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Dream Board : Dream of
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From: MSN NicknameWingsunfurled1  (Original Message)Sent: 8/7/2008 11:25 PM
Hi all,  Last night I had many dreams, a very disturbed night.  In all of the dreams I spoke and interacted with spirit. One lady was even headless when I talked with her.  One woman was a man in drag lol.  I flew at tree top level to another place where I was met by 2 men who I have met in many dreams.  I believe them to be my guides, they were leaning on a celtic cross. I went thro a graveyard to a beautiful building, I was accompanied by a man. We went into a room where a medium was talking to spirit.  I could hear the spirit but not see him. He said his name was Half-Michael, I found the name un-nerving. He then said I dont want to talk to this medium anymore. Another voice cut in saying "she's here she's here, and I knew she ment me. A spirit appeared and she was a man in drag lol.  Then another aparition came and she was headless.  When I left the room they came with me.  I was ok with that but in the corridor another spirit joined them and I became uncomfortable, At the end of this dream I called in my protection.  A baptismal font appeared in front of me and I scooped water from it and scattered it with my hand, as I did this I woke up.
In another dream I took part in many tests with other people I passed them all. I was then given a basket and it contained a beautiful dress.  All the people who passed the test were given the same type of clothing.  We were expected to attend a gathering of psychics and wear the clothing.  I went home first and when I got there my partner had turned my house into a huge restaurant and it was full of diners in every room.  He expected me to stay and help but I said no.  I rushed off to this gathering but when I got there I realised I had forgotten to wear the dress. All the others stood out from the crowd in their beautiful clothes. and I was worried I would be in trouble for forgetting.  I looked in my bag for my phone but only found a ticket punch.  A man said he was from the f.b.i. and would return the ticket punch to the bus station.  I kept looking for my phone but all I found were more ticket punches lol. just before I woke I realised there where all kinds of mediums milling around me and I felt inadequate cos I had forgotten to wear the dress that would make me stand out like the others lol.
I'd be grateful for any insight into these 2 dreams. there are more but I dont have time right now to detail them.  Thank you in advance 

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