.There is a tendency to focus on what is in the immediate present, often neglecting to form a vision for the future.. You feel comfortable living in a world of facts and you tend to arm yourself with intellectual awareness to combat natural feelings of insecurity.


Libra rising produces a personality that is naturally diplomatic and sociable. Graciousness, compatibility, and sociability are your obvious personality traits. This is the sign of the scales of balance and justice... The primary quality associated with Libra is a strong sense of fair play. You can see both sides of nearly any issue, and there is always a demand in your nature that justice be served. Perhaps because of this latter trait, an amazing number of the world's most famous political leaders have had Libra on the rise...With Libra on the rise, you are good at debate, but you are not likely to be too argumentative. You strive to win your points in ways that are shrewd and politically careful. Your fixed nature is well hidden by your cooperative demeanor.. You don't function well in discordant environments as there is an overwhelming need in your nature for harmony.. Neatness and order must be maintained if you are to remain comfortable in any situation. You may constantly find yourself readjusting to align yourself to the forces around you to get an inner sense of balance.. You have such an even disposition, and so much charm, that you can usually please nearly everyone. You usually try to do just that.. You are one who reacts to others, and you are better suited to making your way by being agreeable and taking what comes your way almost naturally.. On the negative side of Libra rising is the tendency to maintain the status quo. You want to avoid the disruption of change and avoid making waves... You may give in sometimes to the temptations of indolence. You may have a natural tendency to say what you think will please others, rather than what you really feel... The object being to hide your true feelings for the sake of winning approval and maintaining order and harmony. Because of your inborn peace-loving and diplomatic tendencies, you are sometimes prone to fail in the primary job of taking care of number one... You are not very good at aggressively advancing yourself. You need to concentrate on learning how to stick up for yourself and realize your identity.


Scorpio rising produces a personality that is deeply reserved, secretive and determined. The power of the personality emerging from a Scorpio Ascendant is so intense, magnetic, and charismatic, that it is often somewhat overwhelming... Symbolized by the scorpion, you have an external "coat of armor" that protects and lets you survive in hostile situations... You are not the sort of person who ever knuckles under, even when pressures and circumstances would defeat lesser souls. When cornered, the famous "deadly scorpion sting" may be brought into play. With Scorpio on the rise your personality is very powerful... People find you hard to understand, to know what you are thinking at any particular time. There is a hidden depth to your persona that is nearly impossible for others to comprehend. Much of the time you may feel as though you are misunderstood... You are very willful and self-reliant, appearing calm and in control on the surface. Yet there are strong emotions at work inwardly... Scorpio is a water sign, and it is a fixed sign. This means that you are an emotional person... These emotions are very controlled (fixed), giving you the determination and the strength to overcome just about any opponent. Resentment and jealousy can be intense with you... You always pursue your goals with intensity. You can stand under heavy strain, and be relied upon to stay cool, even in the most serious emergency... You're inclined to be very suspicious or skeptical, and occasionally you can be "stingingly " sarcastic. Every sign has a positive and negative expression, but with the Scorpio the range of possibilities is extreme... Everything is black or white. There are no shades of gray with Scorpio on the rise. Your penetrating stare can look right through a person or a situation... You can make an instant diagnosis and it is usually the right one... The Scorpio personality is often maligned as over-sexed, a bit on the evil side, and often bent on revenge... This is not completely true, but Scorpio does get what it wants, when it wants it, most of the time. It is not a personality to be trifled with.


Sagittarius rising produces a personality that is restless, outgoing, and very independent... This Ascendant is one that produces goal oriented individuals; people with a long-range outlook and philosophical attitude. Your ambitions are geared to those long-range and large-scale goals. Simultaneously, you are apt to have a positive and optimistic outlook... You feel matters will turn out okay, no matter how large the challenge may be... You have strong urges to cover vast distances, both physically and mentally. Usually, everything does turn out well for you. Your "Ruling" planet is Jupiter, the "great benefic." Jupiter is considered the luckiest planet in the zodiac... It produces a personality characterized by humor and a happy-go-lucky disposition. You have a need to experience life fully in a variety of ways. Open and friendly, you are usually cheerful, interested, and jovial.. One difficulty that you may have from time to time is that you to take everything and everyone for granted. You don't like dealing with pessimistic or emotional people, and you don't want the burden of dealing with their problems... You don't even like dealing with your own problems, often ignoring them with an attitude that if you don't acknowledge these situations, they will go away... There may be a fear of disappointment in your makeup that can prevent you from seeing your path to success clearly. Although you are an excellent abstract thinker, you are also very much an outdoor person... You love nature. In this vein, you are a very spiritual person who can tune in to the higher forces in life simply by taking a walk in the woods...You are a very direct person. Your speech can be blunt and to the point, often lacking in tact and diplomacy. Your reasoning powers are superb... To be fulfilled, you need a constant challenge and goal... If these two factors are combined in effective ways in your life, you may do much. This sign enjoys the good fortune of having thought patterns that remain young and fresh throughout life.. Your outlook won't become jaded by time or turmoil.


Capricorn on the rise produces a personality that is serious, prudent and patient. Saturn rules Capricorn, and becomes the ruling planet in your chart. The Saturn influence suggests the most responsible type of personality, and gives a "never say die" approach to life that is the essence of your nature.. The Capricorn Ascendant also gives a reserve and a restraint that can make you seem very austere and even melancholy. You appear critical and cold because of an ethical and righteous attitude that duty must be done... This is a complex sign... You seem aloof and remote, yet an elegant quality may conceal an inherent shyness. You are somewhat timid, and you may even suffer from feelings of inadequacy, especially in the early years of your life... Very straight-laced and proper behavior is sometimes a facade hiding a sense of insecurity or of feelings that you are unwanted or unappreciated. You may be somewhat a workaholic and expect those around you to share such dedication to duty. You can be judgmental of others on a variety of issues. This often strains personal relationships.. Because you're such a perfectionist with your work, you procrastinate a great deal. You are conservative in your actions and habits, and will remain this way even if you accumulate considerable wealth. Usually, Capricorn on the rise produces an ambitious person... Yet you have more concern with your degree of prestige and status, than with the amount of money that achieving your goals may eventually bring... You seem very serious and old before your time while you are in your youth; even as a child, you are likely to be very self-sufficient. Sometimes responsibility is assumed at an early age... Like the Capricorn symbol, the Mountain Goat, you climb to the top in a very slow, sure-footed way, always staying on solid ground and taking your sweet time about it.. There is much stability in your makeup and you rarely become discouraged, even when you are faced with frequent setbacks and roadblocks... The combination of your superior organizing ability and overwhelming determination assures your eventual, if sometimes delayed, success.


Aquarius rising produces a personality that is creative, independent and detached. It is a sign that suggests many unique qualities. Often, an unusual personality which is different and ahead of its time emerges... You are intelligent and in many ways eccentric. You have a good mind that is spontaneous, inventive, original, and unique... Yet you always seem to operate on intuition and impulse, instead of a set plan. If you resist these natural inclinations to be "different," and attempt to conform to be like everybody else, you're apt to revert and rebel at crucial and inopportune times. You can become high-strung and unpredictable, thinking of yourself as a maverick. The thing you fear most is being "fenced in" and suffering the loss of your innate individuality...You are friendly and can always make significant contributions to group activities. Even in a group, you remain personally independent and somehow resist yielding to, or becoming part of, the establishment. You can seem cool and calculating where feelings are concerned... The Aquarius personality expresses the most humanitarian instincts of the signs, but it does so in a very impersonal and detached manner. You care about people in a special way, while sometimes being accused of neglecting family and those closest to you. You can always think of ways that things could be improved, and you are a reformer at heart... Your original and free flowing spirit allows you to succeed at most intellectual pursuits. Yet you may have difficulties with everyday mundane affairs... Being tolerant, broad-minded and curious, your interests may include many "off beat" areas of life. You especially enjoy anything that involves helping some segment of society, or reforms for the benefit of humankind.


With Pisces rising, the planetary "Ruler" of your horoscope is Neptune. This Ascendant produces a personality that is idealistic, supersensitive, and usually a person with much vision... The Neptune influence in your nature causes you to have something of a Don Quixote complex, with little concern for reality. You may be very easygoing, at times you can even seem indolent; a romantic and a dreamer....With Pisces on the rise you may the type of person who frequently asks for advice, because you often lack the confidence to move ahead on your own, and you are so unsure of yourself. Strangely, you rarely take the advice you receive... You tend to dream your way through life, glamorizing situations, people, status, and circumstances. You are a very secretive person, in part because you are somewhat timid, a fact you hide with great skill. You may avoid drawing attention to yourself, and because you do, you may not receive the credit you often deserve... You have a strong inner need to serve others in your life's work and you can be really happy if you can do so....Self-realization is of prime importance, and it is therefore essential for you to spend a good deal of time by yourself. Often this sign denotes involvement or strong interest in music or another form of art.... You are likely to set high goals and expect much from yourself and from those around you. Since you expect people to be perfect, you are often disappointed in them. Although you don't at all like being confrontation, you are heavily vested in the idea that you are right all of the time. Living the utopian life, you find it hard to accept that you have miscalculated...Pisces is a water (emotional) sign and it is mutable, or adaptable. The sign of Pisces is the two fish, swimming in opposition directions.. This symbolizes the difficulty that you may have in making decisions. Confrontation and clear-cut decisions are not easy for you to manage. You prefer a more considered approach that relies on your strong intuitive feelings to lead the way... There is a certain naivete associated with this Ascendant that is not unlike the Ostrich who has hidden his head in the sand..

Michael McClain 1996

~Thanks NyghtOwl For This Find~

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From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 5/19/2008 2:37 PM
thank you for sharing