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Meditation : Meditation 101
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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 1/31/2007 1:22 AM

Meditation 101

Meditation is a form of Paying attention and focusing on your awareness. Meditation can help to increase power, and help you do things in life better. It also helps you to enjoy your senses more, and use them for a greater benefit. 

Many people have a very negative opinion of meditation, they believe that it is Boring, Difficult, and unproductive.

When In-fact meditation is actually, Powerful, productive, increases self-awareness, natural and Interesting. It can be difficult, but it can also be extremely easy, it depends what type of meditation you do.

A few of the most common techniques which, are used during meditation are:  

Counting or following your Breaths.

Visualising a peaceful place, healing energy or light.

Gazing at a picture of a Holy Person, or thing, Or a saint.

Surrounding by Nature, Art or Music.

Repeating a meaningful word or phrase, this is known as a Mantra.

During meditation your mind quiets down and you can begin to experiance the inner sense of well being.

You also start to notice things that are so obvious that you've never noticed before. 

Meditation is a very simple concept but difficult to master. However you do not have to master it to benefit from it.

There are many forms of meditation. Meditation is found throughout all cultures and religions around the world.

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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwlSent: 1/31/2007 1:27 AM

Meditation 101 

Part 2

The very basics of meditation can be learnt well within 5 minuets. This is to find a way to sit comfortable, straighten your back, breath deeply, follow your breath and focus your mind. Simple isn't it ?

Well thats just the basics, there are so many ways of meditation, and more advanced methods.

Okay so your probably wondering how to actually meditate in more detail. Well I will explain this to my best ability. Sorry if some of this may be hard to understand. 

Okay as I've already said in the basics, find a Quiet Place to sit comfortably with your back straight. This could be your fravourite chair or on the floor. If you find that you tend to dissapear into your fravourite chair then find something thats a bit more supportive.

Also, RELAX, take your time, make sure there is nothing to distract you and close your eyes. Don't relax too much till you fall asleep, if you do then that says that you are meditating just a bit too much. Breathing is another thing that is important during meditation, it should be calm, relaxed and regular, find a pattern that suits you. Most people like to visualise on objects whilst meditating, even if it is visualising in the mind. Also listening to your breath, and following the rythm can help to meditate.

Using words or Phrases in your Meditation;

Firstly Choose a word or phrase that has a strong meaning to you. Then begin to breath through your nose (if you can) and as you do repeat the word to yourself. You can either whisper these words, say them, or muter them under your voice (subvocalize).

I picture meditation as a journey to a place that can be pictured very well. There are many routes of which you can take to get to this place.

Different routes have different experiances and different routes fit different people. Like many journeys, meditation excerises mucles that you probably didn't know you had. It benefits in breathing, and the journey can go as far as you intend for it to.

There are many things to help you through meditation.

These things will probably most likely be found in your local bookstore or at a spiritual shop.

Many people relate Meditation to a Mountain. But is there really a true ending, or the TOP of the mountain?

Many people believe that there is. Personaly I don't as I reckon that meditation can grow endlessly.

Meditation has been around for many many years, it used to be kept secret and used by people like monks, nuns and mystics, now it is used by many different types of people.

Also it is not as secretive as it used to be. Some people still keep it a secret though. page>>> 

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwlSent: 1/31/2007 1:32 AM

Meditation 101

Part 3


I was reading this book, which is a book to help Advance in Meditation and meditation techniques. I started reading from the beginning and basics to see how much I had forgotten.

In the Second chapter it went on about Awareness and how awareness is an important thing in meditation.

There was one exercise or thing that is set for you to do. This was to say aloud to yourself "I am aware of..." and to complete the sentence with things that you are aware of.

Then it says to repeat this exercise again until you can feel the awareness around you.

For that you are aware of things every second, even though you may not realise that you are aware of them.

For example something simple like switching on the T.V, well if you think of it you have to be aware to know how to switch it on, and find where the on button is.

Well here is a brief summery to what happened when I did this exercise.

I decided to use "I am aware of how to cross the road and things that I like and dislike".

As I repeated this sentence again, I changed it slightly to "I am aware of the things and people around me, also the dangers within the world".

This is the same sentence just more advanced and in more detail and importance to me in my life. So I decided to repeat this new sentence and found myself change it once again.

The ways of which I changed it was by saying, "I am aware that I am saying I am aware of the things and people that are around me, also the dangers within the world".

I have no idea why I chose to add to it and say I am aware  of what I was saying. I reckon I said this as my awareness came into mind and I began to have a full view of what I was saying.

Awareness works in many weird and wonderful ways, for example when you try and focus on something in the distance, then you forget about the things near by.

Or if you try and listen to a certain sound you sometimes block out other near by sounds or forget about what you are doing with your hands or feet.

This does not always happen, actually listening to some music increases your awareness in other parts of your body, therefore making you tap your feet or hands or begin dancing. page>>>

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwlSent: 1/31/2007 1:39 AM
Meditation 101
Part 4

A saying that I’ve heard people say over and over again, which I think fits into meditation very well, is “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step�?

Meditation starts with awareness or attention. One of the biggest secrets of success in meditation is to develop, focus and direct your awareness.

Awareness has been known as a mental muscle, which carries you along every step of the journey. The more you use it, the stronger it get's therefore the easier it becomes to use it.

Concentration and Absorption;

Another thing then awareness, concentration is also important in the forms of meditation. This is basically focusing your awareness.

Lots of professions use concentration, to block out other things in life, and to block out distractions. 

Some people have a natural ability to concentrate, whilst others have to practice to develop it.

Whilst meditating you have the ability to control your mind on one specific thing, unlike normal when things in your mind are scattered about. 

This helps when using mantra as, when you concentrate on the mantra, you can absorb it. You do not of had to have meditated before to ever of had moments of total absorption.

Actually people do this in life without meaning to. It’s like when some one asks you to do something, and you listen to them, for example, if someone asks you to phone them tonight�?

You absorb the words and hopefully they get locked away till when you need them. The same as when a teacher is talking and you have to listen to them to learn.

When you get into total means of concentration, the things from around you are blocked out; you are able to focus on who you are meant to listen to, or what you are meant to see.

Blocking out the people that are just being noisy that you do not want to listen to. You are also able to block out things like the walls, and lights and things in what you see.

Some places like China focus on what they call the Yin and the Yang, which is male and female things, which have to be balanced to cause total harmony.

So I guess you could compare meditation to Yin and Yang, the Yin being �?welcoming and open, and the Yang being �?focused, aware and powerful.

Cont.... next page>>>

 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwlSent: 1/31/2007 1:49 AM
Meditation 101
Part 5

Okay, firstly a breif introduction to what addiction is, then near the end a method of meditation to help rid it.

In our perception to addiction, it is percepted that some addictions are okay, such as being addicted to exercise, gossiping, caffeine, shopping, working, cleaning and so on. 

These are the types of addictions that people have and do not feel guilty about.

This also Includes common HABBITS such as nail biting, over worrying about people and so on.

Then there is the permissible addiction, this is where you constantly talk yourself out of the addiction. You only do this in small amounts, or once in a while.

This can be Alcohol, Drugs, Smoking, Over eating, Gambling and so on.

Most of us fail to see our addictions, this is usually because we Base ourselves on looking at other people. We look at others, and if we see they are more addicted then us then it put's it in our minds that we are okay. 

Addiction is force of the mind, not on the spiritual level.

Children learn by example, so if the place of where they live or the way they are brought up, is undesireable, then they will often end up fitting the type of people in the area.

Addiction is used as a way to 'fill the gap', a relaxant, takes the pain and fear away. A comforter. 

To stop, you must first decide that you want to stop, and put it into your mind. Then you have to think of what you want to put in the place of where the addiction is.

What you are going to replace the new to be gap with. This could be something Creative, like art, poetry, dance, or even getting a new job, or education.  Mediation can be used for Addiction.

Here is a simple method that you can try;

Okay, sit back and relax in a place where you feel comfortable and where you will be undisturbed. Be in a mind of state that is peaceful, but not too tired or too agitated.

Breath in and out slowly. In through nose, out through mouth. Do this until you have reached a state of calmness. In this we will use the state of the mind.

Hold a thought of what your addiction is in your mind. Relax. At any time, if you come accross anything, like a person, or a memory that upsets you, or triggures off anything... maybe guilt or pain then say out loud that you are okay, there is nothing to worry about, and that you choose to be healthy.

Send love to this person/memory, or even fear. Then begin to see the people in your life, see their faces, how they are, and what they tell you about yourself. Observe everyone around you, relatives, friends and so on. Sit with this for a moment. About 10 minuets will do it.

Okay... Now Go back, Go right back, Go back to the first time that started having this addiction. When it's first influences were being felt, who were the people in your life at this time. Do this for them, see their faces, actions, their feelings towards you, and their ideas about life.

Also how much it has changed since then. Even more, How have you changed ? Take a while answering these questions. As long as you feel is needed. Sit with yourself and examine everything that comes up.

Okay, now go further back, right back, back to the days of your childhood, remember what the people in your life were like, the feelings you had towards them.

The feelings you have towards them now. Are you at peace with these feelings or do you feel uncomfortable ?

These feelings that you get through all of these stages are things that have triggured off your habbits. No matter how big or small your habbit/Addiction is.

Now you've realised this and come to terms with it.

*Say... I am a child of the divine... i've realised the mistakes i've made and forgive myself, and ask for others and god (what ever religion you are... change to fit) to forgive me.

**I release my guide, judgement, and anger, I release all that has built up inside me.

**I release it to the universe, to god. In it's place I put love, and peace, I will love myself, and then I will begin to truly love those around me.

**I relise I am not alone, and may I truly see i'm not alone and there are others, around me to help me as I open up my heart. God is around me.

**May he stay around me, and never leave me, and may I never leave him.* page>>>

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwlSent: 1/31/2007 1:56 AM
Meditation 101
Part 6


We all have times where we feel depressed. Emotions can not stay in one place permanently.

For those of you who suffer from anything like bi-polar or any such disorder, I can strongly recommend you to try this meditation, but Keep on the medication you have been given.

Everything on earth has days of incline and decline, it's nature. The moon even has days.

Riding out the storm of depression, is not always an easy thing to do. Depending on the circumstances, you may not be able to help what it is that is making you depressed.

Meditation for Depression;

Get into a comfortable position, it would help you in this meditation to hold a stuffed cuddly animal, or if you own a dog, rabbit or cat, have them as close to you as possible. This is not nessissary.

First, surround yourself with white light. Ask that you are filled with the love of god, and that all negativity that may have been built inside you leaves you now, going back to its source with love. 

Vision this, Feel this. Let the negativity sink back, back into the earth. Feel yourself becoming lighter. Feel the negative energy draining, and your inner self, becoming more positive.

Imagine a strong, comforting pink light beginning to flow in your heart chakra.

Visualise it, feel it, it is warm and it fills you with content. Visualise it growing, until it has encircled your body completely. 

Let it grow as big as you wish. Even if it is to the size of your house.

As you are sitting in amongst this pink light, imagine your heart opening, it now receives this light which is pure love. You love yourself, you love your friends, your family, your pets, and everything around you.

You can send love to everyone you know at this point, and they will feel it. You are filling up with love. Send love to any of your problems of which you may have, asking for god to help you with a soloution.

Surround every trouble, every worry, and every negativity with this pink light. Now let this pink light shrink until it dissapears.

Then let a green light from the Stumock chakra appear. This is your 3rd Chakra, the one which is the holder of all emotions.

See this light fill up inside you, this has a healing quality to it. Ask that this energy stays with you until your natural balance has been restored. Now see this light shrink, until it also dissapears.

While you are doing this meditation, if any thoughts, images or feelings come up, speak them, talk to your guides, god, or even just to yourself.

Crying Is good. Crying is a healer within itself. Crying releases heavy energy.

Animals know when we are sad, they usually try to help us through our hard times, if your using a stuffed animal hug it tight, and feel the security within your heart chakra.

If you are using a pet, then hold it, or touch it, and feel the energy flow between you and it.

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/1/2007 7:54 PM

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