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Prophecies : myan prophecies
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamefareyes0  (Original Message)Sent: 3/28/2008 7:06 PM
has anyone heard of the myan prophecies. I know it does have something to do with the shift in the earth, 2012, and whatis going to happen

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 3/29/2008 11:08 PM
Yes I've heard of the Mayan prophecies and the 12/21/12 date.  That is the winter solstace in 2012.  Doomsday some think.
The 12/21/12 date corresponds to an astronomical alignment that only happens once every approximately 26,000 years.  On that specific date the plane of our solar system will become aligned with an energy beam that is emanating from super massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy.  The 'black sun'.
Amazingly the Mayans somehow knew about this astronomical alignment thousands of years ago and their pyramid of Kukulcan predicts it as well as their strange codex booklets and calendar.
That date isn't really the end of the Mayan calendar.  It's the end of this current age and the beginning of a new age.  The technical term for this is the end of the Mayan 'long count' which I think refers to how they measured long time periods using a unique numbering system. 
The Mayans believed that the earth's position in relation to the constellations and the entire Milky Way galaxy corresponds to periods of change and spiritual evolution.  According to the Mayans we are in a period of great change right now as we quickly approach the end of the sun's 26,000 journey through the 12 signs of the zodiac.  This 26,000 year period is sometimes referred to as the 'Great Year' or the 'Platonic Year'.  
In that sense we are living in a very unique time right now.
Sadly the Spanish monks burned almost all of the Mayan's priceless codex booklets.  One of the many great destructions of knowledge that have occurred throughout our human race's troubled history.
I think the Egyptian pyramids and monuments also predict the positions of the constellations over that same 26,000 year cycle.  The North Star, Polaris, became aligned with the entrance to the Great Pyramid in 2004.  This was significant for some reason.
The sphinx is associated with the constellation of Leo the lion.
The study of how monuments on earth relate to the stars and constellations over long time periods is called archeoastronomy.
It is interesting that there are 12 signs of the zodiac because 12 is a mystical number.  I heard there are 12 universes.
Plato believed that the dodecahedron geometric shape indicates the form of the universe.  The dodecahedron geometic solid has 12 faces.
I read that Plato was initiated into the Egyptian mystery schools at the age of 49.  Perhaps this is where he heard about the geometric solids which some believe are the basic forms of all creation.
                                                                   Jeff Marzano
Sacred Geometry Crystal Kit / Crystal Platonic Solids Set available at Equinox Books & Gifts, a mind body spirit and new age gift store featuring new age books, aromatherapy candles, tibetan singing bowls, flower essences, gemstone jewelry, pendulums, blank journals, tarot bags, tarot cards and echimes

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 4/25/2008 3:03 PM
thank you for sharing