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Games and Fun : What Wizard Are YOU ???
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 Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 4/26/2006 12:06 AM

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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6Sent: 4/26/2006 6:57 PM


In the war between good and evil, Sorceresss take the side of the noble and good.

You are gifted with the elemental plane of Fire

A Sorceress creates magic the way a poet creates poems, with inborn talent honed by practice. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Some Sorceress' claim that the blood of dragons courses through their veins. It may even be true-it is common knowledge that certain powerful dragons can take humanoid form and even have humanoid lovers, and it’s difficult to prove that a given a Sorceress does not have a dragon ancestor. A Sorceress often has striking good looks, usually with a touch of the exotic that hints at an unusual heritage. Still, the claim that a Sorceress is partially draconic is either an unsubstantiated boast on the part of a certain Sorceress or envious gossip on the part of those who lack the Sorceress's gift.

You have a fiery personality, and thus your powers are highly attuned to the elemental plane of fire. Some of the more powerfull spells in your arsenal include Fireball, Burning Hands, and Flame Strike.

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 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMari322Sent: 4/27/2006 4:52 AM
You have passed your test, and are now deemed worthy to be known as a ... ...


In the war between good and evil, Sorceresss take the side of the noble and good.

You are gifted with the elemental plane of Water

A Sorceress creates magic the way a poet creates poems, with inborn talent honed by practice. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Some Sorceress' claim that the blood of dragons courses through their veins. It may even be true-it is common knowledge that certain powerful dragons can take humanoid form and even have humanoid lovers, and it’s difficult to prove that a given a Sorceress does not have a dragon ancestor. A Sorceress often has striking good looks, usually with a touch of the exotic that hints at an unusual heritage. Still, the claim that a Sorceress is partially draconic is either an unsubstantiated boast on the part of a certain Sorceress or envious gossip on the part of those who lack the Sorceress's gift.

You are attuned to the elemental plane of water. You may find yourself often drawn to places where your given element can be found in abundance, such as lakes, rivers, oceans, or sometimes even swamps. As part of your powers, you may move through your element freely, being able to swim to the deepest depths, and breathe under the waves. Some mages of the plane of water have been known to build great fortresses under the waves. Ever heard of Atlantis? Yep, that was definitely built by a water mage. It is well within your powers, to cause a tsunami, a storm of ice shards, or to cause a person unprotected by magic to spontaneously drown.

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 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameŋįģђŧmąŗęSent: 4/28/2006 2:47 AM
I have passed test, and I am now deemed worthy to be known as a ... ... Druidess. In the war between good and evil, a Druidess tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality.I am gifted with the elemental plane of Air. Find out what kind of Wizard/Wizardess you are at The fury of a storm, the gentle strength of the morning sun, the cunning of the fox, the power of the bear-all these and more are at the druid’s command. Their spells are oriented toward nature and animals. In addition to spells, druids gain an increasing array of magical powers, including the ability to take the shapes of animals.The druid however, claims no mastery over nature. That claim, she says, is the empty boast of a city dweller. The druid gains her power not by ruling nature but by being at one with it. To trespassers in a druid’s sacred grove, to those who feel the druid’s wrath, the distinction is overly fine. Find out what kind of Wizard/Wizardess you are at Your powers are highly attuned to the elemental plane of air. Storms and the powers of the winds come at your beck and call. Sometimes a magic user tuned to the elemental plane of air has the power to fly at will, and infuse his living body with the powers of his element. Often mages of air will build their strongholds or magical dwellings in high places such as mountain tops or flying citadels high above the earth where they can be close to their element. Some of the more powerfull spells in your arsenal include Lightning Bolt, Desert Twister, and Divine Wind. Find out what kind of Wizard/Wizardess you are at

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAspirtloneSent: 4/28/2006 12:41 PM


In the war between good and evil, your Wizardly self is rotten with the stench of EVIL.

You are gifted with the elemental plane of Air

The Evil Witch is a wizard whose powerful magical abilities are extraplanar in origin. Though wizards typically learn the basics of spellcasting at magic academies or from learned mentors, Witches learn magical skills from entities and their minions from other planes of existence, or from other Witches. Occasionally, these extraplanar entities contact youthful humans or demihumans for magical instruction; other times, humans and demihumans seek out the entities through arcane rituals and petition them for instruction. The entities agree to such instruction for a variety of reasons-- some hope to train their students to eventually become emissaries; some hope to use them as conduits for various forces; some hope to seduce them as consorts; and some simply share their magical secrets for their own amusement.

Your powers are highly attuned to the elemental plane of air. Storms and the powers of the winds come at your beck and call. Sometimes a magic user tuned to the elemental plane of air has the power to fly at will, and infuse his living body with the powers of his element. Often mages of air will build their strongholds or magical dwellings in high places such as mountain tops or flying citadels high above the earth where they can be close to their element. Some of the more powerfull spells in your arsenal include Lightning Bolt, Desert Twister, and Divine Wind.

 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalWonder13Sent: 4/28/2006 1:21 PM
You have passed your test, and are now deemed worthy to be known as a ... ...


In the war between good and evil, your Wizardly self is rotten with the stench of EVIL.

You are gifted with the elemental plane of Air

The Evil Witch is a wizard whose powerful magical abilities are extraplanar in origin. Though wizards typically learn the basics of spellcasting at magic academies or from learned mentors, Witches learn magical skills from entities and their minions from other planes of existence, or from other Witches. Occasionally, these extraplanar entities contact youthful humans or demihumans for magical instruction; other times, humans and demihumans seek out the entities through arcane rituals and petition them for instruction. The entities agree to such instruction for a variety of reasons-- some hope to train their students to eventually become emissaries; some hope to use them as conduits for various forces; some hope to seduce them as consorts; and some simply share their magical secrets for their own amusement.

Your powers are highly attuned to the elemental plane of air. Storms and the powers of the winds come at your beck and call. Sometimes a magic user tuned to the elemental plane of air has the power to fly at will, and infuse his living body with the powers of his element. Often mages of air will build their strongholds or magical dwellings in high places such as mountain tops or flying citadels high above the earth where they can be close to their element. Some of the more powerfull spells in your arsenal include Lightning Bolt, Desert Twister, and Divine Wind.

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