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Inspirational : Religion Or Enlightenment
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/5/2008 3:35 AM
Religion or Enlightenment

What is it that mankind is searching for? Religion assures man a future knowledge of immortality while enlightenment reveals the future now. You may be wondering is this a true statement of life. Holy Ones of the past experienced more than religion. Religion is the left-over mental justification of a Holy Person's life-changing transformation that is watered down by those individuals who lived within the Divine Light of this person. Religion teaches that a future immortal abode is attainable
if one follows the prescribed doctrines and precepts. Enlightened individuals scattered throughout the ages spoke of a direct knowingness that transcended time and space. The enlightened ones spoke authoritively because what they experienced transcended the paradox of the human mind
localized in a physical body. Close examination of religion reveals it to be the footstool of enlightenment. Thus the worship of religious methods is a precursor to the actual attainment of the desired result which is enlightenment.

Enlightenment suddenly puts an end to the complexities of religious knowledge. All the answers one seeks to the confused state of the world are seen as holistic expressions of God in physical form. To an enlightened individual the world is perfectly manifested as the outward expression of God in individual form. The objective and subjective phenomena are one of the same. Where you find life you find it fully.
There are no fragmented manifestations to the images created throughout the earth. Man conceptualizes and attaches bondage to their "I" ness because life is seen as a series of progressively higher levels of attainable mental mind-images. This is simply not so! God is unconditionally fully present within every fiber of the universe. For example, God is the blue sky and all of creation is the clouds. This is the vista available and verified by the enlightened individual. 

Enlightenment is obtained after a series of realizations by the one who searches for truth above all things manifest. One's bounded soul is experienced as unbounded. One is not bound to the universe or anything in it. One is beyond the universe. Man thinks he/she is bound to the outward manifesting forces of God and is somehow degraded to a status below innocent animals. This is an illusion! God loves creation to the point of
manifesting directly into it. There are no partial creations, everything is fully present. God is unconditional love in constant vibration with the potential to create and preserve everything good forever. Nothing is lost except the illusion that we must attain something. Mankind must learn to release. God is truly the great preserver! Never, never doubt the omnipotence, and omnipresence of a super-intelligent all knowing God who
preserves everything. This verification is revealed directly to an enlightened individual. Past history has recorded the testimonies of those Holy Ones who transcended time and space to bring to man the simple teachings of love and forgiveness.

God being super-intelligent how could we out-think Him/Her to prove anything. Religion is the tool to learn how to release. No life is lost in vain because all phenomena that is real is captured. Man thinks he/she must preserve everything. God has all truths logged permanently in a special place. The one illusion God does not log into permanence is untruths. Therefore, evil is not preserved. If it were it would become
unconditional false truths. God will not manifest false images to man. It is man who collectively manifest the untruths of this world. Selfishness is the tool of Man! Remove selfishness from ones heart and truth begins to build a stair step to the day of enlightenment. One could work all their life with the complexities of intellectualism and still not experience the
enlightened condition. Man is separated from God because of doubt and misunderstood conditions that bind the mind to linear scales of knowledge.
Evil is just the lower linear force of good connected to the illusion of an "I" trapped in molecular space. We are not required to jump across an abyss to get on the road of good from the road of evil. Evil just does not register in God's library of love. Man who seeks self-creation must learn
how to love. 

God is both energy and form. Enlightenment is the state of being whereby the truth-seeker sees the grand picture and is taken to the other side.
There are no returns to normal life after an event such as this. One's view of life has been turned inside out. The old ego that once had dominion is snuffed out. Consciousness is felt and understood to come into the physical body from outside. The body becomes a focus of individualized expression. Life becomes an ever-present awareness of confirmation that
the full measure of man's life is to cherish the PRESENCE of Creation in the time period of NOW! Man is comforted with a state of bliss constantly flowing from outside the body to the inside. This bliss is the confirmation that God is present everywhere and can be experienced as a state of being beyond the confines of universal creation. An enlightened
state of being would reward the truth seeker with ever present sensation that she/he is connected to everything. One with this state awareness would not see loopholes where God is not fully present. He/She would see and feel the separation of those who lived and moved around him/her and out of compassion would amplifying God's essence to raise the veil of

In summary, religion and enlightenment are the two extremes of man's search for truth. Religion is the binding force to find the truth to one's existence where enlightenment is the releasing power that proves God exist as a direct experience! It can be said with assurance that the Kingdom of Heaven is truly within. It is through going within that we gain the
outward reward which is the release of the human misunderstanding that attainment of enlightenment is the most sacred action of the search for truth. To doubt one cannot remove the obstacles to obtaining enlightenment in this lifetime is to doubt that no man or woman can ever obtain the most
sacred of experiences available in the universe. And behold the children, it is there innocence that is closest to Heaven. Innocence of children is none other than humility in adults. Being humble reveals the path of truth to be made anchored in unconditional love. It is when one is in a state of
total humility and service to God the high mark of  enlightenment may be made manifest.

May each of you come quickly to the understanding to waste your life in the vain pursuits of the sensory world is an illusion. All the Holy Ones of the past warned against the fantasies of an unbridled mind. Forgive others and be kind to those who are not kind to you. Help those in need the best you can. Know the world is not full of selfless hearts. Dedicate your life to raising other people up on your back and carry them through
the rough times. Replace bad thoughts with good. Never let a day go by without seeking the silence of the closet. While in the closet do not demand anything. Just be still and thank God for your health this day. 

In Love,

l madden

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 1/16/2008 4:50 PM
thank you for sharing

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 2/10/2008 1:45 AM