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Atlantis: The quest for power[email protected] 
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General : Atlantis .. what do you remember
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 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWind  in response to Message 2Sent: 12/8/2008 7:40 PM
In the beginning, the people were happy. Basically they were a farming sort of people.
Then the crystals and the energy was discovered. The people were really happy then. They could use crystals to power thier equipment / tractors / wagons / etc.
A class developed from the people. They called themselves Engeers, and they worked on makeing the crystals biger and tuned right. The crystals were disperced all over the world, so no matter where they went, there was always energy avail from them. The people were happy.
But as the engeers made the crystals bigger and better, after effects started happening. Movement in land masses, uncontrolable weather ( storms ), etc.  The people realised this, and a small faction formed to oppose the engeers money lobbies. It became a political thing. Now only some of the people were happy.
The difference grew. More and more people were followers of the Law Of One, opposing increasing the power of the crystals. The followers of Bellial believed in no restraint. There was much termoil among the people.
In the end, Atlantis sunk, and most of the people drown...