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Prophecies : The Cosmic Calendar
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 4/9/2006 11:42 PM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameEerie7</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 10/27/2005 4:36 PM
The Cosmic Calendar...

Last week we examined Cultural Creatives, the formerly
unknown group within society which has suddenly grown to
include more than one in four adults.

When you compare the phenomenon of Cultural Creatives with
the evolving phases of social memes outlined in the book
Spiral Dynamics (see the web site article,
The Dawning New Reality), it is clear that society is
transforming at a very rapid pace. This monumental and
unprecedented transformation of society is what we are
calling, simply, The Shift.

But, why is this happening right now? Why should society be
rushing headlong into a New Reality of awareness at this
particular point in history?

The sudden awakening of holistic, spiritual thought in the
1960s certainly affected the younger generation of that era.
Those who were impressed and changed by, for example, the
Summer of Love in the year 1967 will be at the peak of their
economic and political influence by the year 2010. They will,
by then, be the Elders of society, the wise ones that younger
generations can look to for guidance when things go wrong.

If society is ready to start moving en masse into The Shift
after the year 2010, you have to wonder what cosmic events
might be in synchronicity with such timing. Could there be
some grand, cosmic event about to occur?

How about an imminent event which occurs just once every
26,000 years? Would that pique your curiosity?

The ancient Mayan civilization existed up until 830 C.E.,
when they suddenly disappeared from their cities, leaving no
traces behind as to where they may have moved. Despite an
apparent lack of precision instruments, the astronomical
knowledge of the Mayan culture exceeded today’s level of
knowledge in many ways. They not only knew the precise
orbits of the planets in our solar system, but also the
orbits of the stars in our galaxy. They had even cataloged
major cosmic events going back more than 400 million years.
The Mayan calendars are masterpieces which illustrate the
repeating time-spirals of cosmic cycles within cycles
within cycles.

The Mayans spoke of waves of influence which pass through the
galaxy; waves which are so influential that they are capable
of triggering the formation of suns from collections of gases.
They also spoke of waves of galactic influence which have a
profound effect upon human history on planet Earth.

One such critical point is a major galactic synchronization
which is due to occur in the very near future, on December
21st, 2012. This date marks the end of a 26,000 year cycle of
a style of human experience, as well as the end of a 5,200
year cycle within that, and also the end of many more
sub-cycles, all in synchronicity with each other.

On December 21st, 2012, when the Mayan calendar again resets
to zero, a new 26,000 year cycle begins. Now, 26,000-year
cycles don’t suddenly change from an old cycle to a new cycle
in the blink of an eye. Such a huge cycle influences a period
of overlap, both before and after the exact date of the
change to a new cycle. The overlap period before the year
2012 would have included its early influence upon culture
in the 1960s, when the current transformation in
consciousness began in earnest.

The question is, when future generations look back on our
current era, will they see the year 2012 as the pivotal
point within The Shift? Could the year 2012 mark a turning
point where the old type of humanity, Homo sapiens (“knowing
man�?, shifts into wholeness as the second tier of
consciousness begins to reach popularity? Will the second
tier be seen, in retrospect, as a new phase of human
evolution, a kind of Homo holisticus?

One thing that is certain at this point is that The Shift is
a real phenomenon and, as the Cultural Creatives and memes
studies demonstrate, it is happening today. The Shift is not
a temporary by-product of the baby boom generation, or of any
other generation in modern society. It is not a passing fad
and it is not going away.

The Shift is the result of a cosmic pressure which is
unfolding and, slowly but steadily, increasing the frequency
of all consciousness upon the planet.

The Shift is, to put it simply, the most wonderful
transformation in recorded history. This is where humanity
gets to build, literally, Heaven on Earth.

If you enjoyed today’s article, please forward it to a friend
who might also enjoy it.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6Sent: 4/10/2006 6:41 PM

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0Sent: 9/7/2006 6:03 AM