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Goddesses : Xmucane
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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 8/25/2006 12:58 PM

Goddess~A~Day 8/13



Mayan Calendar Begins (Central America)


Themes: Time; Cycles; Creativity; Divination

Symbols: Calendars; Blue-Green Items; Light

About Xmucane: This Mayan goddess of time created time's calculation and the calendar along with her partner Xpiyacoc. She continues watching over all calendar functions and acts as a prophetess because she can see both past and future consecutively. Her folkloric titles include Day's Grandmother and Mker of the Blue-Green Bowl (likely the sky).

To Do Today: Mayans believe that the universe began on this date in 3114 B.C.E. They also teach that time will end on December 23, 2012. Exactly what this means in terms of human evolution is left to the imagination. In either case, today is a time for fresh beginnings. Call upon Xmucane to bless your appointment book and help you make the most productive possible use of your time. Try this mini-ritual:

Light a blue-green candle secured in abowl, and place it behind your calendar. Hold your hands palms-down over the desktop and say,

Lady of time, see where I stand in your stream. Grant me the perspective with which to move forward confidently, using each day on this earth to grow and learn the ways of the Goddess. Inspire my efforts to transform every moment of my life with positive magick. Today, and tommorow, and tommorow, let my moments be filled with you. So be it.

Blow out the candle and keep it for other rites.

By Patricia Telesco ~From "365 Goddess"

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