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Goddesses : Minne
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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 8/16/2006 3:14 PM



Linden Festival (Germany)


Themes:  Protection; Love; Luck; Devotion; Unity

Symbols:  Linden Tree; Cup; Beer

About Minne:  Minne is a German goddess of love and fertility.  Her name--meaning "remembrance"--was applied to a special cup for lovers in this part of the world.  The cup was filled with specially prepared beer and raised between two people wishing to deepen their love.  This gives Minne a strong association with devotion, unity, and fidelity.

To Do Today:  During the second weekend in July, people in Geisenheim, Germany, gather around an ancient Linden Tree (six hundred plus years old) and celebrate the year's new wine.  All aspects of the festival take place beneath the Linden's branches, which in magic terms represent safety and good fortune.  The Linden flowers portray Minne's spirit, having been used in all manner of love magic!  To protect a relationship, two lovers should carry dried Linden flowers with them always.

When making a promise to each other, a couple may drink a wooden goblet of beer today, linking their destinies.  Raise the glass to the sky first, saying,

Minne's love upon our lips, devotion in each sip.

Drink while looking deeply into each other's eyes.  Or, exchange pieces of Linden wood as a magical bonding that invokes Minne's blessing.  If Linden isn't native to your area, other trees and bushes that promote Minne's loving qualities include avens, elm, lemon, orange, peach, pear, primrose, rose, and willow.

By Patricia Telesco~From "365 Goddess"

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