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Prophecies : lets begin
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname™†•΅MĮĐ•ŊĪĢĦŦ΅•†™  (Original Message)Sent: 6/13/2005 1:06 AM
Ok this thursday we will begin the prophecy chat..My goal in this is to disect all prophecies down and would love others to help in this by placing there opinions and beliefs in this.Because several minds is better than one.This thursday we will begin with the prophecies of the mayans/We may just go into the history of the Mayan calendar at first...We will not break every prophecy damn in one weak each weak we will go in sections....I would love a great turn out here..Love to see everyone here Thursday nights..

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname1goldensunsetSent: 6/13/2005 3:35 PM
hey mid,
I added those pics for you in the album,,,

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname™†•΅MĮĐ•ŊĪĢĦŦ΅•†™Sent: 6/13/2005 11:42 PM
thx dear

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEerie7Sent: 6/15/2005 5:05 PM
I am looking forward to this information Mid...
Thank you for sharing...

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname™†•΅MĮĐ•ŊĪĢĦŦ΅•†™Sent: 6/21/2005 6:43 PM
Greetings Everyone,
  This post isnt for everyone and if you are not ready to hear this then i suggest not reading lol.
  Well let me begin with this.The polar shift and the after effects of this happening.I may get graphic here.Ok when the polarities of our poles shift(this will be caused by a cycle of the ages)The planet will stop and start to reverse its spin.With this great mountains will rise from sea and land.Earths crust will lift off the ground when we stop.from the lack of gravity as we are stop.when the reverse spin starts up all land,glaciers,life(ya including humanity),buildings and such will be crushed like in a compacter.When this happens then you will see the true dangers to us.nuclear plants will be crushed and cause a nuclear cataclysm never imagine.chemical plants for our belove chemical warfare will be unleashed like never imagine upon humanity and life.remaining humans will have to deal with humans mistakes of warfare and destructive behavor.with humanity's decays of the death will come many diseases and viruses.stench alone is sickning.Oh this is just a speck of it all.We will deal with earthquakes and volcanoes that you cant imagine.Heard of super volcanoe?well we about to see a world wide eruptions of such things.And by the glaciers being crushed and melting we will see a world wide flood like never seen.And with all the glaciers melting and volcanoes erupting comes the next ice age.And your asking yourself how do we survive with these diseases and viruses from the corpes laying across our land from melted flesh and the decay and stench.from radiation from our sun and nuclear explosions.And from the chemicals spread across the globe.and to top it off we have to deal with a massive ice age from our volcanoes and world wide flood.Oh with all of this comes a world collapse of governments and religions.There will be no currency or economic power.we follow one rule here,and that is to survive.This we may find the true evils of our lifetime.we may have to fight to survive.either each other or to find food or untainted water.With this little glimpse of what may happen in 2012 we will see what true enlightment is.Because we will not be influenced by any government or religion.I believe this is what happen to atlantis minus the nuclear and chemical crap.there is a polar shift predicted in 2012.With the orion lining up perfectly with egyption and maya temples and pyramids(which have decended from atlantis)They are giving us this warning.Now its up to us to figure it all out lol...I may go into more of this on thursday.I hope you all enjoy and would love some feedback...

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