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Chart Info. : What is truth ?
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/6/2008 1:32 AM
What is Truth, and Who's Should I Follow?
by Linda Johnson
6th August 2002

An age-old question that has led to countless wars and deaths over who is right and who is wrong. Truth is like a multi-faceted diamond. Depending what part you're looking at it can be diagonally opposed to what somebody else is looking at. You could be looking at just a little piece, or the whole side. Nobody's view will be quite the same as anothers'. But that does not make them wrong, its just that their truth comes from their own perspective, just as yours does.

Truth has no boundaries. Dogma has boundaries which say that "This part of the truth that I see, is all there is." or "This part of the truth that I have inherited is right and all others are wrong".

However, if you knew that truth had no boundaries you could rise above that little truth and see other truths - other facets. Then you would start to see they are part of a bigger unified whole that incorporates all the little truths that fight among themselves.

You would also see that you do not need to go through an intermediary to find your truth. Simply by keeping an open mind and an open heart you will grow and grow and see a bigger picture for yourself.

There is safety in dogma and religion because you do not have to decide truth for yourself, it has already been determined for you. If somebody stands in front of one facet of the truth and says "The only way to access the truth is through me", if you were to believe that you would give them your power. As more people give them power the easier it is for them to bluff the rest. This is the path of the Guru.

Does this mean you should not listen to gurus and religion? Just because dogma has boundaries, it does not mean it is of no value. Many religions and belief systems have cores of truth that can be found once one gets past the rules, rituals and trimmings that humans have added. You can learn a lot from delving into various religious and spiritual teachings which may help awaken your own latent truth and knowledge.

The problem for humanity is a long held genetic belief that they are helpless and dependent upon others more powerful / knowing / spiritual for information and salvation. So we go to churches, priests, psychics, healers, teachers and gurus looking for answers to life's problems. THESE ANSWERS ARE ALREADY IN YOU, but in giving your power to another to access and interpret them for you, you not only risk a distorted or incorrect version of the answer your soul is trying to give you, but you perpetuate the belief that another person is more powerful / knowing / spiritual than you are.

So what's the difference between a guru and a teacher? A good teacher will help you to empower/heal yourself, pass on information, lessons and tools to work with that will increase your own independence and access to your own knowledge. If you keep learning, eventually you will feel you have learned all you need from a particular teacher and you'll be ready for the next lesson.

A guru on the other hand will take your power. The only way to learn is their way and you will never ultimately know as much as they do. No matter how much time, money, study, devotion you give you will never feel you are as good as they are - because you've given them all your power! They inflate themselves with the power of the following, students, fans and become larger than life. This starts an inflation cycle. Because they are larger than life you feed this power and make yourself dependent and inferior to them.

Now, many of these gurus are very nice people who don't consciously mean to take your power, its just that you give it to them and they enjoy it. If one is a teacher / healer / psychic etc. and worried about perpetuating this pattern, just intend after each lesson / session to give back all power to students or clients they may have given, take back any of your own they may have taken and to release and dissolve all attachments between you.

You can learn from anyone - teacher, guru, church, priest, book, divination - without giving your power away. Once you know that all the skills / knowledge / attributes you admire in others are just a reflection of what's dormant in yourself you can learn a lot - just work with the information that feels right to your heart and then move on.

Always know that nobody is better or worse than you are. You exist multi-dimentionally with parallel lives running concurrently. In this life you may be a good singer and have no intuitive abilities. In a parallel life you can't sing a note but you are psychic. The various expressions of your talents are just scattered over parallel lives. As one intends to ascend and intends to integrate their other gifts and talents into this life you will find you are more talented than you thought.

Belief is often something you've read or been taught and take on board without really questioning it. It may or may not end up forming part of your overall truth. When you really know something it's usually through personal experience or contact and you feel it in your heart. It forms part of your very being and becomes part of your own truth. You cannot explain to others what you know in your heart to be true so don't try to. It is your truth. You don't have to justify, defend or prove it. If others don't feel it that's their problem. Each must find their own truth, which will grow and evolve with them.

If you are tuning into guidance outside of yourself if can be coming from anywhere. Just because someone died doesn't make them suddenly all-seeing, all-knowing. If Uncle Fred was a bigoted slob when he was alive he doesn't suddenly become angelic - he's just a bigoted slob without a body.

There are many entities with limited knowledge and various agendas. There are guides who may or may not have your best interests at heart. (For this reason I do not recommend using a ouija board). There are angels, lords and 'masters' who have been channeling to humanity for a long time, many of which are just lost pieces of their original self stuck in this creation along with the rest of us. This is why the messages all have a sameness - like a recording - and for all their supposed knowledge they have not been able to assist humanity over thousands of years because they are stuck here too. Now they also have the opportunity to go back to where they've come from and continue with their own journey.

If one has been following updated ascension material, you will know that in Earths 'present time' many of these beings and even the astral entities are no longer here, but like an exploded star that still exists in our sky, most of humanity exists slightly in the past where these entities and realms are still accessible.

However, regardless of the quality of their messages THEY ARE ALL OUTSIDE OF YOURSELF. To receive the most current information tailored to you personally you need to connect to your OWN soul and higher self. Intend to be grounded* - connect yourself with the Earth as we all need to move into present time and at Earth's pace if we want to be part of the future. Then intend to pull your soul down to your heart and talk to your own guidance through the heart. Your own soul knows whats best for you and remembers why you came here. If you cannot make contact directly, try muscle testing and using a pendulum.


You will notice I use the words 'I INTEND' for the suggested affirmations. By doing this you are taking control of what you want to manifest in your life. You are anchoring the thought and working with you own soul, higher self and god/goddess/all that is to bring it to fruition. Most importantly you are using your own chi (the energy you need to manifest) for your own purposes.

Prayer, on the other hand, is like a lottery. Lots of people send their chi to something outside of themselves in the belief that the 'God' or whatever entity they are praying to is wiser / more loving / more powerful than themselves. Most of these beings are not really god/goddess/all that is (just lost, fractured parts like us) but have been enjoying all this energy that keeps them going. Like a real lottery, every now and then they will grant the requests (prayers) of a few, which keeps all the others giving in the hope that their prayer will be answered too. They only have to dole out small amounts to keep the people giving.

Many of these beings have since been removed to go back where they came from and the chi is being sent back to those doing the praying. So if you want to manifest something, start visualizing it, putting your own chi behind it and saying 'I INTEND' whatever it is you need - ask the assistance of your own soul and send the request from the heart. Bear in mind that due to Earth's ascension, what you are trying to manifest must be in alignment to Earth's dream or it will not manifest.

All you are doing by using intent is going the most direct route for help and guidance - higher self - soul - god/goddess/all that is. You are just cutting out the intermediaries that have their own agendas, whether it be gurus, priests, disembodied spirits or guides. You will also find that when you connect to earth and listen through your own heart you will also have access to new guides - often ancestors - as well as the nature kingdoms - animals, dolphins & whales, plants, minerals, elements - so there are no shortage of others to talk to on the inner plane, its just that these are part of the 'new consensus' for ascension, where as the ones outside are still existing in the old.

So back to the question 'What is Truth and Who's Should I Follow?' Why, your own of course. If you keep an open mind and an open heart with all you learn, if you do not give away your power to others, if you step out from the boundaries of dogma and belief systems and start looking at the bigger picture, you cannot help but to grow spiritually. As you grow spiritually, you rise in vibration and can then access bigger and bigger pictures.

Your own truth becomes part of the core of who you are. It is a flexible, evolving and ever changing core. Things that didn't make sense two years ago could suddenly become clear. Things that felt good before, no longer serve and will fall away or change. Information you receive from your soul, or something you read that turns on a light for you and you just 'know' that it's true - all these form part of your truth core.

Your truth will be unique to you. You may find others who parallel or mirror your truth for a time but each journey is unique and part of the constantly evolving world that we live in.

Stand strong in your own truth and do not let the fears and doubts of those who are looking from a different perspective bother you. Also don't worry if you think you're the only person feeling these changes in your family / neighbourhood / circle of friends. As Earth continues to ascend, more humans will start to awaken and see the bigger picture and you will be able to share your truth and encouragement with them - as I hope I have with you.


Copyright 2002 Linda Johnson

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 1/14/2008 6:52 PM
thank you for sharing

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From: wingnutSent: 2/10/2008 2:28 AM