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Inspirational : The Ego and the Soul
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/5/2008 3:16 AM


The Ego and the Soul



Ego. It is ego that stops us really committing.

The ego telling us  "This is not good enough for me. I deserve better than this. They don't deserve me, I am too good for them."

It's the ego that wants to keep "me" apart from "us". To never truly be one of "them".  Never truly committed because in this way the ego can keep control of the situation. Its difficult to control things in a group, its much easier when you are on your own. In this way the ego keeps a tight grip on its reality.


The soul however, rejoices in union with others. The soul has no need to feel special for the soul knows that we are all related, we are all one. Nobody is any more special than anybody else, and the soul can rejoice in this truth.


The petty ego, however, fights against this, seeking to compare. Seeking a way to be superior.This is not the soul. This is not the way of the soul. This I am learning now.


All the time that the ego is king, you are a slave.

Once the soul is king, you are free.


For only the soul truly can guide. Only the soul truly loves.

The ego has no love. The ego does not understand love,

The soul is based in love, but this love is not a selfish love. This is an unselfish love, an unselfish perspective, a group perspective.


Where the ego is petty, the soul is magnanimous.

Where the ego is mean, the soul is generous.

Where the ego hoards and keeps for itself, the soul gives and gives and gives.

Where the ego believes in lack, the soul believes in plenty. For the soul knows that in Truth, there is no lack at all. There is only abundance. There's enough to go around. There is plenty.


Where the ego promotes control by fear, the soul promotes freedom in love.

Where the ego seeks separation, the soul seeks unity.


So stop and reflect throughout the day. "Is this idea, this decision, this fear, soul based or ego based?" If you find that it is ego based, ask yourself "Now then, what would my soul want in this situation?" And wait for an answer. Then compare the two. Which feels right, which feels better? When I say feel, I mean feel it in your body, usually in your solar plexus. Which feels right for me?


Then will we know joy and bliss.

Then will we know God.


In this way, with practise, you allow your soul to guide you.

In this way you take small steps, ever closer, to becoming a blended being, a sovereign being, a soul-merged being.

In this way you step closer to God, and to who you really are.

Author Unknown~

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 1/16/2008 5:02 PM
thank you for sharing

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 2/10/2008 1:59 AM