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Dream Board : A dream...
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11  (Original Message)Sent: 5/13/2007 10:55 PM
This will be in instant chat format. It's where I was posting this...I've had this dream for years...but it keeps an entire life...Tell me what you guys think...The dream gets worse as the years go by, as if time changes there too...conditions get worse...and whatnot...I do change identities though...from a man, to a something else and so on. As time goes by here, it does there and each time I dream it, it's changed a little. Like time passes there...I'm not sure what it is...But technology I see there, I end up seeing here in the real world on the science channel or something. (My dreams have always been like this, by the way.) What do you all think? Here's the dream:

Judia says (1:58 PM):
I dreamed again last night.
Judia says (1:58 PM):
It was a dark world, with red clouds in the sky.
Judia says (1:58 PM):
It was murky and black.
Judia says (1:59 PM):
Melancholy, if you wish.
Judia says (1:59 PM):
I was on the out skirts of a brilliantly lit city, like Manhattan in New York.
Judia says (1:59 PM):
The lights shown gold against the sky, but gave it an eery look.
Judia says (2:00 PM):
The buildings were tall, reaching the sky, but thin.
Judia says (2:00 PM):
The archetecture (misspelling) was futuristic in nature.
Judia says (2:00 PM):
There was a patch of the city that glowed silver, with gold lights, but the rest was dark, even with the lights on.
Judia says (2:00 PM):
I was with some people.
Judia says (2:01 PM):
Tow males and a female.
Judia says (2:01 PM):
I was neither male nor female, but both.
Judia says (2:01 PM):
I had long brownish hair, with streaks of black.
Judia says (2:02 PM):
I was sitting in the passanger seat of a white jagur--smaller than I would have liked.
Judia says (2:02 PM):
I was big, because I barely fit.
Judia says (2:02 PM):
I was feeling caustraphobic.
Judia says (2:03 PM):
In the dream, I kept switching from male to female.
Judia says (2:03 PM):
From the back seat to the front seat.
Judia says (2:03 PM):
The driver was male.
Judia says (2:03 PM):
He was kinda short, with a surfer style natural blonde hair.
Judia says (2:04 PM):
His eyes were a golden hazel and his skin was tanned.
Judia says (2:04 PM):
He wore a black leather jaket, with a t-shirt underneath.
Judia says (2:04 PM):
His jeans were also black and he wore boots.
Judia says (2:05 PM):
He was intense...and he gripped the steering well until his knuckles were white.
Judia says (2:05 PM):
He had his head bent to an angle and was staring intently at the road.
Judia says (2:05 PM):
He was saying something to me.
Judia says (2:06 PM):
'So you think they won't get us?' It was soft but angry in tone.
Judia says (2:07 PM):
'How can you be so stupid?' He was thinking that...he was thinking alot of things, and I could hear it. I knew what he was thinking.
Judia says (2:08 PM):
'They're going to catch us sooner or later!' he said that, and he was a little louder this time, rougher...
Judia says (2:08 PM):
He slammed his palm against the steering well and slammed on the brakes.
Judia says (2:09 PM):
I switched to female again. I was in the front seat and I grabbed the sides. I was really scared, and paniced. I didn't like the speed he was traveling, on such a winding road too...
Judia says (2:09 PM):
He thought himself a Dale Earnhearte or something.
Judia says (2:09 PM):
I kept thinking, 'He's going to get us killed!'
Judia says (2:10 PM):
I kept pleading with him to slow down.
Judia says (2:10 PM):
I could feel the car going faster...and faster.
Judia says (2:10 PM):
A hundred miles an hour....110...120...
Judia says (2:11 PM):
I kept switching from body to body....back seat to front seat.
Judia says (2:11 PM):
I think there was another person there, next to me in the back seat.
Judia says (2:11 PM):
They were a child.
Judia says (2:11 PM):
He made a sharp turn on one of the was a sharp curve.
Judia says (2:11 PM):
He slammed into the side, and broke the barrier.
Judia says (2:11 PM):
it went over the side.
Judia says (2:11 PM):
It was a VERY long fall.
Judia says (2:11 PM):
I remember that...
Judia says (2:12 PM):
I saw the barrier...
Judia says (2:14 PM):
and I was thinking to the man in the back seat 'get us out of here! NOW!'
Judia says (2:14 PM):
I switched bodies again.
Judia says (2:15 PM):
I put my hand on the girl's shoulder in the front, and on the leg of the person next to me.
Judia says (2:15 PM):
The surroundings disolved, and we were on a bridge again, over some trees and stuff.
Judia says (2:15 PM):
I could smell water below us.
Judia says (2:15 PM):
It was a wooden bridge, with metal and rope sides.
Judia says (2:15 PM):
I pushed the girl forward and we ran. I tugged the other one along.
Judia says (2:31 PM):
There was a building to my left. It was greyish white.
Judia says (2:31 PM):
It had a barbed wire wall, that was made of grey brick.
Judia says (2:31 PM):
It was like a school/prison setting.
Judia says (2:31 PM):
What goes in, doesn't get out without lots of problems.
Judia says (2:31 PM):
The bridge we were on went directly overt the wall, and to the top floor.
Judia says (2:32 PM):
That's where the dream faded out white...
Judia says (2:33 PM):
I forgot to tell you the beginning of the dream...
Judia says (2:34 PM):
We snuck out of the city through a tall dark wall..there was a hole in it that would come and go when we touched it.
Judia says (2:34 PM):
We weren't suppose to be out, I think.
Judia says (2:34 PM):
It was almost like we were the only ones there.
Judia says (2:34 PM):
There were people there...but we didn't see theml.
Judia says (2:34 PM):
There was a freeway, I remember...
Judia says (2:35 PM):
and the ground was brownish red...with grass that was dead.
Judia says (2:35 PM):
There was trees surrounding the city...
Judia says (2:36 PM):
There were soldiers in black armour...with face mask...and stuff..
Judia says (2:36 PM):
They had guns, and the regular military insignias.
Judia says (2:37 PM):
They patrolled the streets.
Judia says (2:37 PM):
We avoided them.
Judia says (2:37 PM):
People didn't normally drive their cars in the dream.
Judia says (2:37 PM):
The cars drove themselves.
Judia says (2:38 PM):
and they had tracking systems in them, with cams and whatnot.
Judia says (2:38 PM):
Very high tech.
Judia says (2:38 PM):
Even the cloths we wore had technology in them.
Judia says (2:38 PM):
It monitored our location, heart rate, health, surroundings...everything.
Judia says (2:39 PM):
The city was quiet...but big like Manhatten and built almost alike.
Judia says (2:39 PM):
There were lights and stuff, but the part we were on was dark...
Judia says (2:39 PM):
and empty.
Judia says (2:40 PM):
There was nothing beyond that city for miles.
Judia says (2:40 PM):
The next town was due north.
Judia says (2:40 PM):
It was completely encased.
Judia says (2:40 PM):
That's where the cars were going.
Judia says (2:40 PM):
I think there was water beyond...
Judia says (2:40 PM):
but it was dirty.
Judia says (2:41 PM):
Judia says (2:41 PM):
There were no birds.
Judia says (2:41 PM):
No animals.
Judia says (2:41 PM):
Not even insects.
Judia says (2:42 PM):
It was like everything was dead, or invisible.
Judia says (2:43 PM):
That's all for now.

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11Sent: 5/14/2007 1:56 AM
(For those of you who don't like the instant messnager format)
I dreamed again last night. It was a dark world, with red clouds in the sky. It was murky and black. Melancholy, if you wish. I was on the out skirts of a brilliantly lit city, like Manhattan in New York. The lights shown gold against the sky, but gave it an eery look. The buildings were tall, reaching the sky, but thin. The archetecture (misspelling) was futuristic in nature. There was a patch of the city that glowed silver, with gold lights, but the rest was dark, even with the lights on. I was with some people. Two males and a female. I was neither male nor female, but both. I had long brownish hair, with streaks of black. I was sitting in the passanger seat of a white jagur--smaller than I would have liked. I was big, because I barely fit. I was feeling caustraphobic. In the dream, I kept switching from male to female. From the back seat to the front seat. The driver was male. He was kinda short, with a surfer style natural blonde hair. His eyes were a golden hazel and his skin was tanned. He wore a black leather jaket, with a t-shirt underneath. His jeans were also black and he wore boots. He was intense...and he gripped the steering well until his knuckles were white. He had his head bent to an angle and was staring intently at the road. He was saying something to me. 'So you think they won't get us?' It was soft but angry in tone. 'How can you be so stupid?' He was thinking that...he was thinking alot of things, and I could hear it. I knew what he was thinking. 'They're going to catch us sooner or later!' he said that, and he was a little louder this time, rougher... He slammed his palm against the steering well and slammed on the brakes. I switched to female again. I was in the front seat and I grabbed the sides. I was really scared, and paniced. I didn't like the speed he was traveling, on such a winding road too... He thought himself a Dale Earnhearte or something. I kept thinking, 'He's going to get us killed!' I kept pleading with him to slow down. I could feel the car going faster...and faster. A hundred miles an hour....110...120... I kept switching from body to body....back seat to front seat. I think there was another person there, next to me in the back seat. They were a child. He made a sharp turn on one of the was a sharp curve. He slammed into the side, and broke the barrier. it went over the side. It was a VERY long fall. I remember that... I saw the barrier... and I was thinking to the man in the back seat 'get us out of here! NOW!' I switched bodies again. I put my hand on the girl's shoulder in the front, and on the leg of the person next to me. The surroundings disolved, and we were on a bridge again, over some trees and stuff. I could smell water below us. It was a wooden bridge, with metal and rope sides. I pushed the girl forward and we ran. I tugged the other one along. There was a building to my left. It was greyish white. It had a barbed wire wall, that was made of grey brick. It was like a school/prison setting. What goes in, doesn't get out without lots of problems. The bridge we were on went directly overt the wall, and to the top floor. That's where the dream faded out white... I forgot to tell you the beginning of the dream... We snuck out of the city through a tall dark wall..there was a hole in it that would come and go when we touched it. We weren't suppose to be out, I think. It was almost like we were the only ones there. There were people there...but we didn't see theml. There was a freeway, I remember... and the ground was brownish red...with grass that was dead. There was trees surrounding the city... There were soldiers in black armour...with face mask...and stuff.. They had guns, and the regular military insignias. They patrolled the streets. We avoided them. People didn't normally drive their cars in the dream. The cars drove themselves. and they had tracking systems in them, with cams and whatnot. Very high tech. Even the cloths we wore had technology in them. It monitored our location, heart rate, health, surroundings...everything. The city was quiet...but big like Manhatten and built almost alike. There were lights and stuff, but the part we were on was dark... and empty. There was nothing beyond that city for miles. The next town was due north. It was completely encased. That's where the cars were going. I think there was water beyond... but it was dirty. sick... There were no birds. No animals. Not even insects. It was like everything was dead, or invisible. That's all for now.

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameŋįģђŧmąŗęSent: 3/10/2008 2:10 PM
I was with some people. Two males and a female. I was neither male nor female, but both. I had long brownish hair, with streaks of black. I was sitting in the passanger seat of a white jagur--smaller than I would have liked. I was big, because I barely fit. I was feeling caustraphobic. In the dream, I kept switching from male to female. From the back seat to the front seat.
all of the people in the car are you  and you are jumping around between being incontrol(front) and being controled(backseat or passenger) the male female thing just is an example of how we all have male and female in us and how you view and interact with people of the same and opposite sex
it seems like you have a lot of fear in your life and more then likely feel out of control or controled I can go on and on about examples but I will use a few.....being watched by cameras...high tech security....policed state..being scared...darkness.....walls & fences  but i'm sure you get the idea that everything is scary and menicing and highly controled

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 3/11/2008 11:14 PM
The information in dreams comes from the same source as the information that can surface during hypnosis: the subconscious (and perhaps super conscious) mind.
Hypnotists will talk to your subconscious mind as if it's a separate person.
In dreams the subconscious mind converts our feelings and thoughts into metaphors and allegories.
Many believe the subconsious has knowledge of all our past life experiences on who knows how many other worlds and for how long a period of time.
The subconsious may also have knowledge of our possible futures of which there is more than one.
To understand a dream I think you have to look at all of the symbols in the dream and determine what they mean for you.
Also analyze the emotions you experienced during the dream (happiness, fear, confusion, etc..). 
The super conscious is another part of us I guess.  It may be that part of us that always remains in the spirit world who knows.
I keep having this dream that I have recently found some great and 'lost' episodes of my all time favorite animated series such as Johnny Quest, Spiderman, etc..  It's weird how happy I feel in this dream.  It's hard to explain it really.  In our dreams very intense feelings can surface which can be either good or bad. 
I suspect I relate those Saturday morning cartoons with a simpler time in my life.  Interestingly Tommy Lee Jones started talking about the Saturday morning cartoons before he launched two nuclear missiles at Hawaii in 'Under Siege'.  He had lost his childhood somewhere along the way.  Whenever people don't have a chance to be a kid this can cause problems.   
Another possibility is I'm converting those 'Bourne' movies into cartoons in the dream because those movies give me the same feelings now that I experienced as a kid with my cartoons.
I really like those Bourne movies a lot.  Jason Bourne is like a James Bond for adults.  I feel like I have really found something with these movies. 
Actually the Jason Bourne character is relevant to this discussion. In that case mind control was used to block out memories and change behaviour.
Preston Nichols has stated that when he was working on the Montauk Project he started to become exhausted.
Eventually he realized that he was working on two projects but they were erasing the memories of the second project from his conscious mind somehow. 
Nichols believes he got pulled into those weird and dangerous activites because of his relationship with extra terrestrial beings from the Pleiades star constellation.
People who are abducted by so called 'alien creatures' cannot remember those experiences consciously.  But they can begin to surface initially as nightmares and can be rediscoverd using hypnosis.
I suspect when we leave this earth and go back into the spirit world that we will then be in another dimension which is similar to the dream state where our true feelings will surface much more easily.
                                                                                        Jeff Marzano
Spider-Man - The '67 Collection (6 Volume Animated Set)
Spider-Man - The '67 Collection (6 Volume Animated Set) ~ Chris Wiggins, Claude Ray, Henry Ramer, and Billie Mae Richards (DVD - 2004)
The Bourne Identity (Full Screen Extended Edition)
The Bourne Identity (Full Screen Extended Edition) ~ Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Chris Cooper, and Clive Owen (DVD - 2004)

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