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Chart Info. : Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus/Scorpio
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/3/2008 11:45 PM

Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus/Scorpio and Happy Harmonic concordance   

"Goodness and kindness could become human nature, because
they are the real nature." –Anonymous

The Taurus full moon lunar eclipse occurs November (8/9)
opposing the Sun in resourceful transformitive Scorpio.  Eclipses are the most powerful transiting energies providing us with the ability to shift old thought patterns, make a break from what is not working and reach our goals.  You will feel these changes well into the future as the effect of eclipses last (6 months �?two years).

Eclipses herald major turning points in our lives hallmarked
beginnings and endings. This one in Taurus/Scorpio represents our relationship to money, sex, comfort, security, death, plus the mysteries i.e., karma and reincarnation. Oppositions are awarenessthat come to us outside of Self through the gift of others.  We learn about Self through the mirror reflection of others. 
What are others teaching you? What are you changing in life, work, and relationships?  What matters most to you in these times of vast uncertainty?

It is in the fertile ground of uncertainty that we can produce
the greatest results and a bountiful harvest. Yet, the question begs how does one thrive in uncertainty?  Make friends with change.  Make friends with the unknown.  Stop resisting, be patient with Self, others, and life. Expect the best. Yet, be not attached to outcome.
Celebrate even the smallest of your ccomplishments/victories.   
This Taurus eclipse energy can feel very heavy, sluggish, and most challenging in November and December.  Why does this happen?  Eclipses, eclipse, cut off the energy, the life force. 
Eclipses are major power points in our lives, they herald huge
beginnings and endings, doors opening and closing.  Eclipses bring situations to a head, (crisis) it is futile to resist the changes taking place.  Remember to relax, breath, drink tons of water, let go, and pace your self.  Robert Hand observed crisis as "A period when the past has a minimum hold on the present and the present has maximum hold on the future." 

All power is in the now.  Your future will be determined by
the choices you make today, not by the past.  By making conscious choices, and including Self in your choices, you are in the driver seat; this will empower/strengthen you to bring in more of what you truly desire and be in right living.

Uranus stations direct in Aquarius on this Eclipse, Uranus has
been retrograde since June 6, 2003; we have had five months to reconsider and reform what is not working.  
Are you ready to live authentically?  Are you ready to take your power back from whom or what drains you? Do you base your choices from your true values?  Are you ready to take that leap of faith?

This Taurus/Scorpio eclipse energy can also back fire and create frustration, anger, and bitterness.  Watch your shadow side, if you find Self-slipping into the negatives:  fear, worry, anger, grief, upset, etc. Take a time out! Until you are centered, clear and balanced once again.  Don't stuff your anger, frustration or grief. 
Instead, put your arms around it, and give the pain a form of
expression by taking positive action.  Sometimes we just need to cry out the grief and release those we have had to leave behind. Focus on what you want not on what you don't. There is always a way out and up!      
Be creative, revolutionary and go for what you want!  Not just
what you need but what you want.   We are here to have it all! I do not mean external material accumulation.    Not a lifestyle but a life!   A life filled with joy, inner peace, passion, and love!  This total Taurus/Scorpio eclipse is also the chart of the Harmonic Concordance.  The Harmonic Concordance was named by John Mirehiel;  John Mirehiel and his wife Jan have been spreading the word all year throughout the country they have been waking us up to this unprecedented moment in history.  I had the pleasure of meeting them both in August.  Two soul mates united in love and purpose on their quest to reach as many lightworkers as possible about this portal of
planetary shift in consciousness. 

What does the Harmonic Concordance portend for me personally?     
The Harmonic Concordance and Total Lunar Eclipse
occurring November 8/9, 2003 exactly, is the promise of a huge planetary shift, and this too will be unprecedented.  Those that have been diligently working on their spiritual path will feel a huge deserved boost of positive energy in your personal lives, and in your spiritual acceleration.  It is believed that the fifth dimension (love) and 9th dimension (compassion) will be experienced, and lived. Bottom line this is a time for love, compassion, and peace.  

We can come from either two places love or fear.  When
we make our choices from love, we always choose right.  When we make our choices from fear, we are out alignment with our soul, Source and nature.  To live authentically and powerfully we must be "who" we really are, even if that may appear strange or disappoint others. 
When you do what is right for you, it will always be right for
everyone else.  When you live from your soul (inner nature) essence of who you truly are, you are in alignment with divine forces, Source and nature.  When you walk away from your Self, live in fear, you are aligning with forces that are not of the light (Christ) Consciousness. 

What is this second coming of the Christ?

The Christ Consciousness (Higher Self) is the invitation
of this Harmonic Concordance.  We are invited by Source to come up higher and experience a Revolution in Consciousnes.  There are some who believe the Ascended Master Jesus the Christ will physically reappear and all those that "believe" will be taken up into Heaven with him.
Neptune (religion and spirituality) makes a powerful T-
square to both Sun (consciousness) and Moon (unconsciousness) during this eclipse.  Reinforcing the dividing of the way between those who take Self-responsibility for their spiritual and personal path and those that believe their religion is the only way and the savior is external.  Those that believe their religion, belief system, reality is the only true path to God excluding all others, will be cemented in the third dimension, fearing and feeling threatened by all others that oppose their point of view   Those that are open minded, compassionate and tolerate of other people's religion, approaches to life, beliefs, and ideals, will be explanded in consciousness, and truly live the abundant life. 
How do you know if you are in your Higher Self or ego/fear/ shadow side? Always base your choices from your true values, integrity and honor.  Do not walk away from what is right and correct for Self just to please others, fit in or not make waves.  Make your choices from love and compassion not fear.  Live your life to the fullest.  The savior is not external. God is within. 

What will this Revolution in Consciousness imply? 
The Christ is being born in you!  You will be walking,
talking, breathing, and living in the Christ Consciousness, and this is what the prophecy has foretold.  You are to become the Christ incarnate, everyday you choose love and compassion, you put on the Christ Consciousness.  This reality occurs daily by merging with your Higher Self.  The Higher Self of each one represents the Christ Consciousness.  The Anointed one is You, when merged with your Higher Self. Miracles will manifest in your life because you have risen to a higher consciousness, forged with your Higher Self, overcome fear, and from this place of love, and light you can make your dreams
reality.    You are here to have it all! And, never to "settle!"

I do want to add a note of caution here; this is not a time
to be overly enthusiastic. Many people are feeling extremely
overwhelmed, exhausted, working on relationship, health or financial concerns.  Instead, be practical and down to earth in your choices.  Yes, the Harmonic Concordance is a fantastic opportunity for all.
Above all else, it is a time to be grounded, patient, and wise.  Your life is never just one event.  Here are some questions to consider:

What would you dear to dream if you knew you could not fail?
Where does courage dwell in me? 
What are my intentions?
What are my heart's desires?
What negative or self-limiting beliefs can I clean out? 
What would you like to have, do or be in 2004?
What do you need right now to feel safe, balanced, focused, and secure?
What do you have in your life that you are grateful for? 

Next issue we will explore the Total Solar eclipse in Sagittarius on November 23, 2003.  Buckle your seat belts and enjoy the ride! This Eclipse energy is a big wave to ride.

What is the first sentence a Scorpio says as he enters life? 

"Let's get to the bottom of things."  How many Scorpios does it take to change a light bulb?  "None.  They like the dark.  It becomes them. 
They feel at home in it –all the better for keeping secrets, plotting revenge, and committing crimes of passion."
–Jules Welch.  

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From: wingnutSent: 2/4/2008 12:25 AM

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From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 5/18/2008 1:15 PM
thank you for sharing