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Harmonics : Rediscovery of Esoteric Music
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 Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/8/2007 7:06 AM

Chapter 10: The Rediscovery of Esoteric Music

By Arnold Keyserling.

"A person must find a way to penetrate to the fundamental vibration, to their tone, and to start living from this. PrimaSounds provides such a way."


  From the beginning of time in most cultures there has been two fundamentally different types of music: extroversive and introversive. Extroversive music is communicative and brings people together from the outside through dance, singing and intensive listening. Introversive music is self absorbing and tunes the individual into the depths of Original Being, the inexhaustible Source of the Universe.

Pythagoras called the first type of music Exoteric Music. He found its basis in the cycle of fifths and in the diatonic scale. He called the second type of music Esoteric Music and kept it secret. It is recognizable today by the symbol of the Pythagorean Order, the pentagram. The same tradition is also found in China where the second music is attributed to King Wen, the originator of the I Ching. He recognized that the sixth and seventh tone repeat the first and second to make the five tone octave of introversive music.

Today there is still some distinction maintained between the two types of music in the differentiation between serious and popular music. Today's distinction, however, does not go to the essence. Almost all of today's serious music - classical, electronic and new age - is as much Exoteric Music heard from the outside as is popular dance music. No music now in our culture is designed to enable a person to start an inner ascension up to the threshold of death and the inexhaustible Source, and return other people from death, as is told for instance in the myth of Orpheus and in many Shamanic traditions.

We have lost the tradition of Esoteric Music from our culture. But now with PrimaSounds we can regain it, if we understand the meaning of the tones and the intervals and their role in the human organism. It must be understood as getting in tune or in consonance with the origin of the world.

The seventh harmonic, and brain wave research, allowed me to re-discover this Esoteric music in 1971. This is described by R.C.L. in the first chapter. When I discovered PrimaSounds I learned that the secret power and force behind Esoteric Music was its attunement to the chakras. I first named Prima Sounds "Chakra Music" because when we played the five tones (A E I O U) we found that the scale was attuned to all seven "chakras".

The overtones of the fundamental tone, 12 hertz - which I named the "A" tone - stimulated our seventh chakra and our second chakra. The fifth note in the scale - U - was in resonance with the first chakra and the sixth chakra. The second note - E - was tuned to the third chakra, the third note - I - to the fourth chakra, the fourth note - O - to the fifth chakra. By experimentation with the tones we soon found that a person can attain fullness of consciousness and inner silence, the fundamental spiritual vibration OM, by listening to these new sounds as an adjunct to traditional meditation.

The creation of music with these new tones, however, was an entirely different matter. Here my vision ended and R.C.L.'s began. The musical training of my other students in Vienna who were interested in this project was counter-productive; a totally new start was required. For various reasons, including our experience of numerous technical problems with the electronic instruments themselves, we did not pursue this in Vienna as a musical form. For the most part we limited our use to single tones, and simple chord combinations as part of yoga and meditation classes.

I was surprised and delighted to hear R.C.L.'s PrimaSounds music for the first time in the Spring of 1992. I knew that the Esoteric Music I had discovered twenty years earlier was now ready to come into the open.

This information only appears today from its hidden historical recesses because the ways of ideology and personality cult imitation are coming to an end. If a person thinks he should be able to follow his own way alone and independently, then he cannot follow the consciousness content of another. He must put together, himself, the components of his consciousness and his life in order to find his personal synthesis.

To do this a person must, on the one hand, understand in thinking the fundamental elements of reality, as I have shown in my books, including my English book with R.C.L.: Chance and Choice: A Compendium of Ancient and Modern Wisdom. On the other hand a person must find a way to penetrate to the fundamental vibration, to their tone, and to start living from this. Prima Sounds provides such a way.

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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 9/8/2007 7:09 AM

Chapter 11: The Seven Energy Centers

By Arnold Keyserling

"These energy centers have been referred to in the East for thousands of years as the "chakras". Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means 'vortex of energy'."
Seven Chakras

Self observation confirms the traditional esoteric knowledge of all cultures that there are seven layers of human energy - seven Chakras. Three additional "higher" energy centers are also known, but will not be discussed in any detail here. The three "higher chakras" do not exist as personal energies, but only as impersonal historical forces. Readers interested in this should refer to Chance and Choice, Laws of Wisdom, as well as the first volume in the School of Wisdom series, New Age Visions.

The seven different energies correspond with the seven realms and functions of consciousness, their organic points of gravity, and seven areas of potential:

1. Sensing. Sensation relates to the data of the senses: colors, smells, tastes, sounds and tones, and observation of the sense of touch. The point of gravity is in the organs of generation and excretion. It is the base of all energies and is present in most people as sexual energy. Its basic potential is for creative imagination, revelations. Its vocation - how it's applied in society - is that of a "Worker" who has confidence, trust, intuition and the ability to heal. This energy feels like a force emitted from your self in order to do something. Its direction is the East and it partakes of the "Power of Fire".

2. Thinking. Breathing relates to Thinking. Its point of gravity is, however, found near the sacrum at the tip of the spine, which is also the point of gravity of bodily movement. All thinking is based on language which is heard through the vibrations of air. Its basic potential is to discern and affirm the differences and the similarities between all things. Its vocation is that of a "Designer" who adapts and conceives new things, including a unique style of life and a creative understanding. This energy feels like experiencing movement from out of the center. Its direction is the West and its Power is the Minerals.

3. Feeling. The function of Feeling has as its contents the impulses. The point of gravity lies in nourishment, in the digestion and de-posination metabolism. Its basic potential is for creativity and inner growth in the synthesis of new forms of understanding and learning. Its vocation is that of the "Helper" who heals through understanding, personal growth and cognition of the underlying archetypes. This energy feels like awakening. Its direction is the South and its Power is the Plants and water.

4. Willing. The Willing function is tied to the heart. It pertains to attention, concentration, acting and deciding. Its potential is self affirmation, finding your unique "medicine", in the Native American sense, that puts the Ego into a healthy, positive relationship with the greater Self. Its vocation is that of the "Leader", with affirmative energies, strategies and imagination. This energy feels like finding your role. Its direction is North and its Power is the Animals and nature. The contents of Thinking, Feeling and Sensing are conscious. Willing puts them together in time, through yes-no action or inaction of some kind. Their continuity, their putting together, changes the data of the functions into data of consciousness ordered in the three realms: Body - Soul - Spirit.

5. Body. The Body continuity, steered by the genetic code, has its point of gravity in the spinal cord and in the central nervous system which is activated from the brain stem and cerebellum just above the neck. This is the basis of material experience; movement activities are stored in the memory so that the force of attention can remain free. Its potential is to start new things and become more human, responsible and discerning. Its vocation is the "Friend," who assists in projects and helps others to see the world and themselves more clearly. This energy feels like becoming an expression. Its direction is the Center and its Power is the Sacred Earth.

6. Soul. The continuity of the Soul, which puts Man into family in its farthest sense by endogen engrams, conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, has its point of gravity in the limbic system. There all personal relations and memories, as well as those of Mankind and our whole evolution, are stored and unite Humanity with the animal realm. The potential is to heal and to synthesize opposing forces into a larger whole through communication and discussion. Its vocation is the "Teacher" who helps set priorities and values, and who has strong communication skills. This energy feels like partaking of an abundance. Its direction is the Southeast and Power is the Ancestors.

7. Spirit. The highest Spirit field of the cerebrum or neocortex with its two hemispheres shows the capacity of mental representation of knowledge in its largest meaning - from language to opinion and world conception. Its basic potential is for responsiveness, to take the lead in reacting to the environment. Its vocation is the "Facilitator" who takes action, questions, cajoles, even fights, so that everyone can find their unique potential and resolve conflicts. This energy feels like becoming aware of the physical totality. Its direction is Southwest and Power is the Nature Spirits.

Summary of Knowledge of the Seven Energy Centers

7. Spirit - Knowledge - Cerebrum - Responsibility

6. Soul - Instinctual - Cerebellum and Limbic System - Healing

5. Body - Conditioned - Spinal Cord - Initiative

4. Willing - Attention - Blood Circulation - Essence/AWARENESS

3. Feeling - Impulses - Metabolism - Creativity

2. Thinking - Language - Breathing - Discernment

1. Sensing - Sense Data - Sex & Excretion - Imagination


Each of these points of gravity corresponds to one of the centers of vibration of the human energy field and is activated in a certain way. All function at once, but consciousness can only refer to one or another. This can be understood by means of the flageolet tone: in a vibrating string, not only the first tone, but a whole series of harmonics resound according to the law of whole numbers. If the vibration is regular, after the first impulse the vibration returns from the ends of the string and forms vibration nodes. This can be visualized in an example. If you take a circular pond and throw a stone into the middle, the point of impact will dive in and up. From this waves go out to the periphery, they reflect back, and where they meet the newly emerging waves there will be a proliferation of water, a node.

If you touch a vibrating string at one of these places you will hear only the corresponding partial tone as a flageolet tone (on the guitar there are points to mark these places) and the other overtones will remain silent. Through the flageolet tone every overtone can be taken as a single tone. The same vibratory phenomenon causes consciousness to alternate attention. But with consciousness the correspondences are reversed. The energy emanates from the nodes, the chakra points. Also, in music and acoustics the seventh overtone is out of intervallic continuity with the others - sounds out of tune - in bioplasma the reverse is true. The seventh harmonic is in tune with our consciousness and the bio-energies that go with it.

Our energies are tuned to the seventh, even though our ears are not. The difference arises from the fact that bioplasma is not made up of material vibrations, but of energetical vibrations which keep bodies together, move them, and make them ripe for functions. The pulsating bioplasmic energy is unlike a string which has a potentially infinite number of vibrations. The bioplasmic field has exactly seven points of gravity or vortices of energy and should be steered from those. These seven energy centers exist along the spinal cord.

The existence of these micro-vibrations was well known to the ancient traditions. The Chinese found their points of gravity and their relation to medicine in acupuncture, an art of healing which can prognosticate illnesses out of the disturbances of the relation between Yin and Yang bio-energies. These energy centers have been referred to in the East for thousands of years as the "chakras". Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means "vortex of energy".

European scientists have tried to identify the chakras with endocrine glands or with different nerve plexus. But Chakras are a completely different kind of energy. They are wave fields without particles; pure potential with no content. They are like the other side of Black Holes where the energy is streaming out, not in.

They can be initially located and identified as void spaces, pure energy fields. Cosmic energy of immeasurable power, called by the Indians "Prana" and by the Chinese "Chi", can flow through the chakras. Technically speaking the chakras are the fields through which the energies flow, not the cosmic energies themselves. They are like doors and the PrimaSounds can rattle them open a crack.

PrimaSounds work by using resonance and attention in the element of Energy. Our center of attention normally exists in another element, in Consciousness. (There are four fundamental elements or fundamental principles: Matter, Energy, Consciousness and Self Organization. This is explained in detail in Chance and Choice.) As shown before, Consciousness has seven basic components: the four functions - Sensing, Thinking, Feeling and Willing; and the three realms - Body, Soul and Spirit. The diagram below shows the natural relationships between the seven structures of consciousness on the left side.


natural alignment of the consciousness centers

 The seven have a natural internal relationship whereby Sensing corresponds with Body, Thinking with Soul, and Feeling with Spirit. Willing stands on its own in the center, connected with Attention and Awareness which is outside of consciousness. For example, the senses are sharpest when perceiving the physical world, as opposed to sensing other people (soul) or an idea (spirit). Conversely the Body is most directly apprehended by sensing. Thinking is most acute when in dialogue with other people, as opposed to pure abstract thinking. Conversely the Soul is understood best by thinking. Feeling, and its twin sister imagination, are at home in the Spirit, where free reign is given to it. Feeling in the body or soul is more limited and often negative. Conversely the Spirit is most easily accessed by the Feelings. Thinking about the Spirit frequently leads to erudite nonsense. Spirit must first be felt before it can be seen or put into words.

When these seven components are moved from the scale of Consciousness to the scale of Energy, there is a fractal variation in the internal alignment. In the world of Energy where Prima Sounds vibrate in accord with the seven energy centers, or chakras, there is a new alignment of the original seven. Now Sensing corresponds with Soul, not Body, and Thinking corresponds with Spirit, not Soul. Feeling now acts on Body, instead of Spirit, with Willing remaining the same, in the center related to Awareness, the dynamic Nothingness outside of and underlying the seven. As a consequence of this fractal variation PrimaSounds should be listened to by Feeling the effects of the vibrations on the body, Sensing the energy of soul stimulation, and Thinking of the Spirit, of abstract ideas or no-thinking. This realignment is shown in the chart below with the connecting lines on the right side.


New PrimaSounds Energy Alignment of the Chakras

The seven human energy centers (4 + 3 = 7) also correspond to the seven essential criteria of language comprehension. They combine as four temporal functions and three spatial realms - four times three (4 * 3 = 12) - to create the basic twelvefold structure of The WHEEL. It is shown below in two dimensional form. The twelve basic categories of the Wheel created by the combination of the three realms and four functions are:

1. Soul-Willing

2. Body-Sensing

3. Spirit-Thinking

4. Soul-Feeling

5. Body-Willing

6. Spirit-Sensing

7. Soul-Thinking

8. Body-Feeling

9. Spirit-Willing

10. Soul-Sensing

11. Body-Thinking

12. Spirit-Feeling.

As is shown in Chance and Choice, The Wheel is the summation symbol of my philosophy. It reflects the structure of number, language, and the mind. With The Wheel we can make sense of the many seemingly contradictory elements of the Human experience and attain coherence in the midst of chaos. The Wheel shown below is the latest version of a universal archetype which has appeared in virtually all cultures throughout history.


 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 9/8/2007 7:11 AM

Chapter 13: The Seventh Harmonic

By R.C.L.

  "As a touch of cosmic irony, the "key" to PrimaSounds is what is "out of key" for all other music."

PrimaSounds form a pentatonic scale with unique frequencies, chords, intervals, summation and difference tones. This differentiates its musical scale from all others, including other five tone scales.

The PrimaSounds scale is based on the acoustic phenomenon of the deviation of the natural seventh harmonic from all other tones. The seventh harmonic sounds out of tune with other notes. For that reason the seventh harmonic is excluded and avoided as much as possible in other musical scales. As a touch of cosmic irony, the "key" to PrimaSounds is what is "out of key" for all other music.

It's as if our ears had a built in programming allowing us to hear - if we listen very carefully that is - that the seventh was fundamentally different from other harmonics. It sounds "sour" whereas other basic fractions, intervals, sound "sweet." In more precise musical terminology, the seventh sounds "dissonant," whereas the others sound "consonant." Most musicians with good theoretical training, or a very good ear, have long known about the phenomena of the seventh harmonic. A few physicists studying acoustics also know about the anomaly. But it was just considered one of those many quirks of nature with no special meaning. Arnold Keyserling appears to be the first in modern times to realize the significance of this acoustic phenomenon.



But what do musicians and scientists mean by seventh harmonic? Harmonics pertain to reciprocal vibrations. Every time one tone, one vibration, is sounded, a series of discrete secondary sound vibrations are also created. This is an automatic phenomenon of nature, as natural and inevitable as gravity. Vibrations never exist by themselves. They always create secondary vibrations. These secondary vibrations are the harmonics.

In music the secondary, reciprocal vibrations are called the undertones and the overtones. The undertones are lower in pitch with longer waves, and the overtones are higher in pitch with shorter waves. For instance, a string when vibrating at the pitch or frequency we call "low C" (sixteen times per second) will necessarily form the following secondary overtones to low C.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  
   c   c   g   c   e   g   x   c   d   e  

The overall string is vibrating at low C and this is the principal tone we hear. But if we listen carefully we can also hear the secondary tones, the higher C tones, the G tones, D and E. These secondary reciprocal tones are produced automatically. One of these secondary tones, the seventh shown with an x above, sounds dissonant with the rest. But all of the others sound consonant with each other - pleasing to the ear - and so they are given a place in music, and are part of our musical scale. The secondary tones are known as the "harmonics" of the fundamental vibration.

The harmonics or overtones whose frequencies are exactly double or one-half are called the octaves. They extend the scale, but preserve identity - the octave notes sound the same, but are higher or lower in pitch. This, by the way, is one of the best examples in nature of the scientific principle of "fractal scaling" showing how self similarity is preserved over different scales of magnitude.

The next discrete series of overtones are the thirds, called "fifths" in music, then the fifths, called "major thirds" in music. The overtones are the places on the string where the nodes and sub-waves, or harmonics, naturally form. The sounding of any one tone will naturally create these particular fractal tones as overtones and undertones. The fractal tones follow the fractions of the rational numbers. For example, when the tone C is played all of the overtones are also created, and the string includes fractal waves such as a wave one-third as long as that of C. This one-third size wave produces the note called G, forming the musical interval of the perfect fifth. (It's called a fifth because it forms the fifth note of the C scale, even though it's a third of the string length.) Other fractal waves include one which is one-fifth as long as that of C. This produces the note E, forming the musical interval of a major third. (Again, although it's the fift harmonic, it's called the third, because it is the third note of the major scale.)
This animated graphic should help non-musicians get a better feel for this phenomena by showing the movements on a string:

Like the overtones, the undertones appear in sound waves automatically whenever one vibration is initiated. The undertone harmonics sound lower in pitch than the fundamental tone, they move at lower frequency, and produce a longer wave. Thus, unlike the shorter overtones, the undertones can only be found on certain musical instruments, like bells, which can reverberate at a pitch lower than the fundamental.

      c       c       f       c       a       f       x       c       b       a      
      1       2       3      4      5      6       7       8      9      10     

As mentioned, the frequency and harmonics of the natural acoustic seventh are dissonant when compared to virtually all known tuning systems of the world. Although the acoustic seventh is avoided as an unacceptably sour note, the interval is still always present as a natural acoustic phenomenon. The seventh harmonic can be heard as an overtone or undertone in some instruments, particularly those rich in timbre (which means harmonics) such as a violin.

When the acoustic seventh is taken as the basic interval for the creation of a musical scale, new tones and intervals (distances between the notes) result. The 7 to 4 ratio of the natural seventh harmonic creates a new musical scale, a five tone, pentatonic scale. The PrimaSounds scale uses twelve hertz is used as the fundamental tone (12 hertz is the mean value of alpha brain waves which are considered to be brain waves of between 10 to 14 hertz). Some temperament of the scale is then made to create a functioning musical scale. Temperament is a slight adjustment to tone frequencies which is made to preserve octave identity over scales, and is used in most musical scales, not just PrimaSounds.

When the scale was first invented by Professor Keyserling, he used the normal octave temperament employed in diatonic scales involving the square root of two. Experimentation over the years showed me that this was not the optimal temperament. I have developed a more effective temperament system based on the natural harmonics of the seventh itself. This temperament is unique, and for now remains confidential. To go deeper into an inderstanding of Music Theory and mathmatics see Chapter 2 of Chance and Choice.

 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 9/8/2007 7:14 AM

Chapter 14: The Physics of PrimaSounds?

By R.C.L.

" It appears as if PrimaSounds produce standing waves - a wall of sound effect - that is not tied to the acoustics of the room itself. Instead, it appears to have more to do with the people in the room and their energy fields."

This chapter will present our tentative theories on the physics of how and why PrimaSounds works. Nobody really knows yet exactly, in a scientific sense, how and why PrimaSounds works. Scientific explanations are inherently difficult for many reasons. For one thing, most scientists today still do not recognize the existence and importance of the subtle energy fields surrounding the body. Some day as Science progresses - the Unified Field is finally understood by physicists, and acupuncture is finally understood by Western medical doctors - I am confident that a solid scientific theoretical explanation for PrimaSounds will be developed. Still, the lack of exact scientific understanding does not prevent us from using PrimaSounds, any more than it prevents hundreds of millions of people in China from successfully using acupuncture.

Since the discovery of PrimaSounds in 1971 some coherent theoretical explanations have begun to form. They may not survive the test of time, and will almost certainly be modified as rigorous scientific testing provides us with more information. Still they provide us with a rational basis for understanding the physics of PrimaSounds and represent a starting point for further investigations.

In this chapter I will share some of our discoveries and theories. We hope these early observations will spark further scientific investigation. If you don't care for physics, and aren't interested in scientific theories, you can skip over this section. But if you are like me and want to understand exactly how PrimaSounds work, why these sound frequencies have the tremendous power they do, this is the chapter for you!

Transversal vs. Longitudinal Energy

What seems certain at this time is that PrimaSound waves directly impact consciousness and bio-energies because of some kind of resonance effect. Since PrimaSounds move at the same rate -- the same frequency -- as the optimal rates of chakras, a strong resonance effect is created which increases the strength of the chakra vibrations. Resonance is one energy vibrating at the same frequency so as to amplify and re-enforce another.

Recall the child on the swing discussed in the introduction. We think PrimaSounds push the chakras in the same way a child is pushed on a swing. Both depend on exact timing to make the swing go higher. If you push a child when they are still going backwards, you stop the wave. The swing stops. Only if you push just as the child has reached the top of the swing, and started to return, are you in resonance with the swing, and increase the wave. In the same way when a sound is in resonance -- which means a matching frequency -- the sound pushes at just the right time to catch the chakra energies, and make them go faster, just like the child. The illustration below shows the resonance on a child's swing to help you better picture the idea.


This is an oversimplification, of course, and it still does not explain exactly how it works. For an exact understanding you must first comprehend the difference between transversal and longitudinal energy.

Science acknowledges that the laws of harmonics are applicable to all longitudinal energy. Longitudinal energy is the "back and forth" movement of matter, such as sound vibrations in air. The air, on a molecular level, is compressed and expanded or rarified, resulting in a back and forth movement of the air molecules in the same direction as the sound wave. The energy particles are said to move parallel to the propagation of the energy wave. This is shown by the animated graphic below created by Dan Russel Ph.D., a Professor of Physics and Acoustics at Kettering University.

 More controversial, but seemingly required by a fundamental principle of the science of chaos known as "fractal scaling," is the application of the laws of harmonics to transversal energy as well. Transversal is the "up and down" movement of energy fields, perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave. This is the wave form you normally see on an oscilloscope or on the top of water. All electromagnetic energy is transversal. Here the energy particles move perpendicular to the propagation of the energy wave. This is again shown by an animation of Professor Russel.

 I have not seen any scientific studies on the relationship between the laws of harmonics of longitudinal energy, specifically the well understood laws of music, and the study of transversal energy. So I am not sure if there is any generally accepted, albeit arcane, scientific opinion on these issues. However, as a matter of theory, based on the principle of fractal scaling and recursive self "similarity" (not "identity"), I doubt that all longitudinal harmonic phenomena repeat in exactly the same way with transversal energy, or visa versa. That is, there is probably not an identical repetition. But, since fractal scaling seems to be a fundamental law of nature, self similarity is to be expected as a matter of principle from one type of vibration to another. As far as I know, in science this theoretical question is still an open one.

There is, however, basic skepticism in scientific circles that sound energy could ever have a direct impact upon electromagnetic energy, because longitudinal and transversal energies are fundamentally different. Remember I am talking about "direct impact" here - resonance. This is different from indirect mechanically mediated relations between the two kinds of energy, such as when a microphone translates longitudinal sound energy into transversal electrical energy, or when a speaker does the reverse. There is a natural "common sense" expectation that there will be no significant direct resonant interplay between the two forms of energy, that they will be like two ships passing in the night, one never touching or even seeing the other. One is energy with a vertically based movement, the other is matter with a horizontal movement.


 Recall again the child on a swing. When the adult pushes in the direction of the child's movement, and does so at the right time, that is, in resonance with the back and forth movement of the swing, the adult gives the child a boost. It is obvious that the adult cannot push the child by moving his arms up and down, like a transversal wave. It does not even make sense to talk in terms of resonance of the two movements. The adult has to push back and forth - longitudinally, not up and down, to attain resonance with the child, and push her forward. Moreover, to make the analogy complete, the adult pusher is physical (material sound waves), and the child on the swing is pure energy (electromagnetic energy). Under this view the two forms of energy cannot have a direct impact on each other. It would not be possible for PrimaSounds to resonate and amplify the chakras, or any other kind of transversal, electromagnetic energy. Yet in listening to PrimaSounds we experience that it does, so the ideas about such compartmentalism and "common sense" must be questioned.

I think this kind of "either - or" thinking, Longitudinal versus Transversal, is an inaccurate carry over from outdated Newtonian physics where matter and energy were considered separate. Today we know they are united by the speed of light squared (E=MC2). Moreover, we now know that the energy "particles" are not really things at all, they are space time fluctuations - energy waves. From quantum mechanics we know that these energies sometimes act like waves, sometimes like particles, depending on whether they are observed or not, but their actions are completely unpredictable on an individual basis. Only statistical probabilities are possible on this microcosmic level.

Personally, I am certain that the natural expectation of "two ships passing in the night" is wrong, that it is based on outmoded Newtonian gestalt. I think resonance can sometimes apply from longitudinal sound energy to transversal human energy. The evidence suggests to me that fractal scaling interlinks all forms of energy. The unified field is more than a theory, it's reality, despite the so called "common sense" expectations to the contrary.

From my experience with PrimaSounds since 1972, and thousands of anecdotal reports, I am convinced that the harmonics of certain sound energies can have a correspondence with the electromagnetic harmonics of the energy fields around humans and other life forms. The longitudinal movement of matter at certain frequencies - particularly those arranged according to the seventh harmonic - can have a direct resonance impact upon certain kinds of transversal energies. It's as if they had a built-in microphone or transducer.

There is at least one example in nature known to me, and commonly accepted by all physicists, which shows that transversal energy can have a direct impact on longitudinal energy. We need only look at ocean waves. Here we find longitudinal energy moving along the surface of the water. The waves show how the vertical and horizontal movements of transversal and longitudinal energies can and do sometimes interact with each other to produce a circular movement, an energy vortex.

Such rotational movement is also found in whirlpools or tornados. In the ancient language of Sanskrit an "energy vortex" is called a "chakra." In all traditions, the centers of the energy fields surrounding the human body are described as emanating from vortices of energies. By understanding the phenomenon of a wave at sea, where horizontal and vertical energies directly impact each other, you can grasp how the resonance effects of PrimaSounds (a horizontal longitudinal energy) could have an effect on the chakras (a vertical transversal energy). The explanation requires a little more knowledge of the physics of longitudinal and transversal waves.

Longitudinal waves are all matter based and cannot be conducted through a vacuum. That is why, for instance, there can be no sound on the moon. Despite what you have heard on Star Trek, a ship exploding in space makes no noise at all. There is no air to carry a sound vibration. Transversal waves, on the other hand, can be both matter based, and pure energy based. The prime example of pure energy based transversal waves is electromagnetic energy - light. Energy based transversal waves can travel through the vacuum of space. If not, we'd all be in the dark!

Longitudinal waves can be conducted through all three states of matter: gas, solid and liquid. For example, sound can travel in the air, under water and under ground. Not so for non-electromagnetic transversal waves - that is matter based transversal waves. They can only be conducted through solids. They cannot pass through gasses and liquids. It is important to understand why.

For a transversal wave to travel through matter, one section of a body must move sideways with respect to another, and then reverse that motion. This requires a type of force called a "shear." It requires a countervailing force to bring the portions of the body back into line. Such shearing force is present in solids which have strong cohesive forces between molecules. But in liquids, and especially in gases, the cohesive forces are very weak, and are not strong enough for shearing. If a portion of water or air is shifted sideways with respect to a neighboring portion, additional water or air simply flows in to fill the region left "empty" by the shifting portion. There is no shearing and thus a transversal wave cannot be produced. Instead, the energy simply dissipates into the immediately surrounding molecules and does not travel anywhere.

So, why does it look as if there are transversal waves on the surface of the ocean? The ocean is certainly a liquid.

Here is the key. Although it appears as if transverse waves are traveling on the horizontal upper surface of a liquid, in fact this transversal wave movement is produced by circular movements of the water particles. The water near the surface is moving in a circular vortex! The water moving in a circular path creates a transversal type of energy flow on the surface. A duck sitting on the surface of the ocean makes this apparent.

Again, we have an excellent animation by Professor Russel to illustrate. Note the blue dots represent the same molecules to show their circular motion. You can also see that the motion is clockwise.

  The vortex on the surface between the two states of matter, gas and liquid, and the two kinds of energy, is caused by the interaction of longitudinal waves with another energy force. In the case of water it is the force of gravity. This other energy force then transforms the longitudinal water waves from a horizontal movement into a circular movement, a vortex. These rotational energies can exist only on the surface. Below the surface, the circular vortex waves disappear. They are impossible there, and there are only longitudinal waves, currents.

Here's how it works. The outside force, in this case gravity, resists the up and down shear. Under the surface, within the body of the liquid, gravity does not do this because each fragment of water is buoyed up by the surrounding water. Since the density of each bit of water is equal to the density of the surrounding water, each bit of water has a weight of zero. Under water gravity is effectively neutralized, and so transversal waves are impossible there. If a portion of water under the surface is raised by a shear, it remains in the new position, in spite of gravity.

On the surface of a liquid the buoyancy effect does not exist. On the surface, gravity can interact to counteract a shear and cause the water to move back again into its old position. However, since the energy wave below the surface is longitudinal - that is horizontal "back and forth" movement - its old position when it goes down, is now forward to where it used to be. Then as it goes up again, its position horizontally goes back to where it started.

This back and forth movement creates a circular wave form. The influence of an outside force - gravity - has transformed longitudinal energy into circular energy, a vortex. In the process, a transversal wave has been created, the waves we see traveling on the surface of the ocean. (Note, this is not the same as the waves we see crashing in the surf. That is yet another process.)

A Working Theory for PrimaSounds

We suspect that PrimaSounds work in an analogous manner to waves on the surface of water. It appears that when the frequency of the horizontal (back and forth) sound waves matches that of the transversal (up and down) waves, an outside force or energy is released which causes the sound waves to move in a circular manner.

The matching frequencies appear to be analogous to the surface between two forms of matter, liquid and gaseous. They may well be a kind of gate between two worlds, or a doorway to a higher dimension. At this surface point an outside force causes the longitudinal wave to move up and down, thus creating circular sound waves, which in turn create transversal energy. These waves are neither longitudinal nor transversal, but a combination of both, just like waves on the surface of the ocean.

The outside force which causes this to happen might be gravity, like with the sea. But it might also be the so called "strong" or "weak" nuclear forces that make up the four forms of energy now known to science (electromagnetic, gravitational, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force). We have found that a person's gravitational alignment and sensitivity will frequently have a significant impact upon the experiences invoked by PrimaSounds. This points to the importance of gravitational force to this phenomenon.

Still, another force altogether might be involved, one not yet named by science, a force linked to a higher dimension or a unified field of all energies. We suspect that may be the case, because traditional wisdom refers to the chakras as possessing a kind of cosmic energy of immeasurable power, called by the Indians "Prana" and by the Chinese "Chi." We are unsure about the exact causes. But we do feel that when sounds of a certain frequency - PrimaSounds - are in contact with human (or other life form) energy fields, a circular energy results.

  The evidence which initially led to this circular or vortex sound wave theory was the discovery that an unusual number of "standing waves" are always created in any room when PrimaSounds is played. This unusual acoustic phenomenon was noticed right away by the Keyserlings when the music was first performed in 1971. It sounds as if all of the PrimaSound tones are standing waves. This phenomenon in turn suggested circular waves.

For normal longitudinal sound waves, this kind of multiple standing wave phenomenon would not be possible, or at least very rare and uncommon. A standing wave is one which remains in place, with clear position and form. A few, and only a few, standing waves are always created with longitudinal waves in any enclosed room. Which particular frequencies of longitudinal sound will become standing waves is based on the size of the room, and the interaction of the sound waves. Specifically it is based on the distance between the walls, and the phase effects, or interactions, between the waves. For example, if the room is fifteen feet long, then the sound wave which has a frequency that makes it fifteen feet long will be reinforced by the room itself. The sound wave ends at the wall and bounces back to the other wall, touching the wall just when it is reversing direction. Waves the size of one-half the room size, one-fourth, one-eighth, etc., will do the same. The waves as they pass back going the opposite direction to the originating source cancel it out, or reinforce it according the resonance. This is known as a phase effect, and it can create a standing wave.

You can walk around a room and hear where the standing waves are resounding. They have a definite location, and since they are reinforced by the structure of the room itself, they play or resound longer. These are natural, acoustically produced standing waves. They cannot exist outdoors, barring only natural caverns or mountain wall echo effects, where the waves can reverse direction.

This is difficult to understand in the abstract, but starts to make sense when you visualize what is happening. Again, we are indebted to Professor Russel. See his animated gif below and also his web page on Superposition of Waves for a further, and better explanation.

  Many investigators have reported that when PrimaSounds are played, many more standing waves can be heard in a room than when other sound frequencies are played. (Moreover some report hearing standing waves outside, but this is more problematical due to the interference of many other factors, such as wind, other sounds, etc. and is more difficult to detect.) It appears as if PrimaSounds produce standing waves - a wall of sound effect - that is not tied to the acoustics of the room itself. Instead, it appears to have more to do with the people in the room and their energy fields. The standing waves are not acoustically produced by reflection from the walls and phasing. They are produced by interaction with the life form energy fields in the room - the chakras. Thus with enough people in a room, all of the PrimaSound tones become standing waves, moving in various rotational patterns.

The rotational wave phenomenon allows us to understand this. If the sound waves become circular by interaction with the energy fields of the observers, they would naturally create more standing waves. In fact, the inherent nature of circular waves would be static, just like standing waves caused by interaction with the walls. Again the example of the ducks on water show this. The ducks are not pushed along following the movement of the wave on the water. They basically remain in one position traveling in a circular motion. First they go up and forward, then down and back. The ducks are like a PrimaSounds wave when in contact with chakra energy. They become circular standing waves.

 The PrimaSounds circular standing wave form pattern can be easily verified by anyone listening to the music. Play the music and walk around the room and you can hear definite "pockets" of sound, the places where it is unnaturally loud or quiet. To observe a more subtle, but still obvious phenomenon, just turn or move your head a little. A few inches, or less, will do. The music will suddenly change. One standing wave pattern will be emphasized over another. Some of this phenomena is certainly explained by the slow moving quality of the music itself. This would naturally create more phasing. But it is very doubtful it could explain the whole effect, or account for the number of pockets of standing waves that remain even as the frequencies constantly change.

The smaller head movements usually reveal changes in the higher notes. That is because the waves for higher notes are shorter. The circles would thus be smaller. Conversely the low tones produce longer waves. (The lowest tones you can hear are over thirty feet long!) Thus the lower tones produce larger circles. Here you have to move around the room more to hear the shifts in the low tones.

The effects are also changed by the person or persons observing the effects. The strength of the chakras in the room affects the degree of curvature of the PrimaSounds. With a good sound system, and a good group of people, the standing wave effects can be very dramatic.

This acoustic phenomenon simply does not occur with regular music. These unique listening experiences provide us with an important clue that we are indeed dealing with circular sound waves, a phenomenon previously unknown to scientific investigation.

The circular sound wave hypothesis is just one working theory to explain the standing wave phenomenon and strong energetic-spiritual effect of PrimaSounds. Many other theories are possible and at this point no final judgment can be made. For instance, the phenomenon may be tied to the inner dynamics of the ear itself. Perhaps the standing wave phenomenon is created inside the ear itself, and does not exist outside in the room at all! As another possibility perhaps it is created in the brain itself, instead of the ear. The acoustic processing of the brain is still a mystery. The phenomenon may be tied directly to the brain waves themselves. In that case, the origin would be purely internal and not tied to the form of the sound waves themselves. Some combination of the processes may also be at work.

But, for now, the preferred theory to explain the physics of PrimaSounds remains resonance and circular energies. This is the simplest explanation, and the only one not based on pure conjecture and speculation. The PrimaSound waves are able to excite and amplify our energies because they vibrate at the same rate of movement, the same frequency. The resonance in turn creates circular waves of energies.

This theory of resonance and circular waves provides a clear explanation for all of the unusual listening and consciousness phenomena associated with PrimaSounds. Moreover, there is a certain beauty to the idea that has a ring of truth about it. The circle is the bridge between the horizontal and the vertical. It is the one form which combines both directions in an even flow. A circular form to the energy thus seems to provide a solid theoretical basis to understand how sound waves can have a resonance effect upon the chakras.

Going back to the analogy of the child on the swing one last time may help you to visualize and fully understand how circular energy can be a bridge between transversal and longitudinal energy, between the horizontal back and forth, and the vertical up and down.

  Although moving your hands in circular fashion might not be the most efficient way to push a child on a swing, and would require more delicate timing, it would still work to increase momentum. As you can see the resonance effect would still work to increase the force of the wave, and make the child go higher. Try it sometime. It just may hold the key to the secrets of PrimaSounds!

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 9/8/2007 7:16 AM

Chapter 15: The Ultimate Meaning of PrimaSounds

By R.C.L.

"The chords can provide a musical bridge to your fundamental vibration, your deepest, center tone. From this inner core of silence - pure Awareness - you can awaken to a new harmony with the Universe. PrimaSounds can then take you to the threshold of other worlds, the Shaman's gate."

PrimaSounds provide an easy access for people to relax and have a direct experience of their energies. Many listeners go on to do energy work. They use PrimaSounds to strengthen and balance their energies. Some listeners even have strong visionary experiences with PrimaSounds. These usages have real benefits for many. They can help the body and soul to heal. But without the spiritual realization inherent in the Peak Experience, it will not be enough for a meaningful life.

The Peak Experience step alone brings with it the real spiritual significance of PrimaSounds. This alone shows the hidden connectedness underlying all things. Moreover, each of the other steps - relaxation, energization and visions - have deeper recesses which are not available without this spiritual knowledge.

I did not create PrimaSounds, and Arnold Keyserling did not invent the scale, so that people could relax or turn on their chakras. We are not driven to help people heal their bodies and souls. Of course, these are very worthy goals, it's just not "our thing." Our aim is primarily spiritual. We created PrimaSounds to make it possible for more people to travel the road of Wisdom. This means to engage in a personal process of evolution. This is the process we call Life Tuning, as described in Chapter 4. Life Tuning requires both the third and fourth steps of mystic union and the visions which follow. Only these unleash the full potential of the music and its listeners - you.

Beware, visions may come before the peak experience, but such visions alone will not work. The fourth stage needs to follow the third. Only in this way will the visions be clear and meaningful. Jumping over the third stage to the fourth - premature visions - may lead you astray. It may be easy, but it will only lead to little visions, to memories. Worse it can lead to out-right delusions. You can have more, much more.

The music is intended to give you more. It can create a personal and direct experience of the Infinite - God. The chords can provide a musical bridge to your fundamental vibration, your deepest, center tone. From this inner core of silence - pure Awareness - you can awaken to a new harmony with the Universe. PrimaSounds can then take you to the threshold of other worlds, the Shaman's gate. The visions will then be clear and helpful. This is our true gift. This is the ultimate meaning of PrimaSounds. Do not settle for the little visions. Press on until you attain your peak experience.

Unfortunately, it is not possible for most people to do this on their own. Conversely, self delusion and ego inflation are all too easy. But for real achievements, there is no substitute for personal instruction, training, guidance, and hard work. No matter how advanced we may be, or think we are, we all need the advice of people with greater experience. We need contact with the few elders on this planet who have true wisdom to share. We need the help of friends and a real community based on spirit, not money.

Here is where spirit based friendship groups and centers of learning are indispensable. This is one reason I have spent so much of my time and effort since 1992 working with Arnold Keyserling and the School of Wisdom. It is my belief that without instructional centers like the School of Wisdom, and Criterion, and elders such as Arnold and Willy Keyserling, the ultimate meaning of PrimaSounds will elude most listeners. Without such contact it is easy to succumb to the temptation of delusions of grandeur. Beware of this, for if you fall prey to such delusions, you will cheat yourself out of deeper experience and full creativity.

This is a pity, for the truly remarkable qualities of PrimaSounds can only be known in the peak and visionary stages. Only then can it serve as a true tool of Wisdom. In the context of the Wisdom Tradition, where this knowledge is personally transmitted from generation to generation, the music can become truly magical. It can then be used as a powerful tool to discover your deepest dreams, and learn how to make them come true.

Profound understanding is then possible. Ever stronger energies are released and absorbed, and you "find" - actually its more like "remember" - your "meaning in life." Then you can knowingly join in the dance of life and engage in the world flow of activity which fulfills your meaning. You share your gifts and commune with life on all levels of being. You continue always to learn, to change, and refine your actions. You discover the best ways to "walk your talk."

Problems and darkness are still a part of life, but you are confident of the solutions and the light. You gradually and naturally sink deeper into your being, your Tao. You flow around all obstacles like water. Your energies are tuned and intensified. Using PrimaSounds and ritual you speak with beings in all dimensions, all times and spaces. You learn how to help them, and to receive their help.

By applying your understanding of why you were born, you effortlessly and naturally enhance your energies. As you carry out your mission in life, the energy field that you are a part of - your energy egg - naturally intensifies. Through creative activity in tune with your depths, ever more profound understanding results. More and more information and help comes to you when needed. A positive feedback loop develops. Still stronger energies are released and absorbed as your actions become more in tune with your meaning, more in tune with the totality of space-time. You naturally become more loving and light. Your life becomes ever more creative, vibrant, meaningful and energetic. You become a part of history, an essential voice in the larger harmony of the planet.

Old age then comes as a joyful time of wisdom realization. The body fades, but you - your energies - your soul and spirit - remain strong. Your soul sings with harmony, intensity and color, at one with the Spirit of the times, at one with the Universe. You face your end on this planet, your "death," with knowledge and love, ready for the next step. Why else are we all here?

 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 9/8/2007 7:19 AM
PrimaSounds Meditation Music

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