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General : EMPATHS
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWind  (Original Message)Sent: 10/22/2008 2:45 AM

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We are like the wings of a small bird
So fragile, yet strong to support
our weight in flight

We hover at the threshold
Of things which are not of us
Yet, we know them

Recognizing the joy, pain, and agony
Of so many who pass by us
And their names we know not

There are many different levels to being empathic. There are also different times in each of our lives that we recognize this ability when it suddenly seems to bloom before us. Some empaths don't seem to have a problem with being able to pick up on others while theres some who have a lot of problems in what effects it has upon them.

Everyone is empathic to some degree. The simplist in empathy is being having compasion for another and what their going through. Everyone can relate to this type as we all do it. Another part of empathy are those who have the compasionate side of it, but suddenly it seems out of nowhere the empathy expands going deeper. They begin to pick up feelings from others when not even trying to, or from complete strangers.

Of these some will become extremely sensitive and develope physical symptoms such as headaches, aches, pains, become nervous, experience fatigue, anxiety, stress and depression.

Some of the severe cases have sweaty palms, deep anxiousness, nervousness, restlessness, irrational thoughts, shortness of breath, hot and cold sweats, loss of appetite, or increase in appetite, nausea, a feeling of suffocation-can't breath or get enough air, and a desperate feeling to flee any crowded place. In fact most empaths don't like to go shopping or be in crowds, even an elevator bothers them if crowded. Large family get to togethers may bother them to some extent, particularly if theres one or more present who seem to be negative.

What causes this is the electromagnetic field around everyone call an aura. When we find ourselves in a very busy place where theres little space, no more than 2-3 feet distance from many people and in large numbers of people an empath will pick up on all energies there and may be overwhelmed by them. The feeling of flee and escape comes to them. They may forget some things they were shopping for and exasperated simply go home.

As we know, when someone is thinking and expressing emotions these thoughts and feelings are exuded by them not only out in their aura, but may go out several feet from them. All of this is floating around and unbeknownst to some empaths they may also be close by or walk through them.

Sometimes we get a feeling/thought and our eyes go directly to a person and without a doubt we 'know' its coming from them. But not all empaths do that in the beginning. It takes time to adjust to this and learn to handle emapthy so that it doesn't change your life to any great extent, making you uncomfortable and feeling inadequate to relate to others.

It seems those born with empathy don't have near the problems with it as others who come into it later on either in or after adulthood and sometimes in mid-life or older. They have the ability to 'detach' themselves from these energies. This doesn't mean they don't sense them because they do, but they have no physical effect upon them and are kept at a distance. Most who are born with empathy also have a well developed intuition and are know as intuitive empaths. Many healers are intuitive empaths.

A well known factor which causes these symptoms to worsen is fear. Above all fear in not feeling in control of yourself, not being able to handle these impressions coming to you. Lets face it, when we've been invited to a party we do want to attend and socialize with our friends and we want to have a good time. We don't want to get that choking feeling of being smothered, heat in our heads, headache, all of the above symptoms and many more.
But how often do we excuse ourselves and go home early?

Empathy actually is the merging of yourself with another for a moment. You may see life through that persons eyes, sense the world as they do and all around them as well as their feelings. If the empath isn't aware of what is happening to them or don't even know about empathy they will think that these things are coming from them. This will throw them off center and out of balance.

We need to center ourselves. How is this done? One way is through grounding and the Source within you is an excellent method to use as it too allows you to feel the at one ness with all things. Simply walking in Nature is another way of grounding and looking at the beauty around you. Find that tree, bush, flower or plant that stands out from all the rest, that seems brighter for some reason and see the beauty in it, 'feel' it. Send Unconditional Love to it and sense as this love is returned to you. Sometimes while doing this we will also see their auras. For instance take a tree or a group of trees and look just above the tree tops where the sky is but still being able to see the tops in your lower vision...hold it...and you may see their auras....

The auric energy is electromagnetic and its also a purer form of energy. When you see this something happens inside of you. There is a deep love that you automatically 'feel' connected to whatever the aura is around. You 'know' that this is a part of finer matter and a closer connection to Spirit (God or whatever name applies). This too centers you. If you don't see the aura, but sense a brightness around something then this too will key you into it. Some don't see auras but will sense them.

The best way to get control of empathy is to increase your awareness in the spirutal, physical and emotional energies or aspects of yourself. Doing this bring more balance to you, more control, will overcome the negativity and fear you have within you. It makes you more secure within yourself.

Another thing to know is space or boundaries. All things in existence have this, its nothing new and nothing wrong with it. Its a natural thing so as not to interfere with another in their own space which might cause a change that would be devastating to them. So we do set boundaries. Notice how boundaries are set at the dining room table. With plates, silverware, glass, cup and saucer in each individual space along with a chair to be seated in. Learn to accept your boundaries and that of others. Do not let another's energies enter your boundary or space! Keep all energies outside of your auric field of energy. You will still be able to pick up and even better for you 'know' those thoughts and feelings aren't yours.

By setting this up you may use shields and go a step further. On the outside of that shield place a see through wall like glass but made of energy and unbreakable, unpenetrable. Now your set. When you sense something simply detach yourself from the incoming data (energies) like watching a movie...your not part of the movie, but in this instance you will not involve your thoughts/feelings either for you are not focused upon self, but on the energies and/or the person their coming from. This is what an intuitive empath does. They detach and its automatic when energies are sensed around them.

Make certain you meditate and in this is meant in many different ways, not just sitting and closing your eyes. You can go into a meditative state while doing dishes, looking out a window or anything you are doing. Think for a moment...remember when you would be working in something mundane and you felt like you weren't quite here, engrossed in thought, thinking about something and didn't even realize you were done. Recall that feeling when you weren't aware of self, for that is a good description of what detachment is and how it feels.

Know too, that in tough situations where it requires your control and using your head, to detach yourself and 'view' what is taking place. You will be able to see a clearer picture and know what to do for the good and benefit of all involved.

Also for those emotional vampires, they won't like you very much either. They won't be able to steal your energy from you, because you're not exuding any emotions. Its the energy from emotions that they feed off of. You will often see blank looks on their faces or someone who is sensitive and realizes that you have no emotion. For them their flabbergasted because this is not normal.

source unknown

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 10/22/2008 1:36 PM

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 10/22/2008 7:03 PM
great post thank you for sharing

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11Sent: 10/23/2008 2:18 AM
=D That was REALLY helpful! Thanks for posting!

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