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Meditation : Why is Meditation more effective at the time of the Solar/Lunar Alignment
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 1/31/2007 1:16 AM
Why is Meditation more effective at the time of the Solar/Lunar alignment?

At the time of the full moon a door suddenly opens wide between the spiritual and material worlds, allowing a stream of spiritual energies to contact our planet—a door, which at other times, remains closed.

This open door provides meditating groups a Pathway of Approach to realms of Light, Love and Power.

At this special time of the month, the earth is in direct alignment with the sun and one of the 12 zodiacal constellations.

Because the moon is "out of the way" behind the earth, acting as a reflector of inflowing light, our planet is the recipient ofMoon strong spiritual vibration and stimulation which makes group meditation easier and more effective. The moon, itself, has no influence on our meditations, although its fully lighted orb tells us when the path of light between our planet and the higher spheres of life is open, clear and available for use.

The Pathway of Approach is also a Path of Communication, allowing reciprocal impression to take place between Humanity and the Great Beings who live and work in higher spheres.

The focused interplay of many minds, working together in meditation, produces a unity of thought powerful enough to reach the Great Lives watching over and guiding our planet. The heart is also an important facet in this work.

The spiritual love and devotion of meditating groups, desiring to be of service to the world and to the Great Ones, is a great invocatory force, that attracts and evokes a downpouring response of spiritual energy.

This unified meditative effort also works out beneficially for individuals within the group, for the combined aspiration, consecration, devotion and intelligence of the whole carries everyone to greater heights than could be attained alone.

The aura of the group magnetically sweeps the individual server to an intensity of spiritual realization that would otherwise be impossible working separately.

The group aura also provides a protective influence for individuals within the group, who may otherwise be overwhelmed by the potent inflow of spiritual force at these special times.Butterfly and flower circle

The solar/lunar alignment consists of five days. The actual day of the alignment is the 12-hours before and the 12-hours after the exact time of the full moon. The two days before the full moon are a time of preparation, of quiet reflection on purpose and intention.

On the day of the full moon one experiences a steady withdrawal inward to one's silent, peaceful Center for the reception of spiritual energy, while the two days afterward are a time for grounding and distributing the energies in one's daily activities.

A quiet, yet joyous mood pervades this five-day period, and sets the stage for effective group meditation at these unique times of the month.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/1/2007 7:53 PM