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General : The Mystical Pentagram
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 11/15/2008 7:15 AM

The Mystical Pentagram

The Mystical Pentagram is a technique which will enhance psychic self-awareness.

Practiced on a daily basis it will produce surprising individual results.

One of the features of this technique is that it encourages personal development by allowing each entity to  discover a personal mantra which Corresponds to the five elements.

To begin, you will need a table of correspondences such as "777" by Aleister Crowley.

Look up the names of the gods and goddesses which correspond to the Air Element.

Pick  a name which when chanted 'feels' right for you.  For example, Nu is the Egyptian lord of the firmament and corresponds to air.

If I were inclined towards Egyptian deities, I would  chant the name Nu for several minutes to see what effect transpired. 

If I felt relaxed, comfortable, and generally positive I would inwardly know that this name would  be in tune  with my inner self.
Proceed to find correspondences for fire, water, and earth in the same  manner and finally for spirit since it is the aggregate of the four common elements.

Once you have found a personal mantra or a chant consisting of five  names, vowel  sounds, etc.
You are  ready to  proceed with  the practical application of the Mystical Pentagram.

Assume your favorite meditation position, relax and begin to breathe in a rhythmic pattern; i.e. inhale count one, two, three, four, exhale count one, two, three, four and so on. 
Continue to breathe in such a  manner for about five minutes so that a definite rhythm is firmly established.

Visualize the five psychic centers.
Memorize their positions so that you become familiar with the positions.

Next visualize a brilliant white light forming a circle above your head in the spirit center.
Mentally draw a white light pentagram within the circle of light.
This should be an invoking pentagram.

If your mind should begin to wander, gently bring it back and vocally vibrate the mantra you have chosen for the spirit center.
Let your mind dwell on this center and intone your mantra several times for at least five minutes.

Next see a shaft of white light radiate down through your skull stopping at your throat near the Adam's apple.
See a circle  of white light  begin to form and pulsate. 
Mentally draw an invoking pentagram within the circle of light and vocally vibrate your chosen mantra for the air  center.
Continue to stimulate this center for  at least five minutes.

Now see a shaft of white light radiate down through your torso stopping at your fire center.
This is located just above the navel.
See  a brilliant white light begin to pulsate at this center and draw an  invoking pentagram within the circle of light.
As your mind begins to wander gently guide it back  to the image of the  glowing white pentagram. 
Here vibrate your chosen fire mantra.
Once this center is stimulated the sensation is unmistakable.
A mild tingling or vibration of the solar-plexus area is  physically experienced.

Continue to dwell on this center for at least five minutes.

See the shaft of white light push down to the water center which is located in the groin area.
Here,  too, a brilliant circle of white light should be visualized.
Again  draw an invoking pentagram within the circle of light.

Intone the mantra for the water center and repeat the sound several times for the next five minutes.

Having arrived thusfar, see the shaft of white light radiate down through your legs stopping at  the bottom of your feet which is the earth center.
Form a brilliant, white, pulsating circle of light and draw an invoking pentagram within the  circle.
Intone your earth mantra and vocally vibrate the sound several times during the next five minutes.

When all of the energy centers have been stimulated, direct the light energy from the spirit center to the earth center.
As you exhale see the light travel from the top of your head down through your body to the bottom of your feet. 
As you inhale see the energy travel from your feet up  through your body up to the top of your head, the spirit center. 
These circulations should be persisted for at least seven complete circuits.
See the energy cleanse and vitalize every part of your  being and expand your awareness  to cosmic consciousness.
As you continue to repeat this technique  each day you will begin to see and feel a change in your psychic awareness and a marked improvement in your health.

Don't  become  discouraged if you  don't  achieve  results immediately.
This technique produces  very positive effects  but they are  cumulative in nature.
Be gentle with your inner self however you must also be persistent and keep the communication open.
It is also a good idea to perform this exercise at the same time each day in order to allow your  body cycles  incorporate the energy flow in a  natural order.
Author Unknown~ 

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 11/15/2008 11:42 PM

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 11/16/2008 1:58 AM

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAchyTenSent: 11/16/2008 7:41 PM
Thankyou for sharing!

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 11/27/2008 1:24 PM
The pentagram is the symbol of satanism.
I guess the Wiccans turn it upside down and say that makes it a good symbol but I doubt if that changes anything.
I see you mentioned Aleister Crowley.  My understanding is Crowley's son died during one of his satanic rituals and then Crowley went insane.
I think Crowley went to a party one time and pulled his pants down and went to the bathroom on the floor.  He told the guests this was a great honor for them.
I heard Jimmy Page had lived in Crowley's house for awhile.
'The Man With The Sticks' is on the cover of Led Zeppelin IV.  Then they wrote a song called 'Four Sticks'.  I guess they themselves are four of the sticks in that bundle.
I bet there are exactly 144,000 sticks in that bundle.  Notice 144 is 12 * 12.
                                            Jeff Marzano
Led Zeppelin IV (aka ZOSO)

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