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Dream Board : I dreamed I was the Creator
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/5/2008 12:46 AM

I dreamed I was the Creator
and when I awoke I saw it was true
joy and sorrow flow from my footsteps

Reality is becoming . . . in each new moment
Walking into the future, every single step we takes plants seeds
Seeds that will grow . . . into the reality we will live in.
You have control over the future, choose your seeds wisely

One seed can grow respect, one seed grows vision,
one seed grows beauty and grace
and another seed grows hate

You are the sower, you are the Creator
with each step, each word, you create a world
You bring reality into being each moment, every moment
is it pain or kindness that you are planting with your steps today?

When you move on, what will trace the journey you walked?
will it be the weeds of hatred, bitterness and sorrow?
and the twisted vines of resentment, envy and meanness
choking the ground and poisoning the future?

If you walk with courage . . . your steps will glow
with the flowers and blossoms of hope, joy and forgiveness
and the abundant fruits of community, tolerance and compassion
radiant proof of Blessings from the Creator

How did you use Your Divinity today?
Were you poisonous or healing? kind or cruel?
Were you a benevolent or vengeful Creator?
Tomorrow awaits your choices...

You have a World to Create...
   Originally Posted by Eerie

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