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General : What is real and what is illusion
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWind  (Original Message)Sent: 11/29/2008 1:02 AM

We chose to see with what we were taught to see with. An interpretation of the truth...


Yet what is the truth?

To one person it is one thing to another yet something totally different. Who is right? can one person's truth be stronger than another's? Does one person's interpretation of yourself make that one the truth? often we substitute our own ideals towards the missing pieces of a puzzle. Man can that get you in trouble! And all too often what we see is not what others see in themselves. So how in the world can anyone understand anyone else! No wonder wars are fought and quarrels last centuries. Too often what we see is but an illusion of what we are told to see. I have closed my eyes to much, not because that is what I want to do but what my inner protection does without my permission. It is like when your parents told you that dreams are for the lazy. You tune out what will cause pain and frustration. After all there is so much going on in the world you would go nuts listening to everything, or would you... Empathy is when you can feel all around you. The energy that everything gives off leaves a path for anyone to follow. Our thoughts are waves that travel from our minds emitting an energy that can be felt and interpreted. On a lower level our bodies send out messages on how we feel within. Our voices quiver when we feel sad and when we are happy they resonate with joy. Now with so many inputs attacking our senses no wonder we turn down the volume! But do we ever really turn it off? We isolate the feelings and notions that may find us wondering if we are truly sane, and shut them down. Never to even think about them. But they are there, waiting for us to use them. Some people use them every day and others are afraid to even think about them. But why? they are a part of us just as our voice, eyes and ears. The illusion my friend is when you tell yourself that you are insane when you feel more than before. When you can use all your senses without fear. There are many more that both dazzle and constrain, but fear leaves them in the shadows, only talked about behind closed doors. Because of this the world some live in is to be afraid to be themselves. A freak to themselves. Not knowing that they are sane, not knowing that what they feel is alright. What you see is not always what is real. What is real is what you believe is.

Just a Thought...

Peace & Love...

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 11/29/2008 11:42 PM