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Earth Grid : Sacred Sites...Sirius - Canis Major
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/9/2008 3:09 AM

Sacred Sites...Sirius - Canis Major

Sirius, the dog-star, is the brightest of stars in the sky and one of our nearest neighbors. Classified as a double star, it has a faint companion that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Sirius B, the companion, is a small white dwarf.

Then, in 1995, astronomers discovered a second companion, Sirius C, a small red dwarf star in the same vicinity. Since the dawning of time this star has been one of mystery and veneration. Old Testament Biblical texts refer to Sirius as Mazzaroth.

"Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons"?

Job 38:31

The Egyptians and other ancient Arabic cultures believed that the Sirius system was the resting place of the soul after death. The Nile River carried those souls and some scholars believe that the Nile took its name 'Siris' from Sirius.

Sirius is recognized in ancient Egyptian records as the dog-god or Egyptian Anubis. The hieroglyph of Sirius, a dog, appears often on monuments and temple walls.

Astronomically, Sirius was the foundation of the Egyptian religious system. The culmination of this star at midnight was celebrated in the great temple of Ceres at Eleusis, and during the initiations of the Eleusinian mysteries.

Magnificent temples were constructed with the main aisles oriented precisely towards the spot on the horizon where Sirius would appear in the morning. Its celestial movements determined the Egyptian calendar and its helical rising marked the beginning of the Egyptian year and coincided with the flooding of the Nile. An ancient hieroglyphic inscription at the temple of Isis at Denderah tells this story:

She shines into her temple on New Year's Day and she mingles her light with that of her father Ra on the horizon.

Sirius, the most important star in the Egyptian's heavens, was sometimes identified with their chief goddess Isis. Isis, as Sirius, was customarily portrayed in paintings as traveling with two companions in the same celestial boat.

One companion of Isis was Osiris, the chief Egyptian god. The hieroglyph for Osiris is a throne and an eye. The Bozo tribe of Mali call Sirius B "the eye star".

Since Osiris is represented by an eye and is sometimes considered the companion of Sirius, then is it plausible to say that Osiris was Sirius B, and if so, how did the Egyptians and the Bozo's know that Sirius had a companion, a small white dwarf star that was invisible to the naked eye? And who was the second companion in that mysterious celestial boat?

The ancient Arabs also had beliefs, in a companion star to Sirius, and named it Al Wazn, when translated means "weight" and was supposed to be extremely heavy, almost too heavy to rise above the horizon.

The companion-star of Sirius, Sirius B, is made of super-dense matter which is heavier than any normal matter in the universe and the weight of this tiny star is estimated to be that of a gigantic normal star.

The Dogon tribe of Mali claim that Sirius B is "heavy" speaking fondly of its weight. They call this material, sagata.

How would these two ancient societies know that Sirius B, is a white dwarf , made up of degenerate matter or super-dense matter, where the atoms are pressed together and the electrons literally squashed? A hand full of this matter would weight over a ton!

The Dogon also feel that the most important star in the sky is Sirius B, which cannot be seen and they describe as "the infinitely tiny".

They admit that it is invisible, yet they know the actual orbital period of this invisible star is fifty years. They also know that its orbit is elliptical, not circular, and that it rotates on its axis.

This African tribe from Mali also gives us amazing clues into the mysterious second companion of Sirius about the existence of a third star in the Sirius system, which they call the emme ya.

The Dogon say emme ya is "the sun of women" and "a little sun" and claim it has a satellite, or moon, which they call the "star of women". When the Dogon compare emme ya to Sirius B, they say is four times as light in weight, and travels along a greater trajectory in the same direction and in the same time frame of fifty years.

Remarkably, emme ya, was only discovered in 1995, by the French astronomers Daniel Benest and J.L. Duvent.

Astronomically it is a small red dwarf star called Sirius C. How did this primitive tribe know that Sirius C existed? What is the source of the Dogon information that was translated to Western missionaries, Griaule and Dieterlen, in 1931?

Isn't it interesting that the Dogon have always known more physically correct detail about this system than our astronomers?

Scientifically we now know that Sirius B is a white dwarf, the tiniest form of a visible star in the universe and is also the heaviest. We know its orbit is elliptical.

And as of 1995, we know there is a third star in the system. The Dogon, however, have known these facts since the beginning of their culture.

One of their statements concerning Sirius B, has yet to be proven: that it revolves upon itself over the period of one year.

They are confident in this theory, because the yearly revolution is honored during the celebration of their bado rite, a day of the year when a beam of rays carrying important signals strikes the Earth from Sirius B.

The Dogon say that their information was given to their ancestors through contact with amphibious beings from the star system of Sirius.

The Dogon call these beings Nommos and claim they are, "the monitors for the universe". Nommo is the collective name for the great culture-hero and founder of civilization.

The Dogon make reference to the fiery, roaring landing craft that brought the Nommos and to the new star which appeared in the sky at that time. Could be a reference to a large space vehicle parked in orbit.

When the Nommos left they returned to the stars, but the Dogon say they will return and when they do it will be called The Day of the Fish and they will rule from the waters.

According to the Dogon, the first indication of their return will be the appearance of a new star, "the star of the tenth moon". Many scholars and scientists postulate that life originated in the waters of our planet.

The Dogon accept this as fact and has become the basis of their tradition and religion that their mentors were amphibious beings who, with superior knowledge and technology, brought civilization to them. They are not alone in their beliefs.

Legend has it that the semi-divine creature Oannes brought civilization to the Sumerians and was amphibious Oannes had a tail, instead of legs and retired to the sea at night. Another ancient amphibian deity was Cecrops, the founder of Athens; its first king.

Aristotle's friend, Eudoxus, visited Egypt and returned claiming that the Egyptians had a tradition that one of their gods, presumably Osiris, could not walk because his legs were grown together.

A fascinating correlation comes from the Chinese who have always maintained that their civilization was founded by amphibious beings that had a man's head and a fish tail. Named Fuxi, the date traditionally ascribed to him is 3322BC.

The next time you see a pod of dolphins at play, pause and direct your thoughts towards Sirius. Who knows, the "monitors" might be looking in.

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