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Earth Grid : Multidimensional Griding
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/9/2008 3:44 AM
Multidimensional Griding

What are grid gates?

by Deja Allison

This is an illustration representation of a "grid" of energy. It is the very essence and fabric of the universe. It is the energy that connects all. In the illustration the grid has boundaries. It had to be drawn that way for the sake of explanation. When I see grid - it has no beginning, no ending. The grid is above, below and on all sides of me. I am of and in the Grid and when I have unconscious awareness I can be on the Grids as well.

The grid shimmers with "current" or grid flux.

It has no color as there no color at subatomic levels as such. Color is a visual portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. It demonstrates a continuity of energy showing length and frequency of that particular pattern of energy - ie: the color red vibrates more rapidly than the color purple. Purple vibrates much slower in frequency. Color is just a complex neurophysicalogical response. That's what makes the different color manifestations. Why we call them what we call them is do to human labeling. At the interpretation stage is where color frequency energies.

If you place the grid vertically you will see it makes a four-sided diamond shape - following creational geometry. It is the interlace weave pattern of Universal Essence. It is what has been referred to as, "God's Trowel". When energy flows unobstructed the flux remains relativity even - though there is always intonation at all times. You can also see examples of how the shape forms other geometry for manifestation. Human DNA is configured by this geometry. In order for the flux to have different levels of intonation there must be a catalysis of some kind.

Space tells matter how to move. Matter tells space how to curve.

Matter is the "densification" of energy. Thought and action are two of the different types of catalysts. There must be movement of some kind to effect change. Change as we perceive it differs universally.

There are many "Laws" that govern the Grids. There is a 'Law of Balances', 'Laws of Neutrality', and yes, there are immutable laws. Immutable laws are codes of energy that once put into motion cannot be stopped and they must play themselves out to whatever conclusion. How it effects us is in equal ratio to our own energy patterns. Laws of Attraction apply here and what determines them is all our thoughts and actions and the types of experiences to which we have engaged whether it is this lifetime or another. Immutable energies can not be stopped, there are loop holes and they can be, in certain incidences, be alteration as to the way the event is channeled ( to some degree) but not stopped completely.

Time Lines and Grids

Example A is a Flow Line. It usually represents an even energy flux. If I see this it means that expression is moving in harmony without much impedance.

Illustration B shows a DDS grid line. What is a DDS? DDS is a Dynamic Dimensional Space. This line usually sparks the initiation of a telepathic or telekinetic event.

C. In a synchronic or mirrored event it means that events have connection or are linked in ways other than regular sequence like flow lines are. Synchronicity is an event that singles itself out to have importance to us bridging the abyss from the unconscious to outer consciousness of reality in our everyday lives. It grabs our attention if you will. The feeling of "dejavu" is a fine example of this type of expression. Synchronicity shows itself in creative manifestations, by images, sounds, or events that are all linked by ones observation and it brings one to a higher level of awareness and reality about themselves others are some thing.

The spike in the grid as illustrated in illustration D, represents a twenty-four hour event. It is usually sharp a spiked very high off the grid.

E. Is a time skipŠthat is to say these energies skip and go out of phase or pattern. They are somewhat more unpredictable than any of the other lines and karma plays an incredible amount in these types of grid markers.

When I see a duration and intonation like illustration F., it tends to be a Universal event or connection. Sometimes events that are traditional religious, or spiritual comprised manifest this way first.

G. Represents a series or 'sequenced" event. This means that there will be a repartition in the pattern or a string of events that will "appear" to happen one after the other. By the wayŠ. sequence or what we term as sting events only appear in logical sequence to the conscious mined. It does that so it can make sense and order of reality. Reality, however, isn't always sequential, but that's linked temporal physics where effect can precede cause.

H. Represents a series of events that take about 72 hours to manifest on the physical earth plane. They are usual linked by similar resonance and follow a spiked pattern that shows intensity. Usual the more spiked the pattern the more obtrusive the event upon the earth plane RT line. There are so many other different patterns. I have only represented a few here just for the sake of explanation of this topic.

Multidimensional Griding

The illustration is an example of how one event can and does affect all dimensions. I have been seeing this for years, now. I have soul traveled the grids since childhood. On these different levels are other manifestations of existence. It may be parallel or not. I haven't drawn ALL the different dimensions and levels available. I couldn't - it would be impossible to do so. I just gave here a sort of quick representation of what layering and dimension looks like as it carries the event.

The bottom part where you see what looks like a fan that bottom part is the Pool of Souls. It is the Primal Essence of all creation. It is where ALL is created and manifested from. The squiggle line inside is the best I could do to represent what looks like the petals of an open Lotus flower. I'm not sure I still understand the full potential of that as yet.

As you can see, no thought or action - no matter if it's past, present of future escapes the grid. Everything has an effect on everything else. Is this what they mean when they say no person is an island unto themselves? It becomes quite clear why we are responsible for all our thoughts and actions. Look what one thought does! As the effect is moving across the grid it flows down (only a human directional term for sake of depiction---not an actuality) and enters the pool of continuing flux. This is why we can only create from what we create.

Universe takes great precaution not to "contaminate" the Universal Essence Of Primordial Flux. This is why there are Gate Keepers as such, for lack of a better way to explain, and there are guardians (again human labeling as a way of explaining) will not allow entrance. This is also why one can never enter levels or dimension that they are not "frequency ready" to experience. Like begets like energies. It's like a built-in security device. Whatever your frequency is where you will resonate or travel to---that's why most individuals never make it past the Astral Plane. Emotional body must be clear of agenda and negative human conditioning in order to reach all the many different frequencies available.

The general rule is: One can travel to the levels/dimensions/universes to which they have the Key or Symbol to---the key being frequency, vibration, resonance and experience. They may travel there and any that are below that one in frequency, but they can never go higher in frequency than they can achieve at that particular time.

Could the Universal Primordial Flux become contaminated? Yes, it could. How? By us! If we were to continue to engage in strictly negative thought and action devoid of any higher spiritual essence, yes we could in fact contaminate the pool. Eventually, we would create another sub-level of subatomic particles that would become dense matter. How do you think (the word Hell is just a reference word and not meant in a religious context) what we call, Hell was created? It was created by contamination of self-indulgence and negative ego base thoughts and actions.

These create dense energy. I've been reading energy a long time. I can tell you the difference between hatred as a density of energy vs love as a lighter energy manifestation. We are the ones that create our quality of reality---from many different sources. Earth plane manifestation is a complexity of energies manifested by Space, Time and Matter.

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