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Inspirational : Real Spirituality is Inner Excitement
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/5/2008 10:50 PM

Real Spirituality Is Inner Excitement!

From a science perspective, excitement is defined as an energy state higher than normal. This higher energy state can appear in two forms:

  • A higher frequency
  • Higher power at the same frequency, such as turning up the volume.

All higher consciousness is consciousness at a higher frequency than normal.

Inner excitement, therefore, equals higher consciousness. More specifically, inner excitement is the opening of your conscious mind to the excitement that already exists within your “inner self.�?

Your inner self, also known as your soul or higher self, is a definite personality. A very familiar one because it is you, the real inner you.

Your outer self, your outward-oriented consciousness, focuses on the challenges of the physical world. Your inner self acts as your inner guide and guardian.

The frequency of your inner self’s consciousness exists within a frequency band which is higher than your outer self. When your conscious mind catches even a glimpse of that spiritual essence within you, it becomes excited by the higher frequency. Communicating with your inner self is, by definition, an exhilarating process.

Inner excitement is the barometer of contact with your inner self, your guidance.

The closer your contact becomes, the more inner joy you experience as a result.

Spiritual joy is a subtle excitement.

Compared to the excitements of the day-to-day, outer world, some people would liken spiritual joy to an inner peace.

According to physics, there are two types of excitement. One type increases activity, such as increasing the volume of a sound. The other type - the one we are referring to here - raises the frequency.

Spiritual excitement is the experience of a higher frequency of consciousness than normal.

A great example of this natural spirituality is, actually, dolphins. They have a high IQ, live totally in the Now, and they haven’t even read Eckhart Tolle’s book!

They’re so much fun to be around because they already possess fourth-density consciousness. The very same fourth-density consciousness into which the human race is evolving.

When you meet dolphins in the wild, out in the ocean, and they turn their attention towards you, something changes. All of a sudden, you’re not sure if you’re dreaming or awake. This is your first big hint that dolphins think and function in fourth-density instead of the usual third-density of human consciousness. Humans visit fourth-density consciousness mostly at night when they enter the dream state.

Dream state, fourth density, dolphins, joy, happiness, it’s all connected. Dolphins do not swim around looking somber and sincere. They do, however, jump for joy at every possible opportunity. And they live in the Now.

So, if dolphins exist in fourth-density consciousness, and that is where we are headed, then why not learn from the ready-made example that performs summersaults before us? It’s not just a playful attitude. It’s an example of a pure, fourth-density flow of consciousness.

It is no accident that following your inner joy brings you to experiences that are in tune with your “destiny�?in life. Destiny is something that you plan at the level of soul-consciousness (fifth density) before you are born. Your destiny is simply a plan for the issues that you wish to explore in this particular lifetime.

You can stick to the plan and unfold your destiny beautifully, or you can wander off track like people sometimes do and waste opportunities for learning from experiences which could have been yours.

How To Have The Most Fun!

Living your life “on plan�?requires inner contact �?regular meditation sessions �?and the willingness to listen and respond appropriately to inner promptings.

That means putting regular meditation sessions first on your priority list of things to do every day. Once you get into those regular, inner-connection sessions, you will experience the joy of being in tune and on track with your life’s plan.

Inner joy is really a refined type of excitement...It is also your birthright!

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 1/15/2008 2:36 PM
thank you for sharing

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 2/10/2008 1:18 AM