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General : Reversed Perceptions
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAchyTen  (Original Message)Sent: 11/25/2008 2:56 AM
Reversed Perceptions
Being Projected Upon

We all have issues, as well as undesirable qualities or traits that we don’t like about ourselves. Most of us realize that we are not perfect and that it is natural to have unpleasant thoughts, motivations, desires, or feelings. However, when a person does not acknowledge these, they may ascribe those characteristics to someone else, deeming other people instead as angry, jealous, or insecure. In psychological terms, such blaming and fault finding is called projection.

When we are the target of projections, it can be confusing and frustrating, not to mention maddening, particularly when we know that we are not the cause of another person’s distress. Even people who are well aware of their issues may find that sensitive subjects can bring up unexpected projections. They may feel insecure about a lack of funds and thus view a friend as extravagant. Or, if they really want to get in shape, they may preach the benefits of exercise to anyone and everyone.

While we can try to avoid people we know who engage in projecting their “stuff�?onto others, we can’t always steer clear of such encounters. We can, however, deflect some projections through mindfulness and meditation. A useful visualization tool is to imagine wrapping ourselves in a protective light everyday. At other times, we may have to put up a protective shield when we feel a projection coming our way, reminding ourselves that someone else’s issues are not ours. Although it’s difficult not to react when we are the recipient of a projection, it is a good idea to try to remain calm and let the other person know if they are being unreasonable and disrespectful. We all know that it’s not fun to be dumped on. Likewise, we should be mindful that we don’t take our own frustrations out on others. When we take ownership of our thoughts, motivations, desires, and feelings, we are less likely to project our issues or disowned qualities onto others.


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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 11/25/2008 5:40 AM

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 11/25/2008 9:40 PM

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 12/3/2008 3:52 PM
Yes I'm still reading Adolf Hitler's 'Main Kempf'.
Hitler had the sexual deformity issues.  This is perhaps why he developed a crackpot philosophy which was based on the perfect race and survival of the fittest.
This philosophy was perhaps a projection of all of his deepest fears, anger, and frustration.
Hitler gave orders for his and Eva's bodies to be burned.  But the sandy soil absorbed a lot of the gasoline which allowed the Russians to perform autopsies. 
Amazingly there were over 40 attempts to assassinate Hitler.  In one case early in his rise to power a bullet came close enough to brush his hair.  Various bombs were planted which went off at the wrong time, didn't go off, etc..
Finally there was the bombing at the Wolf's Lair compound.  But the assassins were interrupted so they only put one of the explosive charges into the briefcase which was then left under the table where Hitler was in a meeting. 
Experiments have now verified that they could have just put the second charge into the briefcase without arming it.  It would have detonated anyway and probably killed everyone in the room.
Hitler escaped from this bombing but not unscathed.  He lost the hearing in one ear.
Some people seem to have an intuitive understanding of what their destiny is going to be.  I don't think I've ever read about anyone who had that feeling more than Hitler.
                                                            Jeff Marzano
Adolf Hitler Germany third Reich  75th anniversary chancellor  nazi party dictator holocaust

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