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Prophecies : The Orion Prophecy by Patrick Geryl
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/8/2007 6:53 AM
Has anyone read The Orion Prophecy by Patrick Geryl? Any feedback or sugestion would be appreciated.
According to Mayan & Egyptian prophecy, the earth awaits a super catastrophe in 2012: its magnetic fields will completely reverse in one agonizing shift. Devastating earthquakes and tidal waves will completely destroy civilization as Europe and North America are pulled north to polar latitudes. Almost all the earth's population will perish. These predictions stem from the sophisticated astronomy of the Maya and Egyptians, descendants of the legendary original Atlanteans, whose island, in this theory, is now buried under the South Pole. The Atlanteans predicted the world-wide flood in 9792 BC. In 2012, according to several 10,000 year-old star codes, Venus, Orion and several other stars will take the same 'code-positions' as in 9792 BC. There is also a forgotten and massive labyrinth, created by the Old Egyptians, of secret chambers filled with artifacts and documents about the previous flood.

The Orion Prophecy: 2012 Decoded!

As the years seem to race past faster and faster, more of us wonder every day if the 2012 prophecies mean anything. Now Belgian authors Patrick Geryl and Gino Ratinckx say that they have decoded the Mayan and Egyptian prophecies, and Patrick lays it all out for us in this stunner of a show. Then Linda reports on that troubling collapse of the marine food chain off the Pacific Northwest. Is it going to fix itself, or is it a sign of bigger trouble to come?

The question about 2012 is really very simple: will the world be destroyed or not? We know that there was a period of horrendous upheaval about 11,000 years ago, and that classic books like Hamlet's Mill have made the case that a warning of future catastrophe is contained in the symbolic writings of the past.

Now Patrick Geryl and Gino Ratinckx have taken a new look at the subtle mathematics of the Mayan Calendar and a group of ancient Egyptian star codes, and they say that these coded messages point to a repeat of the disaster that befell earth in 9000 B.C. happening again in 2012.

But will it? If it does, Geryl believes that there will be ample warning, IF we know how to read the signs.

They have also established the location of the legendary Hall of Records that is supposed to be buried somewhere in Egypt.

Don't miss this enthralling, thought-provoking interview with Patrick Geryl, the kind of explorer of the mind and spirit who also walks the ground he writes about.

Whitley Strieber adds: "The Orion Prophecy is absolutely terrific. Just the kind of book we love to talk about on Dreamland. An unforgettable journey down roads conventional science will not travel."

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