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Meditation : Grounding and Centering
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 1/30/2007 11:22 PM

Grounding and Centering


"Balance is the key...balancing the inner and the outer, the above with the below, the earth energy with the sky energy.  This is the key to life, to awakening to your connection to the universe."                 

Twice a day this week, find a quiet place away from distractions and sit upright with your back comfortably straight and your feet flat on the floor. Loosen anything you are wearing that is tight or restricting. Take in three slow, deep breaths and release them, and as you are doing this relax and begin to let go of your stress.

Now, to ground, focus on the bottom of your feet and send imaginary roots growing down from your soles into the ground. These are your anchors to Mother Earth. Make them good and sturdy.

When you feel you have reached a comfortable depth, spread your roots outward and then as you exhale, send all your physical stress and any and all dis-ease into the earth. Mentally search your body and clear all the negative energy spots that have collected and send them down through your feet, down into the ground.

The Earth is a vast and healing force, let it take everything negative that you are ready to give up and transform it.

Then, as you inhale, begin to draw up from the Earth all the revitalizing energy you need.

Everything around you has come from the Earth: your food, your clothing, your shelter, even the air you breathe has come from the trees which come from the earth. Draw upwards into your body that abundance, that balance, that positiveness.

See it as a warm brown or deep green healing energy that comes up through your feet and swirls inside your body in a clockwise motion. Continue to exhale everything negative and inhale everything positive until you feel filled up and calm.

Now, concentrate on the top of your head and imagine an opening there, and concentrate on a beam of pure white light that starts at the top of your head and shoots straight up into the sky.

Send that beam of light up through the roof over your head, past the tree tops up into the atmosphere. Send it past the clouds and when you feel ready, spread the top of that beam of light outwards like a cosmic funnel. Take a breath and as your exhale spread it out even farther.

With this funnel, now collect all the pure light and love energy from the universe that you possibly can, and bring that positive feeling down into the funnel, down the beam of light and let it enter your body. Fill your entire being with light and love from the universe.

Fill yourself up so much that you imagine yourself glowing, with light overflowing out of you. Take the light flowing out of you and surround yourself with a bubble of light and love.

This is your protective layer, to keep negative energy out and keep light and love next to you at all times. Then sit for a moment and absorb into your physical body all the light and love that you can possibly hold at this moment. Breathe, relax and enjoy the feeling.

To center yourself, when you are ready, refocus on your feet and draw up more abundance energy from the earth at the same time that you draw down light and love from the universe and begin to slowly, gently swirl the deeper earth energy with the lighter universe energy clockwise inside of your body.

See the two energies become a balanced mixture within you and send that sense of balance to all parts of your being. Relax and enjoy the feeling of complete balance.

Now, in your quiet, balanced state, open your mind, open your thoughts to whatever the universe needs to tell you or show you or give to you.

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From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 1/31/2007 12:12 AM