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Meditation : Recharging Your Body and Spirit
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 1/31/2007 12:00 AM
Recharging Your Body and Spirit

An Exercise

This is a breathing exercise to RECHARGE your body with energy after a tiring day. You can also use it any time you feel depleted of energy during the day.

This is a good exercise to undertake before meditating as it awakens your body and mind and supplies the much needed PRANA (cosmic energy) for meditating.

It is also very helpful for revitalizing your body after major stresses, like a fight, or long hours in the same position, as when working at the computer. 

Lie on the floor or ground with the head to the north, or sit in a comfortable chair facing the north

Cross your right ankle over your left ankle. (You are creating a closed loop.)

Fold your hands loosely across your solar plexus or in your lap.

Be comfortable, making sure your fingers are touching.

Visualize yourself surrounded by white light

Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose (as deeply as possible without strain) then hold the breath for two or three seconds. Exhale slowly through your nose at the same rate as the inhalation.

Breathe through your nose, always! Both inhaling and exhaling. Be aware of your breathing.

On each inhale, visualize the breath flowing through the nostrils on that WHITE LIGHT and follow the light down to the heart center.

With each exhale, gather up and expel all the tiredness, stress; anything negative you feel within yourself and EXHALE it through your nostrils.

WATCH it as all the negativity flows out of your body, the fears, tiredness, pains, all the negative things.

Start with your right foot and leg, tense it for a moment, then release. Visualize the tiredness or soreness in the foot rising toward your head and nostrils and SEE it leave the body through the nose. With each exhalation you are expelling out of your body those negative things.

NOW move up to your thigh. Tense it for a second, then release drawing the tiredness out as you did from the foot and leg. Now go down to your left foot and leg and do the same thing, then the thigh.

Next do your hips, all the joints and tendons, tense them for a second, then release the tension stored there. Next go to your stomach, looking here specifically for growly feelings, little twinges of pain, which are signs of anger and hurt. Then the chest area, where you tense it and release, looking for small aches and pains.

OK, now go to the arms, first the right then the left, repeat tensing the muscles for a second, then releasing. Concentrate, especially in the joints, elbows and shoulders, as much anger is parked there, often immobilizing the body, or causing arthritis.

NOW go to your neck. If you are sitting up, rotate your head. Do this s-l-o-w-l-y several times feeling the pops and creaks, and KNOW you are releasing stored angers.

If you are laying down, move your neck slowly in a counterclockwise direction (left to right), back and forth several times. Listen for the pops.

Do the same with the shoulder blades, especially if you have been sitting for a long time. Hunch up your shoulders, then release. Look for sore spots, releasing them.

FINALLY, with your head, scrunch up your face tight, including the scalp, then release and relax. Look for minor aches and pains especially at temples, and back of the cranium. Release them to the light.


Sit or lie quietly after finishing the cleansing of your body. With each inhalation through your nose, watch the air go into your heart center. KNOW that the love in your heart is transmuting the aches and pains that are signs of angers and stresses.

When your body is recharged you will be instantly active and you will feel good. Arise slowly and take a deep breath through the nose and you are ready for many more hours of work or activity.


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From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 1/31/2007 12:15 AM