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Dream Board : a childhood dream brought back to surface
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From: MSN NicknameArchangelMichael345  (Original Message)Sent: 6/14/2007 10:08 PM
when i was a young i use to daydream about having powers and fighting evil i use to play out games with friends or daydream about how  but now i had this dream  i was on my balcony  these creatures chased me out of the house   kept grabbing one by one  and throwing them down  to the ground then shooting flames from my hands but i wasnt strong enough to finish the job so i shielded myself and closed my eyes and i was in space where my solar plexus flaired up and i went into the sun and cam back  i changed fire  leaping from my hands   and my clothes  where colors  that of my sign leo  and i finished a someone was carrying my niece and it was  one of them so i grabbed through it off the balcony  except i forgot her and she was falling   so i focused willing her to come and she floated   but i noticed another thing the  one who had my niece was her mother  but  she  her arm was of the creatures i knew she was one of them but then my other niece came out and said something   but i told her to be quite and  knew they might be too  im so confused but   i know something changed during the dream too because lately my dreams have become as if signs like i keept dreaming and awakening and then going back to sleep and come morning all i remember  is that they were messages from higher beings i think angels  and something calling me to some nearby place  and my future love i dont under stand but maybe some of you do?

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From: MSN NicknameŋįģђŧmąŗęSent: 3/10/2008 1:57 PM
this was more then likely a OBE or astral projection and not a dream