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Goddesses : Temazcalteci
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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 8/25/2006 11:22 PM

Goddess~A~Day 9/6


Virgin of Remedies (Mexico)


Themes:  Health; Banishing (sickness)

Symbols:  Medicinal Herbs; Health and Healing Amulets; Water

About Temazcalteci:  This Aztec goddess's name means "grandmother of the sweet bath."  It is she who teaches us how to use medicinal herbs to maintain our health or banish sickness as fall sets in (perhaps especially in teas, considering her name).

To Do Today:  Follow the Mexican custom and rise at dawn, the time of renewed hope.  Enjoy a hot cup of soothing, healthful tea to get your entire day off with Temazcalteci's energy for well-being. 

Burning incense today is said to attract the goddess's favor and bring health and protection from fall maladies.  Burn sage or cedar in every room, and wash your bedding or favorite clothing in sage tincture.  This not only attracts the goddess's blessing but also decreases germs.

Dancing is another activity that promotes well-being today.  Maybe try out a dance aerobics tape, and if you like it, stick with it!  Boogie with the goddess every morning.

Don't forget to smudge your car with some healthful aromatics, too (like wintergreen or apple).  Then drive over to the nearest health cooperative and get some good herbal supplements to add to your diet.  This way you generate Temazcalteci's magic every day just by remembering to take the vitamin!

By Patricia Telesco ~From "365 Goddess"

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