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Inspirational : The One Light
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/12/2008 1:09 AM
The One Light

Each universe has its own creator and overseer, and there are many universes in the omniverse.

The creator of our universe has been known throughout the ages by several names, and various spellings/compilations of the name “Aton�?- such as “Akhnaton.�?

The meaning being “The One Light.�?/STRONG> Greek mythology was in reality history.

 Each planet has its own Overseer: for Earth it is Archangel Michael.....

There is also a "Saviour" or "Messiah" (but not quite in the biblical sense), who comes at the beginning of each Age, and in our case it is "Sananda" for this "Age of Aquarius", previously (in the last or Piscean Age) the same energy was known as Esu Emmanuel - the Jesus Christ of the Bible. Last time he came with knowledge, but without power: this time he also comes with power..

 There are many ‘Higher Councils�?with a multitude of names. There is for example the Council of the Seven Sages of the World, who meet at the beginning of each Age, to discuss the state of progress and plan the future.

There is also the Council of Seven who were appointed Guardians at the time of our solar system’s inception. And again there is the Silent Brotherhood (who opened the tomb where Esu Emmanuel had been placed, and rolled away the stone).

There are the Elohim, who visit us every third Age, and are referred to in Genesis.

 They could be called the auditors, who check up from time to time on how we are doing. Their most recent visit was at the end of 1996, when they accompanied the comet “Hale-Bopp�?- otherwise known as Herculobus or the biblical Wormwood.

 At that time the future of the planet and its inhabitants was changed for the better in that a disaster of extraordinary proportions was averted........

There are our mentors, The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays [biblical:- “the seven spirits before the throne”]. One is guided by the powerful forces at work within these Rays.  

Each and all of us flow into conscious life upon one or other of these Rays, and our life experience is influenced by the Ray through which we descended..

 1st Ray The Way of Leadership Esoteric colour: RED

 2nd Ray Education LIGHT BLUE

3rd Ray Philosophy GREEN

 4th Ray Arts YELLOW

5th Ray Science INDIGO

6th Ray Devotion ROSE

7th Ray Ceremony VIOLET

 All the members of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays are identified as being in the Amethystine Order (the violet or amethyst/purple Ray).......

Germain is the Lord (Master Teacher or Spiritual Head) of the Amethystine Order, which is an Illuminist Order of Essenes, in that all members follow the Essene way of life..

 St Germain requires of us that we enter our rest (go to bed) two hours before midnight each night, as this is when general teaching begins. Some have asked what the penalty is for being late for class .. but we’ll skip the answer to that one!..

There are also representations of higher powers with specific tasks for momentous events in the history of the planet, such as the ending of the Great Cycle and transition to the Fourth Dimension, which is where we stand right now.

 The individual given the responsibility of seeing a remnant through these times is Hatonn from the Pleiades. In the Bible there is reference to the Word going forth one last time before the ending of the Age:  Hatonn has been the instrument for the publication of this information through what is known as The Phoenix Journals and related material.

The physical transference, if necessary, is to be carried out by Ashtar Command, a fleet of ships ready to take off individuals who need to be rescued, fulfilling the prophecy again in the Bible that “there shall be two standing in the field - one shall be taken, the other left.�?The last occasion this was done was in the time of Akhenaton.

The Commander-in-Chief of this operation (Project Earth Transition) is none other than Sananda, known previously by names such as the Man of Galilee, Jesus Christ, Esu Emmanuel, Issa, Buddha, The Pale Prophet, who operates from an extremely large space-craft named “The Phoenix�?..(“from the ashes the Phoenix shall arise again �?.

 This craft is generally stationed over an immense underground, navigational crystal in Tehachapi, California, which was previously located in Atlantis.

The North American Indians have the Phoenix as a sacred symbol.

Interesting ‘coincidence�?.

 During our progression into greater understanding we have ‘helpers�?in higher spheres upon whom we can call for assistance. There are Guardian Angels, who must have attained at least Spirit status and who look after our physical well-being in an emergency: everybody has at least one, unless you have been given up as a ‘lost cause�?......

 There are Spirit Guides, each of whom must have attained Light status (the Godhead) and there can be from one to a hundred or more of these spiritual advisors from the fourth or higher dimensions.

One needs to study this in detail as it offers the fastest understanding of our circumstance here, solutions to our needs and access to a very high level of understanding.......

It is also important at this present time in planetary evolution to have this group of Guides from as high a level as possible - at least as high as the Godhead - in order to be prepared for the critical days ahead, especially the Earth Changes, which should be looked at in a positive frame of mind......

 "These guides, in helping us, help themselves continue on the path of enlightenment to higher levels."

The level of help depends on what we need at the moment: when the student is ready, the teacher will come, so our helpers change constantly according to our current needs.

They have come to offer Light and Insight at this critical point in Man’s history..

The mentors of the Angels are the Archangels, who have currently gathered around this planet as the “Ones with the Golden Helmets of the Commands of Light.�?. Angels who serve on Earth as helpers are not altogether ‘perfect�?in that they do not function well in our density and have difficulty in comprehending that anyone they come across could be of evil intent, therefore they are often misled or taken advantage of..

 The Greatest Guide is the Teacher of the "Seven Masters of the Rays", Aton, Lord of the Lords of the Seven Rays, Lord Maha. ‘Lord�?meaning ‘teacher of the highest cause.�?.

When we ask for help, we must always establish first of all exactly who is responding.

 Cosmic Law demands that anyone called upon to identify themselves must do so - but negative energies may just depart, rather than identify who they are.

 If you are accustomed to using a medium, then always ask: “Who is answering through this medium?�?

Do not be fooled by someone in response using a high-sounding title or name. Ask: “Do you come in the name and Light of the Celestial Messiah?�?or words to that effect.

The answer you are looking for is usually: “WE do …�?

 If approaching one’s Group of Spirit Guides, ask to speak with them - then, having received confirmation of their presence, ask whether anyone else is present - it may be a ‘newly arrived member�?of your group of Spirit Guides and therefore register initially as ‘someone else�? or that presence may be identified through use of prepared charts, and the process of elimination..

 Always remember that answers to questions regarding the future are always as it is seen right now, and is subject to change if that direction is subsequently changed.

Remember also that prophecy tends to be a warning, and if we heed the warning the prophecy is not ‘fulfilled.�?

That is not to infer that the prophecy is wrong..

 Answers from Higher Sources about the future should always be considered suspect: they do not want to disappoint us by saying they do not know, but there are so many future variables that one cannot normally be too definite about the outcome of the play and the attitude of the players..

 It is important to be Protected by the Light at all times. Any negative thought or action will open up a chink in one’s armour and allow discarnates or other negative energies to enter.

This must be closed as quickly as possible. It may be necessary to clear oneself many times a day.

 Request that the plasmic Light Shield be placed around you - and include your loved ones in this request.

 The strongest protection against evil is provided by Golden and Violet light rather than the White Light- ask for it when necessary.

 One is protected whilst asleep.

 Upon rising, request “In the name of the Divine Source, I demand that all energies of the Dark Brotherhood depart from me immediately, for the rest of this day�?

Continue with the clearance of blocks, programs, beliefs, discarnates and negative energies that may have come up since last time clearance was requested.

 Clear both soul programs and programs to run symptoms of illness..

It is important to stress ‘immediately�?- otherwise there is no time reference for the departure of discarnates; and likewise the length of time they must stay away - otherwise they may go, and come back again a few moments later!

They will have obeyed your instructions to the letter �?but it was not what you meant.

 In all things one must exercise caution, and be very precise about what one desires - otherwise one might get exactly what is wished for, even although it was not what was intended!.

Suggested forms of request for Protection: “In the name of the Divine Source I demand that all energies of the Dark Brotherhood depart from me immediately, for the rest of this day/night�?

“Brothers of the Heavenly Hosts, place the plasmic Light Shield around all my (our) loved ones and protect them from all negative forces and thoughts this day�?..

When one asks for the protection of one’s loved ones in this way, the protection is also automatically extended to oneself ..

Call upon one’s Spirit Guides and request “Please clear me as usual�?after having programmed this request as a clearance at all levels of all blocks, programs, discarnates and negative entities, thought-forms or other non-constructive energies.

Sometimes one may be blocked from getting answers.

There may be some other energy interfering, sometimes believing that they are acting in your best interests (often parents), to protect you; or you may have previously countered evil carried out by a certain energy, who is now mad at you for doing so!

 Beware also of openings into this realm or a person’s aura, where discarnates can enter at will - as soon as one is displaced another takes its place.

 Request that any such openings be filled immediately and sealed. ‘Openings�?are like unprotected shafts which allow discarnates to come and go at will.

Someone else in your presence could bring in discarnates. Always clear the room, building or other space in the same fashion before strangers arrive..

Always ask for confirmation that all negative energies have been cleared from your space before proceeding.

Discarnates are entities which do not have a physical body, but the term is generally used to infer negative entities.

Spirits of the dead who, for one reason or another, cannot move to a higher plane often haunt the cemetery where their flesh and bones were laid to rest, or where they died or were murdered, and as discarnates they cause much harm by occupying space in the living.

 They also frequent places where alcohol or other drugs are used, as those who are inebriated are easy targets.

 Evil cannot of course exist where there is Light.

There are also teachers on this plane, but many, alas, are false. The closer one comes to the ending of an Age, the more false teachers appear.

 Many are content to have someone they can go to in order to obtain answers.

 We chose our parents as our initial teachers: but one must continually progress without giving up one’s freedom, assets or the option of going elsewhere for possible answers, or comparing answers, without being disowned (excommunicated is the religious terminology) by a previous group.

Spirituality, on the other hand, is the realization of who and what one is, and our relationship to the rest of the universe.

 These Truths have always been, and are not the property of any one group.

 But it has been an easy sell: most people are prepared to pay any price asked for “salvation�?(or forgiveness of ‘sins�? and join an organization for the fellowship, comfortable feeling and relief that it offers - by letting others make decisions for them.

High-priced instruction is generally indicative of a flaw in the information being given out, being provided for commercial purposes rather than the good of mankind.

 Cosmic Law is unchanging. One has to take back one’s own power and recognize oneself for what one really is..

Throughout time there have been many teachers to Light the Way and many sacred writings, each appropriate for the level of understanding that mankind had reached at that moment.

Man has never been left without a beacon Light to guide him. As time passed, the Lights became more intense..

 The skies today are crowded with visitors - from elsewhere in the universe.

 Those who would lose their control over the populace if the truth about these visitors came out have done everything in their power to debunk the idea that there could be intelligent life somewhere beyond planet Earth, although the level of intelligence here is much below the average in the omniverse (collection of universes).

 Cloaked in clouds most of the time, and positioning themselves against planets at night, it will not be long now before these ‘silver ships�?show themselves more openly..

 Those of the Higher Realms of Creation - of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator regret that they are not permitted to step upon our soil and teach those of us who desire their service.

It would be a great disservice to those of us who are of lesser understanding. They only guide and suggest, to stimulate us to turn our thoughts inward, to that single source of love and understanding.

 There are many on earth who do not wish to believe in, or have proof of, Extraterrestrial Existence..

They do not wish to impose their understanding of truth upon the peoples of this earth, and this would be something that would happen if they came down to us directly as people would accept every word they said as being valid.

 For the moment they must remain ‘In hiding.�?

Information is given so that one may accept it or reject it as one feels fit.

This is a necessary provision in the spiritual evolution of all mankind, that one be, at some state in our evolution, in a position to accept or reject what is necessary for our ongoing evolution.

 Life on Earth is 100 times more painful and difficult than life in any of the Higher Realms.

They have compassion for us, and are willing to help us as much as they can..

Truth must be realized from within:

It cannot be impressed from without.

 Many are located in craft far above the surface of the earth, although they do appear to us in one form or another from time to time.

 In 1990 in Sedona one appeared above a group of light-workers in the form of a spiral rainbow:

 I remember feeling a strong jolt of energy on my left (receiving) side.

 From this location they monitor our thoughts (in a non-intrusive way).

They see all thoughts as thoughts of The Creator, but this does not infringe upon our thoughts or activities in any way.

 The illusion that we have created upon this earth plane is important. It is very useful for those who wish to evolve at a very rapid rate by experiencing it and by using it while within it.

This is a way of gaining progress spiritually and many of those already in the Higher Realms desire to have the same opportunity that we have.

You can be, at any moment of the hour or day, in the presence of any teacher of your choice, or all of them.

 It simply takes the practice of projecting the mind’s eye to that physical point, that geographical location in time and space that is the coordinates where the master resides.

 We are always in the sight and knowledge of the higher planes. Every thought is known, every action accounted.

If you do not receive from the one above, you cannot give to the one below.

 The ego must be suppressed when one is conversing with one’s Guides, least it interfere with the messages received.

 Once one has asked and received, the law is that one must apply what has been received, and then give of that which has been received.

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