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Meditation : Meditation: Release Fears
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 1/31/2007 8:51 AM
Meditation To Release Fears

Mind Magic:

The fears that we experience throughout life, have a tendency to become stuck in the cells of the body, and caught up in the subconscious.

These fears can cause negative thought forms and judgments to be created in your being, which can also get caught in the cells of the body.

The following is a meditation to release all the fears, judgments, and harmful negative thought forms from the sacred cells of your Being.

You can allow this to work while reading the meditation, and also work on it later. It is useful to repeat it everyday, until the cells remain clear and nothing more comes up.

The Meditation:

Visualize a very large circular room with doors all around. See a giant sparkling, scintillating vortex spinning at supersonic velocity down into the room taking up all the space, sparkling with an intensity that is overpowering.

It is a living entity from Source coming to help you transform what is behind all the doors. And behind all those doors reside all your fears, judgments and harmful, negative thought forms. You have the choice of how many doors you want to open, and how many at a time.

As the doors open, the vortex sucks all your trapped fears, judgments and related thought forms out and up to be transformed by the Higher energies.

You can feel the very cells of your body releasing as all the dark, negative garbage is inexorably sucked up and out - up out and away.

It just keeps pouring forth in a flood of relief! And as it pours out, you begin to feel the weight and density pouring off with it. All the weight and density are also rapidly sucked up into the vortex to be transmuted.

The more density and garbage that leaves, the lighter you become. Tears of relief may come from your soul as all the fears from down through time pour off into the vortex sucking all the negative thought forms and judgments with them.

Up and out they all go, being transformed in the action of the whirling, supersonic, turbocharged suction of the Light Vortex. Your soul is taking on a purity that you haven't felt for many, many lifetimes.

You bask in the purity. And now you feel the Love from Source pouring down through the Light Vortex and filling all the spaces in your sacred cells that were left behind when the garbage all left. All the cells of your body are filling with the Love.

Your being soaks up the Love and fills to the brim with the Love. Your being fills to the brim and overflows with the Love, and you find you can send it out along the Christ Consciousness grid to all Humanity because more keeps coming, and more keeps coming.

The Love keeps coming and you are saturated to the very atoms and core of your Being with this pure Love from Source. All thoughts of not being worthy have been drained out with the rest of the garbage.

Your soul starts to resonate with Source, and will continue to grow in resonance during the weeks that follow. You will find that during the days to follow, that you have to be careful not to set up the same old thought patterns, that you will have to learn to control your thoughts so that all the old garbage doesn't return.

And do the meditation, or reread it as often as possible. This will make sure the cells stay free and pure. Life will become a bit easier, and others will relate to you in an entirely new way.

The more you resonate to Source, the more the thoughts will drop away that do not resonate with Source, and the freer you become. Now is the time of Change.

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From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/1/2007 8:01 PM