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Earth Grid : Balance of Elemental Forces...By Gordon-Michael Scallion
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/9/2008 3:50 AM
Balance of Elemental Forces...By Gordon-Michael Scallion

Each sub-cell of Earth's energy grid contains the experiences of everything happening - all reality - that has ever occurred within it. In other words, each cell retains a complete memory of its entire existence.

As it relates to areas of population, the memory of what was experienced - in a large say - for example - determines how that city evolves a collective consciousness. The collective karma is affected. The karma of that city, in turn, affects the cell memory karma of that entire region.

These memory cells have natural movement due to magentic influences. Movement also comes out through human thoughts and actions. No cell is free of karma. Every place has history - moments built upon the moments that came before. Each place is touched by its visitors and inhabitants - not only human but also those physical and etheric lifeforms that preceeded us.

Certain cities have developed in a particular way, based upon the overall polarity of those cells in which they reside, and each city's postion on the Earth. So for example, if we look at those major cities found on or near water - like San Francsco, New York, Los Angelos, Tokyo, or Sydney - we can see that these cities have received great nourishment. These areas have been constantly nourished due to thier dynamic positions within the cellular boundaries, and in the relation to the boundaries of water.

The balance of elemental forces within each cell affects its makeup, its health, just as the internal thoughts and actions do. Water stimulates that which is intuitive, creative, thus creativity and diversity have flourished in these cities. That was based on the old grid pattern. The energy changes that are now beginning to take place will completely alter the regional dynamics. The new energy will be different.

The new sub-cells are more numerous and denser in their capacity for memory. So twice as many cells - each having individual characteristics - will exist. They already exist in the etheric realm, but the new cells are not receiving very much nourishment from Earth and its elements at present. Most of the energy is still being drawn by the old cells. Right now, the old cells, and the new cells, are actually competing for energy.

The old cells are dying, just like skin cells on your body will die. And as they die, they try to draw energy to sustain themselves, taking it from wherever they can. The environment-- the energy of the elements --has been so weakened by our pollution that there is very little left to flow into the cells- old or new. The new cells have remained weak, continuing to draw mostly from the etheric realm. But with so little energy or food coming from the elements of nature the old sub-cells are turning to the only remaining source of vitality compatible with their structure in this reality - man. The cells are taking energy from humans.

This varies greatly from individual to individual. Just as a city, town, building or region creates its own karma, so does the individual and collective consciousness of man. How one lives his life determines the kind of interaction between himself and the cell in which he (or she) lives. Intuitively, they are seeking a more balanced cell. Intuitively all people know the dynamice between themsleves and the Earth. Those who listen and trust are more liekly to take action and relocate .

A balanced person will not draw to himself unbalanced forces. "Like seeks like". People in previously energized areas - many of the world's cities, for example - could be feeling depleted, just by virtue of the fact that they are living in a dying cell, in an environment that does not support rejuvenation. This drain on human energy has been further aggravated in these areas by the dwindling element of air, referring to pollution.

Pollution and negative thoughts have reached a point it's simply no longer possible for this element - air - to rejuvenate the sub-cell region through which it flows. The same condition affects the cleansing properties of the element water - oceans and lakes.

The new cells operate on a different vibrational spectrum not yet touched by our pollution The new cells are relatively clear of stored memory at this point. It would be comparable to buying a new computer disk. It is ready to hold memory, but until it is put into use, it is only potential.

The new cells are not drawing energy from humans. They are much heavier "cosmic-force energy" at this stage. Once they lock in (which I see in about 3-4 years), as we reach the fulcrum in the precessional cycle, they will then seek a rooting, and there will be a period of equalization or balance. This change will happen very rapidly. Suddenly, we will find ourselves in the midst of the new energy and the old cells will simply be gone.

The old memories can be retained within the new memory cells, and by those individuals and groups attuned to the new cells. But these transfered memories won't have the same intensity or memory charge as they had in the old cells. --the storage capacity will increase exponentially! In other words, they could take all the old memory, although perhaps slightly altered, and put them all on a little shelf within their total capacity. This is because they have such great volume by comparison.

Awareness will function at many levels and dimensions simultaneously. There will be a much greater capacity for exchange and communication with the Earth force. This is almost like a new software conversion on a computer.

The invention of computers is nothing more than a manifestation of our collective vision into the future of life itself. Computers werer created ---not to serve man---but as an experiment for humans to realize our own true capacity. Computers are a way of trying out our ability to expand our own capacity as humans.

This has to do with our changing DNA patterns. There is a transformation occuring in the very blueprint of our makeup. It will be established with the birth of the next root race - the 'Blue Rays'.

All species - plant, animal, human - are highly adaptable. The basic systems of life, given some minimal parameters, is able to adjust and survive. As Earth's energy cells continue through this change, individuals will be affected in different ways. If you are in a state of balance--meaning that you are working on your life's path, moving forward with little steps that hopefully lead to larger steps - then the conversion, and the ability of your body to change, needn't be that difficult. Everyone will be aware of it to some degree. Electrical sensations in the body will be detectable, even in the most balanced person.

Those that are having difficulty in life, however, will need to look at the relationship between themselves and everything else in their lives. Stress is one of the things that is going to throw the body's central electrical ystem even further off-course during these changes. The whole immune system goes right down, because the body needs to adapt to these new grid levels---so it can pull energy from the new pattern. A stressed person won't be able to put the proper internal energy into maing the shift.

So the new energy will be all around, but the stressed body won't be compatible to receive that energy. Imagine the new cells all emitting energy - the next step for us is to prepare to access the new energy by attuning to it now. This is important for good health in the future.

Illnesses that are grid-induced will always be electrical in nature - headaches, fatigue, memory loss, disorientation, feelings of agitation, vision difficulties, and ringing in the ears. many of these symptoms may be the result of living in an old cell that is dying while engaged in a lifestyle that is unhealthy or unbalanced. Most of these conditions can be traced back to a basic imbalance of electrical forces in the body due primarily to negative thoughts and stress.

If you are feeling stuck - and not moving forward on the truths you seek here on earth then you are under stress. This leads to overload and illness. More and more people are showing evidence of being out of balance. More is written about mental illness such as depression these days. Some people are acting violent or erratic for no apparent reason. The energy grid doesnot cause mental illness. What happens is that the new energy pattern is still grounded in the etheric realm.

It is fluctuating a lot--solar flares, disruptions at the Earth's core, and planetary alignments all influence it-- causing the grid to through up spikes. It's like lightening coming out of the cells. When a cell experiences one of these energy spikes the whole cell actually becomes electrically charged and the sub-cell gets agitated.

Their charge level actually increases, which forces a higher charge level in all animals, all plants, and all people within the cell. So now you are taking in Earth force energy at a higher level at a higher frequency.

Most people are taking in pretty low Earth energy, and solar energy, due to a significant amount of stress.

In a state of balance you can tap into higher psychic abilities. What we think we shall become.

Listen to your intuition (little voice).

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