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Meditation : Meditation: Cutting Away
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 1/31/2007 9:08 AM
Meditation Cutting Away
1. You need no supplies.....this is all done in meditation.  Takes about 20 minutes the first time you do this.
2. Cleanse yourself Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually.
3. Find a quiet/sacred spot to rest while you do this.
4. Protect yourself with the White/Blue Light.
5. Take yourself mentally to that place you go when you meditate.
6. Imagine you see the person that you want to break all ties with standing directly in front of you.
7. Imagine that you see your Chakras all connected one to each other....This should resemble a rainbow stretching out between the two of you.
8. Imagine taking your special ceremonial knife and start at the bottom ( the red chakra) and cut upwards all the way through the rainbow.
9. As you do this cutting on each color, imagine that color no longer exists between the two of you.
10. Continue cutting until all the colors of this rainbow are gone.
11. Do not pay any attention if this other person should change shape or start to talk or plea with you or try to cause you harm in this meditation/vision. This is only a diversion tactic to get you to stop.  Be strong!
12. After you notice that the rainbow ties are completely cut, take a very deep breath and blow as hard and long as you can at this other person. This will cause the other person to move away from you. 
13. Repeat #12 until person is completely gone from your sight.
14. Come out of your meditation and brush your self off.  Get up and draw a circle completely around you so that all residuals stay in this protective circle.  
15. Step out of this circle and draw up in the air like you are picking up a round blanket from where you were sitting.  Wad it up and throw it away.
16.  Double your shield of your protection for a few days until you feel that this person has gotten the hint and stays away.  
17. If you still feel that added protection is necessary you can imagine that there is a mirror-like protective covering over your shield so that anything that is thrown at you will just be reflected off of your sheild....and out into the Universe.

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From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/1/2007 8:01 PM