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Prophecies : New Pope Fits World End Prophecy
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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 8/1/2006 11:54 PM
<NOBR>Eerie7</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 10/12/2005 2:09 PM
Not meaning to upset anyone but this came under discussion recently and I wanted to post it for those who are interested...
Blessings...   ~eerie

Doomsayers Say Pope Benedict Fits World End Prophecy

ROME, (April 28) - Pope Benedict's ascent to the papacy took a conclave of 115 cardinals, four rounds of voting and followed a lifetime of service to the Vatican.

But ask Internet doomsayers eyeing a 12th century Catholic prophecy and they'll tell you it was all stitched up more than eight centuries ago and that judgment day is nigh.

The prophecy -- widely dismissed by scholars as a hoax -- is attributed to St. Malachy, an Irish archbishop recognised by members of the Church for his ability to read the future.

Benedict, believers say, fits the description of the second-to-last pope listed under the prophecy before the Last Judgement, when the bible says God separates the wicked from the righteous at the end of time.

"The Old Testament states: 'believe his prophets and you will prosper' -- so believe it. We are close to the return of the Judge of the nations. Christ is coming," wrote one Internet post by the Rev. Pat Reynolds.

"Thank God for the witness of St. Malachy."

St. Malachy was said to have had a vision during a trip to Rome around 1139 of the remaining 112 Popes. The new pope would be number 111 on that list, and is described in a text attributed to St. Malachy as the "Glory of the Olive".

To connect Benedict, a pale, bookish German, to anything olive takes some imagination. But Malachy-watchers point to the choice of the name Benedict -- an allusion to the Order of Saint Benedict, a branch of which is known as the Olivetans.

"When (he) chose the name Benedict XVI, this was seen as fulfilling the prophecy for this pope," wrote one entry on

Benedict said that he chose the name partly in honour of Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922), calling him a "courageous prophet of peace". On Wednesday, Benedict dedicated his papacy to "the service of reconciliation and harmony between peoples".

"Perhaps Benedict XVI will be a peacemaker in the Church or in the world, and thus carry the olive branch," speculated

Another site,, went even further, showing a picture of Benedict holding olive branches in March during Palm Sunday celebrations.

"Is this the Pope of Peace (olive)?" it asked in the caption.

Critics widely dismiss the Malachy prophecy as a forgery and possible propaganda meant to influence a 16th century conclave. Doses of scepticism even appear on the most energetic Malachy web pages.

But believers point out similarities between the prophecy's descriptions and past pontificates. Pope John Paul II, number 110, was described in the prophecy as "de labore solis" -- or "of the labour of the sun".

He was born on May 18, 1920, the same day as a solar eclipse. The pontiff was buried on April 8, 2005 -- the same day as a partial eclipse, visible in the Americas.

More pressing for doomsayers are the prophecy's references to the last Pope on the list, Peter the Roman, who will lead the Church before "the formidable judge will judge his people".

Since Benedict is already 78 years old, they say Peter the Roman must be coming soon, and with him, the end of the world.

"His reign will only last a few years at most. This signals that we are living in what may be the end of days as we know it," said one website entry by someone calling himself SmartBob.

Pope Benedict XVI is believed to fit the description of the 111th pope in St. Malachy's prophecy.

04-28-05 17:06 EDT

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The new Pontiff
Time: 12:15:16 PM EDT
Author: brnkdldies
Mood: Anxious

Saint Malachy prophecied about the coming popes all the way to the end times. Now we have our new pope, just one shy of Peter the Roman, who will rule during the times of Antichrist.

I do not wish to sound like some nut. however, there is some concern as to the events that have transpired over the past few years that should be noticed. The Wold Trade Center, the War in Iraq, earthquakes, tsunamis, and this is just the beggining folks. Pope John Paul II dies, and the cardinals elect an official who has buried secrets in the Catholic Church. Read and learn about Fatima, the secrets revealed by Sister Lucy, and the cover up which includes our newly elected Pontiff.

Father Paul Kramer, editor and compiler of the book The Devil's Final Battle puts some clarity on issues that we are seeing today. There IS something going on. Call it a conspiracy, call it a misdirection, but there are greater powers cpntrolling things that people must be informed about. This is a fantastic book that shows the relation of a miracle that happened in 1917 and has an effect on todays world. Famialiarize yourself with the miracle at Fatima, and you can start to understand how we do not have much time left.

Prepare ye the way of the Lord, for the times are near. You shall see...

Written by brnkdldies Pope John Paul II - known as the Pope of: De labore Solis or Pope of the Labour of the Sun

With the death of Pope John Paul II comes new talk of old Roman Catholic prophecies concerning the future of the Catholic Church. There has been a sudden upsurge in commentaries plus postings on various discussion forums and in chat rooms about an old Catholic saint’s prophecies for the end of the Roman Catholic Church. Such predictions were made by a certain man called St. Malachy dating to the Middle Ages. The Malachy "prophecies predicted 112 future popes. Those who have done their research homework have tracked the list of popes down to Pope John Paul II as being the next-to-last good pope or so the story goes. See

Keep in mind that the St. Malachy prophecies are steeped in controversy and many critics within the church claim the prophecies are mere forgeries because they were "lost" for 400 years and were unknown from inception until 400 years later. The prophecies, written by St. Malachy after having allegedly witnessed a vision were given to the reigning Pope who apparently shelved them in a shroud of secrecy only to be uncovered 400 years later.

In those writings, various future Popes were mystically referred to be certain enigmatic signs or mystical titles. Their mystical title might be connected to where the pope lived, his family, his prior background or whatever might provide a linking clue.

The prophecy indicated that the Pope, which became John Paul II was a pope connected to the sun, or a ‘sun-pope�?so to speak. The Malachy prophecies state that pope number 266 or #110 of the succeeding popes would be the De labore Solis = ‘eclipse of the sun�?or the ‘labor of the sun.�?Now here is where it gets interesting.

Pope John Paul the Second was born on May 18, 1920 during an eclipse of the sun. He is also seen to be the fruit of the intercession of the Woman Clothed with the Sun laboring in Revelation 12 (because of his devotion to the Virgin Mary). He was indelibly linked to the Fatima prophecy supposedly because the Third Secret of Fatima was that he would be the victim of an assassination attempt and protected by the Virgin Mary, clothed with the sun laboring in Revelation. Of course this is an attempt to link the virgin experience with Revelation 12. For Catholics this was a bit overreaching to make the case in our opinion. His birth during an eclipse should have been enough for a connection. However, it gets better.

Now that the Pope has died we find something else interesting. In fact we understand two interesting aspects. First, we’ve heard substantial rumors that the Pope died on April 1st as first reported but then later denied by the Vatican. Perhaps he did die then, perhaps not. So what does it matter? First of all, April 1st is a special occult day for which significance my memory escapes, (besides it being April Fool’s day) but I think it has something to do with Ishtar, chief goddess of Babylon. My first thought was that they wanted to avoid any potential linkage to the pagan deity. However, on Sunday, we were told that according to the rules a pope must be buried within 4 to 6 days upon death. That would mean that if the Pope had died on April lst then he must be buried buried by April 7th.

No big deal, right? Well there’s more to this story and we’re just now scratching the surface.

Do you remember our mentioning of the Malachy prophecy of this Pope? Do you remember how the prophecy connected John Paul II to the sun? Do you remember that John Paul was born during a solar eclipse? Well guess what! April 8th is 6 days after John Paul officially died and it is the last day his body can remain unburied. So, can you guess what happens on April 8th? Yes, you guessed it, a Solar eclipse! See link below for solar eclipse information for April 8th.

Pope of Solar Eclipses will be buried on April 8th the "Day of the Masters" and a "Hybrid Solar Eclipse."

Here's a link to a list of occult/Satanic days:

How ironic, yet it really matches the St. Malachy prophecy, doesn’t it? It is almost as if it was planned this way by the Vatican elite? Of course, there’s more to this and we’re just getting started.

The rest of the St. Malachy prophecy indicates that the next Pope, #111 on the list will be the Pope of the Olive or Gloria Olivae ("Glory of the Olives") What that means is anyone’s guess. Perhaps it will be a Pope who had Jewish parents? Who knows at this point, but this is not the point of our article.

The Pope #112 is the last on the list and thus the last of the Popes before the end of the Church. This Pope will be called "Peter Romanos" or "Petrus Romanus." The comments made by St. Malachy are as follows:

"(In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End.)"

Okay, now we’ve finished scratching the surface on this subject. Now let’s get below the surface and into the inner dark realms or the inner sanctum of the Vatican. For that we turn to the testimony and legacy of a famous Vatican confidant> We speak of a priest by the name of Father Malachi Martin who was the chief exorcist for the Vatican and T-H-E exorcist that became the famous priest in the movie The Exorcist.

Malachi Martin a Jesuit Priest from Ireland became a close confidante to Popes from the 1960s forward. Martin was actually a Dead Sea Scrolls scholar who wrote one of the earliest books (a 2 volume effort) on the Dead Sea Scrolls. He was quite an expert on ancient semitic languages. Later, Martin became involved with the RCC rituals of Exorcism. It was then that he developed the reputation for battling the occult world. It was that battle, which brought him the unwanted media exposure for the rest of his life. Martin was also a prolific author who wrote 16 books and numerous magazine articles died July 28, 1999 at the age of 78.

The Washington Post noted his "uncanny accuracy" for not only reporting but predicting events dealing with the hidden, inside geopolitics of the Vatican. The Post noted that Martin had a predilection for predicting the unthinkable only to be laughed at but yet be found accurate when the prediction transpired. It is with this background that we now proceed cautiously to comments made by Malachi in media interviews on radio-tv before his death. Here below are some of his book covers dealing with the Vatican Satanic problem.

Malachi spoke of the Third Secret of Fatima which only the Pope himself supposedly knew. Yet Malachi says that at least one of the Pope’s ( I think it was Pope John the 23rd) told Malachi the secret. He reportedly discussed it in some detail with Pope John Paul II after the Pope survived an assassination attempt. The Third Secret of Fatima is the segment providing predictions of the future after World War 2. Malachi sums up the material as:

"It says that no matter what happens there are going to be terrible wars, there are going to be diseases, whole nations are going to be wiped out, there are going to be 3 days darkness, there are going to be epidemics that will wipe out whole nations overnight, parts of the earth will be washed away at sea and violent tornadoes and storms. It's not a nice message at all"

Martin also spoke of the St. Malachy Prophecies. In regards to such prophecies Martin noted that perhaps Pope 111 will be the last pope, the Olive pope also known as the "Black Pope" or the Antichrist pope as opposed to the #112 Pope

to be called Peter Romanus. Martin also indicated that there might be an intervening pope between #’s 111 and 112. It seemed in listening to his last few media appearances that he believed Pope John Paul II might be the last good Pope after all. Of course, he also indicated that #111 might only reign as Pope for a few days, weeks or months before an untimely death like Pope John Paul the First who lived only 2 months.

Martin in his books and interviews makes it very clear that he thinks Satanic forces, operating through priests, bishops and cardinals who’ve sold their soul to the devil are in a position to soon take over the entire Roman Catholic Church. For some it might seem very strange, but for many of us Protestant observers, we’ve always thought that way about the RCC. Now, we’re only surprised to hear men like Martin admit to it.

Martin was certain however that in the near future a Pope would become the Antichrist or "antipope" as he would some times call it. We here at A-O would disagree. We think that a future pope may be the False Prophet who drives everyone else to worship the Beast or Antichrist but not the actual "Antichrist."

So what signs would we look for to confirm these views?

For starters, we’d look for any signs or signals regarding Pope John Paul II in his death. There were strong reports of the Pope dying on April 1st which is a special

occult day. Of course, there is a more significant day which is April 8th.

April 8th is called "Masters Day" or "Day of the Masters." It just so happens that at least an irony develops also. The late Pope will be buried on April 8th which is the last date allowed under Roman Catholic canon law. He could have been buried on the 6th or the 7th. Had he been declared dead on the 1st then he could only have been buried between the 5th through the7th and thus would have missed being buried on the 8th, the Day of the Masters. BUT that is not all to be missed.

April 8th is also a day for an unusual Solar eclipse called a "hyrbrid" eclipse. The Pope according to the St. Malachy prophecy was to be the pope of the sun or the pope of the eclipse. Well Pope John Paul II is certainly living up to that title because he was born on a solar eclipse and will be buried on the day of a solar eclipse. More eclipse details at link below:

CNN Special Report on the Solar Eclipse & the Papal Burial

More scientific details below on the "hyrbid" solar eclipse:

Combine that with the fact that it is an occult holy day with all of the "Masters" of the world gathered in one place at the same time (that meaning all the world’s leaders gathered for the Pope’s funeral) leads us to consider the possibility that the Illuminati leadership will stage something spectacular either literally or symbolically on that day. It may merely be that there will be another sign that will help select a next pope to be the Anti-pope or False Prophet.

We also suspect that the next Pope will be chosen during the occultic "High Holy Days of April 26th through May 1st. In some way shape or manner, if Satan has gained control of the Vatican overtly, we’ll likely be able to pick up his signals or signature. If so, we’ll pass them along to you here at AO. Of course, you too may easily spot them or maybe not.

We don’t know exactly what is going to happen. We can only speculate and keep our eyes open and on alert. So keep this in mind as we move through this bizarre period of time.



Cardinal Ratzinger Elected Pope

Take Name Pope Benedict XVI

The new pope, Benedict XVI, has already confirmed the St. Malachy prophecy. As stated above the term for the now current pope predicted by St. Malachy was:

"Gloria Olivae" -- the Glory of the Olive

Benedict the name means Olive. It would appear that Cardinal Ratzinger quite familiar with the prophecy, deliberately took such a name to make sure there would be no misunderstanding. It had to be a clear signal to RCC insiders that he would fulfill the role predicted by St. Malachy in what he interprets to be a peacemaker within the church and the world. However, other RCC prophecy experts think it could be a reference to a peace-taker meaning someone who divides. In regards to the latter, Ratzinger's past better fits. The cardinal has many bitter enemies thanks to many divisive actions that he's taken in the past. The selection does not bode well for the RCC regardless of what one thinks of the St. Malachy issues. The "liberal" wing of the RCC is shocked and stunned. This is especially true of the French. BUT - there may be more behind this.

One RCC prophecy expert, John Hoague, on a national talk radio show the night the new Pope was selected indicated that the Pope could be a "Black Pope" and thus fulfill the darker interpretation of St. Malachy's prophecy. IF so that might be further buttressed by the latest column by investigator Sherman Skolnick who exposes the New World Order whenever possible. In his latest article released the night the pope was announced presented information to suggest that Pope Benedict is a "black pope" already by virtue of his prior NWO actions. For Sherman's article - click here.

Copyright © 2005

The Alpha-Omega Report

All publishing rights reserved

Permission granted for personal private use to reprint this article from a browser.

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemyckkiaSent: 8/1/2006 11:57 PM
<NOBR>♣ςεłεѕ†iαł¤Ғіґεғδх�?/FONT></NOBR> Sent: 10/12/2005 6:35 PM


What Will the Future Bring?
A new pope, even more conservative than the late John Paul II, has been elected to reign over the Roman Catholic Church, with its 1.1 billion members. Who is this new religious leader—and what can the world expect from him?

News that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had become the newly-elected head of the Catholic Church brought a decidedly mixed reaction from the world.

Most experts believed that the cardinal did not have enough votes to become the next pontiff. They concluded that his decades-long battle against liberalism in the church and his uncompromising stance on sensitive, hot-button issues had polarized the world of Catholicism.

Cardinal Ratzinger’s election sent a message to both Catholic hardliners and liberal leaders. The former were pleased with his election, taking it as a signal that church dogma would be firmly upheld. The latter viewed it as a sign that the status quo would be maintained—that the Vatican would not budge from its stance on abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, the ordination of women into the priesthood and other controversial matters.

According to the Scotsman, a Vatican source said, “Cardinal Ratzinger doesn’t want a pope as right wing as Pope John Paul II. He wants a Pope more right wing than Pope John Paul II. There were a lot of things which the Pope chose to do against the wishes of Cardinal Ratzinger.�?Most experts agree that the cardinal has been—and, as Pope Benedict XVI, will be—more strongly opposed to liberal teachings than his predecessor.

The Associated Press reported that, just days before being elected, Cardinal Ratzinger’s native Germany was divided in its opinion of him becoming the next pope: “A recent poll for Der Spiegel news weekly said Germans opposed to Ratzinger becoming pope outnumbered supporters 36 percent to 29 percent, with 17 percent having no preference. The poll of 1,000 people, taken April 5-7, gave no margin of error.�?/FONT>

Catholic leadership in Germany is largely liberal and had played a highly influential role in establishing Vatican II in the 1960s. Though the 1978 election of Pope John Paul II initially drew broad support from Germany�?.5 million Germans turned out for John Paul’s masses—German relations toward the Vatican have since cooled.

It is interesting to note that while most Western newspapers were publishing glowing headlines of the pontiff’s election, the British press had a field day attacking him. Headlines such as “From Hitler Youth to PAPA RATZI”—“He was known as GOD’S ROTTWEILER �?Now he is POPE BENEDICT XVI”—“‘God’s Rottweiler�?is the new Pope”—and “A Pope Who Believes It is Far Better to be Right Than Popular,�?splashed the pages of newsprint.

Coming of Age in Hitler’s Germany

He has been described in various ways by a variety of sources. But who is Pope Benedict XVI? What can the world expect from his rule? His admirers look forward to seeing great things, while his detractors expect the worst.

To get a deeper understanding of whom this new religious leader is and what he will likely do, we must look at what he has already done.

Joseph Alois Ratzinger was born in Marktl am Inn, Bavaria, a predominantly Catholic region in Germany, on April 16, 1927. This was the “Holy Saturday�?before Easter. His parents were Joseph and Maria Ratzinger. Due to his father’s occupation as a rural policeman, the Ratzinger family often moved from town to town.

In 1939, as World War II intensified and Nazi-led Germany and imperialistic Japan went on the march, young Ratzinger entered seminary. Two years later, he was forced to join the Hitler Youth. At age 16, he was drafted into the military, where he worked in a German anti-aircraft unit that guarded a BMW plant outside Munich. He later helped build tank barriers on the Austrian-Hungarian border. As defeat for the Axis powers drew near, Joseph Ratzinger deserted the army, returning home to Traunstein—just as American troops had established military headquarters at his house. The teenaged German soldier was taken prisoner and placed into a POW camp. Upon his release a few months later, he re-entered the seminary, along with his older brother Georg.

Years later, in June 1951, both brothers were ordained as priests.

A Pivotal Change, an Upward Climb

Two years later, Joseph Ratzinger received his doctorate in theology from the University of Munich. He began teaching theology at the University of Bonn in the late 1950s. He also taught Catholicism at various German universities.

Some years later, in 1962, Mr. Ratzinger was appointed chief theological advisor for the Archbishop of Cologne and came to play a key role at the Second Vatican Council. It has been said that he was, at the time, considered a liberal thinker, but that his progressive positions changed in the wake of student radicalism in Germany in the late 1960s.

In March 1977, he was appointed archbishop of Munich and Freising. He was elevated to cardinal three months later.

In 1981, Pope John Paul II named Cardinal Ratzinger the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. With its roots in the “Holy�?Inquisition (see inset), this office was—and still is—the guardian of Catholic orthodoxy.

In 1998, Cardinal Ratzinger was elected vice dean of the College of Cardinals and was elected dean four years later.

For years, he worked as a close ally to Pope John Paul II. Every Friday evening, the two religious leaders would meet alone to discuss problems within the Roman Catholic Church.

For more than two decades, Cardinal Ratzinger built a legacy of zealously upholding and preserving traditional church dogma. He has been called the “intellectual salvation of Roman Catholicism�?in a time of confusion and compromise and “the Pope’s enforcer�?for rigorously prosecuting ideas considered dangerous to conservative Catholic teaching. Critics have mockingly referred to him as “God’s Rottweiler�?and the “Panzerkardinal�?(meaning, the “tank cardinal�?. He has frequently been accused of being a strict authoritarian who used his office to silence or intimidate dissidents, discipline and demote theologians who were not in step with the Vatican, block liberal movements and expand the borders of papal infallibility within the Catholic world.

Over the years, he repeatedly sparred with leaders of the Catholic Church’s liberal wing. In 1993, the Cardinal of Stuttguart wrote a pastoral letter that gave permission for divorced Catholics who had remarried to take communion. But Cardinal Ratzinger rejected the letter and blocked its distribution (Ibid.) And, to the alarm of church liberals, he excommunicated seven women in Austria.

Extensive interviews with leading Catholics—both friends and foes of Pope Benedict—as well as thousands of pages written by and about him, have revealed three things: “He sees his work as a defense of human freedom; he is convinced that he and John Paul are the rightful heirs of Vatican II; he believes time is on his side�?(“The Vatican’s Enforcer,�?The National Catholic Reporter, April 16, 1999).

Theology, Culture and Other Views of the Pope

Benedict XVI is said to be a man of simple routine. For most of his years at Rome, he has opted to walk alone to work each morning, wearing a simple ankle-length robe, his face blending into the throngs of other clerics. There are stories about tourists who have asked Cardinal Ratzinger for directions, unaware that the person with whom they were speaking occupied one of the most powerful offices in the Vatican, second only to Pope John Paul II.

Though not expected to be as charismatic or telegenic as his predecessor, Pope Benedict has been said to be a “charmer�?in one-on-one situations. He is also said to possess a wry sense of humor and is a refreshingly blunt speaker. He has also been called a cosmopolitan and is fluent in at least four—some say as many as ten—languages.

Viewed as an intellectual, he has authored several books that address issues of Catholic faith and doctrine: The Ratzinger Report (1985); Salt of the Earth (1996); The Spirit of the Liturgy (2000); and God and the World: A Conversation With Peter Seewald (2002).

In his book God and the World, then-Cardinal Ratzinger asserted that followers of religions outside the Catholic Church are in a “gravely deficient�?situation. When asked if Jews should or must acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Messiah, he replied, “We believe that,�?also stating, “That does not mean that we should force Christ upon them. The fact remains, however that our Christian conviction is also the Messiah of Israel. Certainly it is in the hands of God how and when the unification of Jews and Christians into the people of God will take place�?(“Ratzinger speaks out in new book, debate,�?National Catholic Reporter, Oct. 6, 2000).

During the 2004 American presidential race, Cardinal Ratzinger sent an official letter to Catholic bishops in the U.S. In it, he asserted that public officials who were Catholic, and yet openly dissented from church doctrine on abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, same-sex unions, etc., should not be allowed to partake in Communion. With the democratic presidential challenger being a Catholic who supported legal abortion and other positions opposed by Catholic orthodoxy, many viewed this letter as an attempt by the Vatican to influence American politics.

Cardinal Ratzinger had also weighed in on Europe’s political affairs, speaking against Turkey receiving membership into the European Union. He called Turkey a secular Muslim nation that would dilute Europe’s professing Christian culture.

The cardinal had spoken out against the “dictatorship of relativism”—the philosophy that all religious beliefs are of equal value—which “does not recognize anything as absolute and leaves as the ultimate measure only the measure of each one and his desires�?(“Cardinal Ratzinger Warns of ‘Dictatorship of Relativism,’�?Global Catholic News).

Dealing With Hot-button Issues

Abortion, euthanasia, birth control, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, women in the priesthood, celibacy among priests, pedophile sex scandals, the dwindling size of the Catholic Church in Europe and the U.S.—these and other controversial issues await the attention of Pope Benedict XVI.

Additionally, the new pontiff faces a world in which both Muslims and Catholics claim to have more than one billion believers around the world. He must attend to growing problems among Catholics in Africa and Asia who are concerned with protecting their rights and safety in nations where Muslims are in the majority.

In Latin America, home to almost half of the world’s Catholic population, the church must compete with the growing Pentecostal and Evangelical movements that are drawing away its members. In Brazil, which is largely Catholic, less than 10 percent of registered Catholics regularly attend services.

Meanwhile, the church in the United States is still coming to grips with its clergy sex abuse scandals, which have produced an increase of mistrust toward the priesthood. The scandals have also cost the Roman church millions of dollars in legal settlements.

Known for taking defiant stances, Cardinal Ratzinger had this to say about the abuse scandals: “In the Church, priests also are sinners. But I am personally convinced that the constant presence in the press of the sins of Catholic priests, especially in the United States, is a planned campaign, as the percentage of these offenses among priests is not higher than in other categories, and perhaps it is even lower. In the United States, there is constant news on this topic, but less than one percent of priests are guilty of acts of this type. The constant presence of these news items does not correspond to the objectivity of the information nor to the statistical objectivity of the facts. Therefore, one comes to the conclusion that it is intentional, manipulated, that there is a desire to discredit the Church. It is a logical and well-founded conclusion�?(Zenit News Agency).

Still another problem the Catholic leader must address is the lack of priests and nuns in the West, as well as congregations that are dwindling in membership.

Along with its American cousins, the Catholic leadership in Europe struggles to address birth control, abortion and same-sex marriage, as well as the growing tide of European secularism and shrinking congregations. Of its 1.1 billion Catholics, 25 percent reside in Europe.

Yet, despite all these mounting issues, Pope Benedict has said that his top priority is to reunify all professing Christians. This intent was foreshadowed in his 2000 homily Dominus Jesus (“Lord Jesus�?, in which he defined Protestant churches as “ecclesial communities�?that are not “churches in the proper sense.�?In other words, they are not part of the body of Jesus, which Pope Benedict believes is the Roman Catholic Church. In order for professing Christians to receive salvation, they must be grafted back into his church.

During his first week as the Catholic Church’s leader, Benedict has repeatedly attempted to reach out to Orthodox Christians and Protestants, and to Jews and Muslims, stating that he would devote his reign to unity.

The Final “False Prophet�?

Certain Internet doomsayers are already assigning grave, apocalyptic signs to Pope Benedict, pointing to an obscure prophecy by St. Malachy, an Irish archbishop. Malachy’s Catholic contemporaries believed that he possessed the ability to predict the future.

While visiting Rome in 1139, Malachy supposedly received a vision. In it, he claimed to have seen all 112 future popes, up until the destruction of the Catholic Church and the Second Coming of Christ. Malachy then wrote brief descriptive words about each future pope. According to the bishop’s vision, Pope Benedict XVI is the next to last pontiff before Christ’s Return.

Malachy-followers point to Cardinal Ratzinger taking the name “Benedict.�?According to Malachy’s prophecy, the next-to-last pope would be “the Glory of the Olive.�?This, they claim, is tied to the Benedictine Order, known as the Olivetans; its symbol is the olive branch.

Can Malachy’s prophecy be true?

God’s inspired Word states this: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit�?(II Peter 1:20-21).

In Matthew 24, Christ warned that false prophets, along with false prophecies, would rise and deceive many. As the Rock of the Old Testament (I Cor. 10:1-4), He inspired King David to record that those who obey God will receive “good understanding�?(Psa. 111:10). This includes the proper knowledge and understanding of true biblical prophecy.

Critics have widely dismissed the Malachy prophecy as being a hoax. Some suggest that it was possibly invented to influence the voting process of a Roman Catholic conclave in the 16th century.

Pope Benedict is not a member of the Benedictine Order. In fact, he largely chose to be named “Benedict�?after the patron saint of Europe, St. Benedict, who defended Rome against pagan Germanic invaders.

In his homily declared the day before he was elected to head the Catholic Church, the cardinal said the following: “How many winds of doctrine we have known in recent decades, how many ideological currents, how many ways of thinking…The small boat of thought of many Christians has often been tossed about by these waves—thrown from one extreme to the other: from Marxism to liberalism, even to libertinism; from collectivism to radical individualism; from atheism to a vague religious mysticism; from agnosticism to syncretism, and so forth. Every day new sects are created and what Saint Paul says about human trickery comes true, with cunning which tries to draw those into error. Having a clear faith, based on the Creed of the Church, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism. Whereas, relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and ‘swept along by every wind of teaching,�?looks like the only attitude (acceptable) to today’s standards. We are moving towards a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one’s own ego and one’s own desires�?(emphasis ours).

This, along with other statements, reveals that Pope Benedict XVI sees himself as the spiritual defender against the “isms�?of secular thought now prevalent in Europe. In his first official address to the general public, he stated: “The name Benedict evokes, moreover, the extraordinary figure of the great ‘patriarch of Western monasticism,�?St. Benedict of Nursia, co-patron of Europe together with Saints Cyril and Methodius. The gradual expansion of the Benedictine Order founded by him has had an enormous influence on the spread of Christianity on the whole Continent. Because of this, St. Benedict is much venerated in Germany and, in particular, in Bavaria, my native land. He constitutes a fundamental point of reference for the unity of Europe and a strong reminder of the inalienable Christian roots of its culture and its civilization.�?/FONT>

The new pope firmly believes that the greatest threat to professing Christianity is secularism in the West. And, he has stated that he would rather see the Catholic Church reduced to a remnant size than follow the winds of social trends.

Certain religious organizations, specializing in prophetic speculation, have been quick to paint the new pope as the “false prophet�?of the book of Revelation and the prophesized “man of sin�?of II Thessalonians 2—an end-time religious leader who will perform signs and wonders, deceiving the world into believing that he is God. Such “prophecy groups�?take note that the pope’s parents were Joseph and Mary (Maria), like Jesus�?parents—a sure sign, they say, that he will be a counterfeit of Christ. They also take note that the pontiff is of German descent.

True biblical prophecies picture a future in which a German-led Europe will, in fact, rise to international preeminence (see Psalm 83). Other scriptures show that ten European nations or groups of nations will hand over the reigns of power to one man, whom the Bible calls “the beast.�?This end-time European leader will be endorsed by a figure called the “man of sin.�?/FONT>

Notice: “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day [Christ’s Return �?vs. 1] shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Remember you not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now you know what withholds that he might be revealed in his time…And then shall that Wicked [one] be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming: even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness�?(II Thes. 2:3-12).

A startling television documentary, Does Europe Hate Us?, hosted by New York Times columnist and Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas L. Friedman, stated that Europe now has the economic muscle to financially overshadow the United States. However, it does not have the will to compete with the U.S. militarily—yet.

(Does the new pontiff fit the role of the “man of sin�?and “the false prophet�? The REAL TRUTH magazine is not a publication that resorts to wild speculation or prophetic innuendo. Its chief purpose is to analyze world news and societal trends affecting humanity-at-large—from a sound, biblical perspective, and this includes basic prophecies that are coming alive in our time.)

Before becoming pope, Joseph Ratzinger produced a legacy of rigidly holding firm to strong Catholic dogma and tradition. He has refused to bend to the cries for liberal reforms and has not shied away from silencing and disciplining liberals who have dissented from conservative, traditional religious thought. There is every reason to believe that he will continue the same course of action as head of the Roman Catholic Church.

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