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 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamejeffmarzano  in response to Message 1Sent: 11/28/2008 12:08 PM
I agree with you there are many health benefits from going outside and just breathing fresh air.
The problem for some people is that where they live there is no fresh air.  For them going outside and breathing will take years off of their lives.  In Hong Kong the air is so polluted that the average life span of a traffic cop is about 40 years.
I would guess that just living by the ocean has many benefits for body, mind, and spirit. 
I'm reading a book about the HAARP radar array up in Alaska where this guy is saying that HAARP could be used to mess around with the highest levels of the atmosphere, change the weather, and perform mind control on entire countries.  He suggests that Russia has been bombarding the United States with various forms of mind control radiation for many years.
There's a lot of radiation around us from nuclear power plants, power stations, microwave ovens, etc..  He suggests that all of this radiation is causing cancer.
He also talks about something I have heard before which is Nikola Tesla caused the 'Tunguska event' in Siberia while testing his device for transmitting and concentrating electrical energy (in other words a 'death ray').  This explosion was equivalent to 15 megatons of TNT and flattened an entire forest.
It's interesting because to this day nobody really knows what caused this catastrophe.
If there was ever someone who seemed to be an Atlantean scientist reincarnated it was Tesla.
This book has some disturbing implications.  Who knows what the government uses in a battefield situation such as Iraq and Afghanistan.  They could be bombarding the enemy's brains with various forms of radiation to induce different states of mind. 
He also suggests the possibility of introducing poisoning chemicals on the battlefield in levels that appear to be safe.  But then after the enemy breathes it in use radiation to activate it inside the body.
The HAARP array supposedly uses some of Tesla's ideas.
                                                   Jeff Marzano