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Goddesses : Sedna
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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 8/16/2006 1:39 PM
Alaskan Whale Dance
Themes:  Thankfulness; Providence; Nature; Abundance
Symbols:  Water; an Eye; Fish
About Sedna:  The mother of the sea, which is sometimes called the "eating place: in northern climes, Sedna is a very important figure in Alaskan mythology as the provider of nourishment for both body and soul.  In narratives, Sedna gave birth to fish, seals, polar bears, and whales, the life-sustaining animals of this region.  Artistic renderings show her as having one eye that sees all things in her domain.
To Do Today:  At this time of year, fishermen in Alaska dance through town giving out whale meat.  According to custom, this dance propitiates the spirits of the food-providing whales who have died in the previous year.  It also ensures an abundance of food in the year ahead.  Adapting this a bit, abstain from your favorite meat product today and ask for Sedna's blessing on the animals who provide your food year-round.  Vegetarians can forgo their favorite staple and ask Sedna to bless the earth's greenery instead!  Eating fish however is perfectly suited to the occasion, as it will fill you with Sedna's nourishment.  Remember to eat thankfully!
To keep a small token in your home that will continually draw Sedna's blessing to you, get a goldfish and name it after her!  Each time you feed the fish you're symbolically giving an offering to the goddess.  When you have a need, whisper it to the fish so Sedna hears you.
By Patricia Telesco~From "365 Goddess"


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