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Earth Grid : Sacred Sites...Orion
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/9/2008 3:04 AM

Sacred Sites...Orion

The polarity dance of good versus evil even takes form in the heavens. To ancient societies, certain star systems held what was considered positive or peaceful influence over Earth and mankind. Others systems were to be feared because of their power and legendary abuse of their strength. Orion has long been viewed in the latter category.

Admired in all historic accounts as one of the most striking and brilliant of the stellar groups, Orion is known as 'The Hunter', 'The Giant' and 'The Warrior'. The constellation's stormy character appears early in Hindu texts and classical literature often alludes to Orion as an imposing, sinister force to be wary of, yet to be respected.

The Arabians had several names for Orion. Al Najid, 'The Conqueror'. Al Jabbar, 'The Giant'. Al Shuja, 'The Snake'. AL Babadur, 'The Strong One'. This cluster in the constellation of Taurus was also called 'The Slayer' by many desert tribes who feared its imposing energy. It is even believed by many that the three major pyramids on the Gisa plateau were placed in a mirror alignment with the belt of Orion; as above, so below.

While the Chinese referred to it as 'The White Tiger' and revered it's unseen power, many eastern traditions believed the stars signified 'The Lurking Enemy' and 'The Hunter of Men'.

The early Greeks attributed disasters and plagues to Orion's presence. In the second century before Christ, the Greek historian, Polybios, ascribed to Orion, the loss of the Roman Squadron in the first Punic War. The squadron had sailed at the foreboding time of Orion's rising and suffered the consequence.

The most notable star clusters in this polarity dance of the heavens is the Pleiades and her ageless nemesis, Orion. Greek mythology states that Orion boasted that he could slay any animal as none was an equal match to his cunning and strength. His bragging excited the ire of the god Juno, who sent a small scorpion to sting Orion in the foot, mortally wounding the great hunter. Curiously, the Pleiades, The Seven Sisters, look like a tiny scorpion in the night sky. Coincidence?

The original Hebrew word for Orion is Ke Sil, which signifies foolishness, impiousness, arrogance and rebellion. Also called Gibbor, the Giant, many early Hebrews considered Orion to be Nimrod who was bound to the sky for rebellion against Jehovah.

In the Bible two scriptures specifically address the two heavenly systems and their opposing natures.

Job 38:31 states: Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion?

Amos 5:8-9 says: Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth; The Lord is his name: That strengthen the spoiled against the strong, so that the spoiled shall come against the fortress.

In this theater of celestial good and evil, the Pleiades were the protagonist and Orion the antagonist.

Hesiod wrote, "...strong Orion chases to the deep the seven virgin stars." In this play, Orion can, and always will, chase the Seven Stars across the firmament, but the powerful Hunter is doomed to failure as he will never catch them.

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