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Meditation : Meditation: Common Problems
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 1/31/2007 9:20 AM
Meditation Common Problems
When we first experiment with meditation, we often encounter several difficulties which are fairly universal:

1) I go to sleep during meditation.

Possible Solutions:

Vary the position in which you meditate. Don’t lie down or recline.

Change the location you meditate. Try a straight hard back chair or the floor.

Switch to a different time to meditate. Try 11 AM instead of 9 PM.

Alter your meditation style. Try an open eyed meditation. Try a walking meditation. Try chanting or drumming.

2) No images come to me. No information comes at all. I’m just relaxed and that’s about it.

Possible Solution:

It could be you are moving the information out of the way as if it were mind clutter.

After you have quieted yourself, you might try playing "gatekeeper" and allowing one thought in at a time.

Let that notion drift by you unhindered while you determine its worth, then decide to let it continue to drift, or move it aside.

Also, try varying your style. Try a more invigorating kind of meditation, walking or chanting or dancing.

Then, let your mind quiet as soon as you are finished and see what comes to you in the lull afterward.

Quiet your mind, then allow yourself permission to "day dream." For some people, those random day dreams ARE their intuition.

3) I can’t find Time to meditate. I just don’t have a quiet 10 minutes.

Possible Solution:

Okay, here’s where you have to find and make the time.

Do you bathe every day? Meditate in the shower or tub. Waterfall (shower) meditations are Wonderful.

Do you hit the snooze button in the morning? Lay in a position where you feel "sleepy" but have a hard time actually falling asleep and start your day with this morning meditation.

Do you have to go to work or pick up a child from school? Try leaving 10 minutes early and meditate in the car for those 10 quiet minutes.

Do you exercise? Meditating to exercise is excellent because both the body and the mind become one cohesive unit.

Do you eat any meals alone? An open eyed meditation can be done just staring out the window at a restaurant, or while fixing a peanut butter sandwich in your kitchen.

Do you listen to music? Put the headphones on to a meditation tape and let the music or sounds sweep you away.

Tell your family you have "homework" to do, and go into your room and shut the door for ten minutes.

Find the time or make the time.

The bottom line is meditation provides you with internal alone time that helps keep you mentally, physically and spiritually on a more even keel.

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From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/1/2007 8:02 PM