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General : Beings of Light
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWind  (Original Message)Sent: 11/19/2008 1:12 AM

Beings of Light

Human Angels

During each of our journeys, there are those inevitable moments when someone comes into our life at precisely the right time and says or does precisely the right thing. Their words or actions may help us perceive ourselves more clearly, remind us that everything will turn out for the best, help us cope, or see us through difficult situations. These people are human angels �?individuals designated by the universe to be of service to those in need at specific points in time. Some human angels make a commitment before their births to make a positive contribution to the world at a particular moment. Others were chosen by the universe. All human angels, however, come into our lives when we least expect them and when we can most benefit from their presence.

A few of the human angels we may encounter are in professions where helping others is an everyday occurrence. But most of them are regular people, going about their daily lives until called upon to be in the right place at the right time to bring peace, joy, help, or heal someone when they most need it. You may have met a human angel in the form of a teacher who gave you a piece of advice that touched your soul and influenced your path. The person that momentarily stopped you to say hello on the street, delaying you long enough to avoid an oncoming car or a collision, is also a human angel. They may offer nothing more than a kind word or a smile, but they will offer it when you can draw the most strength and support from their simple action.

You may be a human angel yet not know it. Your fate or intuition may guide you toward other people’s challenging or distressing situations, leading you to infer that you simply have bad luck. But recognizing yourself as a human angel can help you deal with the pain you see and understand that you are there to help and comfort others during their times of need. Human angels give of their inner light to all who need it, coming into our lives and often changing us forever. Their task has its challenges, but it is they that have the power to teach, bring us joy, and comfort us in times of despair...


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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 11/19/2008 1:20 AM

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 11/23/2008 9:27 PM
You know I really enjoyed this post ... Ive read it more then a couple times now.
So I'm going to bump this up in hopes that someone else will read it and get some
of the enjoyment that I have gotten out of it. Thank You again John for the beautiful post

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 11/28/2008 11:54 AM
The philosopher Plato wrote in 'The Repbublic' that before we are born we all choose from a pool of available lives.
Those who are blinded by greed and lust choose to become tyrants in this world.
But the true philosophers choose more wisely.
The great adventurer Odysseus, being disillusioned with adventure, chose a simple life for his next incarnation.
Then after everyone chooses their next lives the sisters of fate take all of our choices and weave them on their loom into the fabric of destiny.
"Hearken mortals.  Another cycle of mortality is beginning.  Choose your geniuses."
Another interesting theory is that we can be reincarnated into any time period past or future or even live the same life over again to change something that we deeply regret (or perhaps really enjoyed who knows).
This is a very strange idea since it implies that everyone else would have to be in those alternative futures of which there is an infinite number.  If it is true it shows how all of our destinies are intertwined.
This is far beyond human comprehension but it may be true.  Time does not exist in the spirit world.  The spirit world is a timeless dimension.
Now that I think about it there may be something in the book 'The Lives Of Edgar Cayce' about this.  I can't recall if Cayce actually lived the same life more than once.  I could be mistaken.
Cayce always had strange clairvoyant powers in all of his various incarnations but sometimes he abused those abilities. 
In an experience in the old west he used his powers to win money gambling.  That experience ended disasterously for him.  As I recall he drowned trying to save his prostitute girlfriend from a raging river.
As Edgar Cayce whenever he tried to use his powers to make money something always went wrong or he would start having terrible headaches.  He interpreted this as a sign not to use his powers for materialistic purposes which was difficult becaus those were tough times.  He even created 'The Cayce Petroleum Company' and planned to use his powers to find oil wells. 
The book 'The Lives Of Edgar Cayce' is very interesting because it follows the journey of one person through many lifetimes and demonstrates how the law of karma works.
Cayce claimed that he was one of the guards at the gates of Troy but his psychic powers didn't help him detect the treachery with the Trojan horse.  Because of the ridicule he received about this failure and after observing some guy get his brains bashed out after the gates had been opened Cayce committed suicide in that life.
Cayce also claimed to be one of the 'angels' who accompanied God Himself when God visited Abraham and Sarah and told them that Sarah, who was past the normal child bearing age by then, was going to have a son.  They named the child 'Isaac' which means 'I laughed' since Sarah laughed when she heard this.
I suspect the reason that Abraham and Sarah didn't have any children is because they didn't get married until Sarah was past the normal child bearing age.  In the mean time Abe had a kid with the slave girl Hagar that they had brought back from Egypt where Sarah had been held prisoner by that no good bastard pharoah.
In that experience Cayce later went to Sodom and the perverts wanted to sexually molest him so he blinded them.
Cayce is not an angel but rather the god Osiris.
It would be interesting to find out what really happened to Sodom and Gomorra.
                                                Jeff Marzano
The Lives of Edgar Cayce by W. H. Church (Paperback - Aug 1995)

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