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Earth Grid : Sacred Sites...The Most Sacred Site of All: The Soul
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/9/2008 3:19 AM

Sacred Sites...The Most Sacred Site of All: The Soul

Think about who you are. Identify your self as you see it. Are you an electrician? A scholar? A teacher?

Then acknowledge what feeds your ego. A compliment? A good deed? A business success?

Now make a mental list of all your prized possessions. An apartment or home, a car, jewelry, momentos of the past, everything you deem important.

Pretend you can take your self-identity, your ego and your prized possessions and lock them in a vault. They no longer exist.

Who are you now?

You are a Soul.

A divine energy empowered by Creation.

Too often we identify ourselves by what we do, our knowledge, our self-gratifying pleasures and our possessions. But when we strip all the exterior physical trappings away, we are forced to view ourselves differently.

We are not physical beings that happen to have souls. We are fundamentally souls that have chosen to be in the physical.

"The more the soul feels empowered, the more peaceful it becomes..."

The center of our being, our soul, is like everything; it has to grow, develop and mature. Sometimes it is important to let our intellect take a vacation and allow the soul to stretch its wings. The more the soul feels empowered, the more peaceful it becomes. The saying, "think with your heart and not with your head", means that we are permitting the soul, in its attachment to Creation, to commune and to touch and teach the rest of our being.

We label that communion "intuition" and when we allow that to happen, we marvel at the "unseen" power that leads us in the proper direction.

That divine power can be part of our lives every hour. But it takes nurturing and sometimes our souls' education comes in the form of a painful or traumatic experience. But, to paraphrase many great teachers, "from emptiness we become full". Other forms of "Soul nurturing" may be as simple as a chakra meditation that aligns the chakra's energies (organs of the soul) with the physical energies. Or, maybe a quiet walk in nature, experiencing the soul of the earth, will bring harmony to your "soul site". Or, perhaps an introspective discussion with yourself about who you are and who you want to become will bring the role of you as a soul into perspective.

When we remove all of our third dimensional realities, our individual souls are equal to each other on all levels and are not confined by the physical margins of our existence. Through the soul we can explore and envision and imagine our worlds in any form we desire. If the soul's consciousness of itself is in harmony, the world would be a more peaceful place because that will become our reality.

By acknowledging our soul and allowing it to soar without boundaries, we are recognizing our attachment to the Supreme Being. The divine exists within each of us. We don't have to live in a world without harmony. As we enter this new millennium, we need to allow our soul to guide us in our daily lives. Imagine what the world could be then.

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