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General : 10 Ways To Manage Stress
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From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWind  (Original Message)Sent: 10/28/2008 2:49 AM

~ 10 Ways To Manage Stress ~

Removing Stress From Your Life

1. We seldom concretely identify those situation and people we find stressful. To understand what brings on stress in your life, try to maintain a heightened awareness of your physical and mental feelings for a week. When you feel your heart racing, your muscles tightening, or your stomach contracting, ask yourself why. Keep a list of those things that trigger stressful feelings.

2. Make relaxation part of your daily routine. Deep breathing and simple stretches can be performed both at home and in the office. Taking a few minutes to sooth your soul by savoring a cup of tea or grounding yourself can center you, giving you the ability to deal with stress more effectively.

3. It can be difficult to let go of worries or thoughts that provoke anxiety. One technique involves dissipating stressful thoughts before they get out of control. Concentrate on the thought and firmly say "Stop" to prevent the thought from recycling itself in your mind. In doing so, you will be free of the thought's power to influence your mood.

4. Get back to nature. Enjoying a relaxing day out of doors can help you feel more calm and balanced during your normal routine. A mountain hike or day at the beach can be a wonderful stress reducer. If you simply can't get away, try listening to a CD of nature sounds or spending a few minutes in front of a sunny window.

5. Each day, give yourself the gift of doing one thing you truly enjoy. It may be writing, gardening, dancing, walking, or watching a good film. Doing something you like every day will improve your quality of life and frame of mind, making you better able to handle stress as it arises.

6. Assess your priorities and learn to say no. Determine what activities you don't want to or can't do at home or at work, and, if you can, stop doing them. Don't overload your schedule by committing to new responsibilities because you are afraid to say no. Instead, dedicate yourself only to the activities that bring you joy.

7. Guided imagery can help you stay relaxed during periods of stress. Take a moment to imagine yourself in a peaceful setting that feels safe and nurturing, perhaps somewhere you have felt lighthearted and calm in the past. Concentrate on your setting until you feel your muscles and mind relax.

8. Exercise affects both the body's energy level and the brain's chemistry by encouraging the release of beneficial hormones. It can also help you let go some of the tension and pent-up energy associated with stress by giving you a healthy outlet for your feelings. The mood-elevating benefits of exercise last for days, but regular exercise is the most uplifting.

9. Take a break. When you're faced with any type of stress, stop for a moment to collect your thoughts. Breathe slowly and deeply for ten seconds and try to clear your mind of unpleasant thoughts. You'll still be facing the same situation, but your outlook will be clearer.

10. When you have compiled a list of stressful triggers, compile a second list outlining your personal methods for dealing with stress. Though unexpected or frustrating situations can seem overwhelming, you have the power to cope. Recognizing your strengths can make dealing with stress seem easier.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 10/31/2008 12:37 AM
Thank you Hon, we can all use a little help dealing with stress not of days

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 10/31/2008 4:57 PM
what wonderful ideas thank you for sharing