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Meditation : Meditation: Higher-Self
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 1/31/2007 3:38 AM

Higher-Self Meditation

If you choose to develop your Inner Guidance, this is the first type of meditation you should practice. This type of meditation is very easy to learn, but usually very difficult to practice. 

The key to this meditation is clearing your mind of all thoughts and in this day and age, that is veryhard for most people to do.

If you have a day that has left you feeling stressed, use this type ofmeditation as a tool for stress reduction.

We all have a spiritual body as well as a physical body. The spiritual body vibrates at a certain rate.

The faster it vibrates, the easier it is to contact your Spirit Guides and Teachers.

Through your meditations, you will increase the rate at which your spiritual body vibrates.

There also exists within each of us what is known as your Higher-Self.

Your Higher-Self is that part of you that knows all and understands all without your being aware of it on a physical level.

It is the essence of who you are �?it is you.

The goal behind this type of meditation is to become closer to your Higher-Self.

When you are closer to your Higher-Self: issues and problems in your life are easier to handle intuition is stronger you will receive knowledge very quickly you will begin to merge with your Higher-Self to become a calm, fulfilled, happy soul.

When you practice this type of meditation, you will generally come out of it feeling better without knowing why.

If you had a problem, the problem doesn’t seem so bad. If there is stress,  then you become more relaxed.

The long-term results of this meditation are inner peace and a feeling of oneness with all things.

Read the technique over a few times until you are comfortable with the steps.

Once you feel you understand the procedure, take a few minutes and practice the meditation.

1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position where your spine is straight. Don’t cross your arms, legs or ankles as this blocks the flow of energy.

2. Gently close your eyes.

3. As with any meditation, you will want to say a prayer asking your Higher Power Filled With Light And Love (which many call God) to protect and guide you.  Saying the prayer ensures that your Spirit Guides will be helping you with the meditation.

Here is a prayer that you can use (say it with meaning and feel the energy):

Dear Higher Power Filled With Light And Love,

**Please surround me in your Light and your Love. Protect me while I meditate and help me to raise my vibration so that I may become closer to you. Help me to find peace and to become one with my Higher-Self. **


 Feel the energy surround you.

Let the peace flow through your body and then begin...

4. Focus on the spot between your eyes on your forehead.  

5. Start to meditate by thinking about absolutely nothing. Clear your mind of all thoughts and mental chatter.

6. Continue to concentrate on the point between your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly. In your mind, see and feel only that spot between your eyes.

7. When you feel the meditation is complete, open your eyes.

8. Give thanks for the peace received.

Remember, the most important part of this meditation technique:

Release all problems and worries.

Do not ask to be shown any information.

Do not ask Guides to appear to you or tell you anything.

Push ALL thoughts from your mind.

Concentrate on feeling the presence of a Higher Power - of absolute peace. If any mental chatter starts at any time, gently push it from your mind. That's all there is to it.

If you are having trouble clearing your mind of all thoughts, you may want to try the following:

In your mind, see a big garbage bag and dump all of your problems, thoughts, ideas and mental chatter into the bag. Tie it up with a big bow. You might want to take note of the colour of the garbage bag.

Since colors have different meanings, you could gain some valuable insight into what your thoughts are all about.

For example, if the garbage bag was black it might symbolize negative or depressed thoughts. Place the bag in a corner of your mind and forget about it.

All mental chatter is now safely stored away. The garbage bag is not going to go anywhere.

Give yourself permission to take a break from all the stress and worry that you normally carry with you.

Give all your problems to a Higher Power Filled With Light And Love while you reach for a new awareness.

When you finish your meditation you can untie the bag and take back all your mental chatter and thoughts or you may want to leave it tucked away.

                           Other Methods To Help You Focus...

To help you focus your concentration, you may want to create an affirmation that you will repeat to yourself over and over and over and over again.

This helps quiet your mind. The affirmation should be something that feels good to you.

You can use:

Single Words: Love, Peace, God, Om, Joy

Sentences: Love surrounds me.  All is well. I am. I am relaxed.

Prayers: The Serenity Prayer, Psalm 23, The Lord's Prayer

Count Numbers:  Repeat 1,2,3 over and over and over again.

Breathe in slowly as you say each number. Avoid just counting your breaths because you will probably start to compete with yourself. That is, if you counted to 80 one day, you'll try and beat that number the next time and you'll lose your focus.

Sometimes, with this type of meditation, you will think that nothing happened or that you didn’t  receive any information.

This occurs because one tends to “phase out�?and not realize what actually took place.

What normally takes place during this time is communication with Beings who are of a much  higher vibration.

This is also the time you may be traveling the Astral Realm or Spirit World but are not meant to remember the experience.

Some people will give up because they think they are not accomplishing anything.

This is not the time to give up. Many interesting events are taking place. You may not remember them, but it is still an important part of your development.

Most importantly, you are raising your vibration through this type of meditation and becoming closer to your Higher-Self and a Higher Power Filled With Light And Love.

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From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/2/2007 11:26 PM