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From: MSN Nickname™†•΅MĮĐ•ŊĪĢĦŦ΅•†™  (Original Message)Sent: 7/8/2005 4:39 AM
Maori Prophecy
from http:/
In the most unequivocal terms, the legends of the New Zealand Maori
recall times when the earth was wracked by every possible form of
natural disaster. From the apparent impact of a comet to the birth
of a land from the sea itself, their records are a close match with
those of other ancient cultures that recall battles among gods, lands
in torment, and heroes and heroines who paved the way for those who
survived to start afresh. Maori prophecy also hints at such things
happening again. Legends and prophecy these things may be, but in
many details they are an uncanny match with scientific theories about
the past and expectations for the immediate future. The terminology
is different, but both the Maori and modern scientific descriptions
relate to the same events, except that it is science which is the
late starter and the slow learner. Consider for example how 20th
Century scientists were surprised to find that the Dogon tribe of
Africa knew without the aid of radio telescopes of the existence of
Sirius B (the Dog Star), and also speak of "space brothers" from that
system who have visited and taught them many things. While scientists
were finally forced to accept the existence of Sirius B when they
confirmed its existence with their instruments, they still refuse to
allow that the rest of the Dogon "legend" is equally valid. The
Maori were also aware of "star brothers" long before science began
looking for evidence of intelligent life on other planets -
intelligent beings who may well be the source of the ancient and
world-wide references to gods in the histories of so many cultures,
and who are in truth the "missing link" in humanity's evolution as a
hominid. New Zealand is a pearl of a country, yet it is one of the
world's least-known nations. Situated in the South Pacific, it is
basically several large islands, the two largest uninspiringly
called "The North Island" and "The South Island" by its European
settlers who have lived here in numbers for little more than a
century. And as they did in so many other countries, the
predominantly British immigrants moved to banish the ethnic language
from everyday use, struck up a quick trade in natural resources by
tearing down forests and shipping them "home," and replaced the trees
and the many varieties of birds which died with their passing, with
grassland farms, crops, sheep and cattle. The birds were replaced
with chickens - which certainly filled a need since the giant moa had
already been hunted to extinction. When the British came, schools
were soon established to teach the English and Christian version of
God, creation, history and life, with an amputated version of Maori
history being condescendingly given less than respectful mention from
time to time. A "Maori Parliament" was established under the guise of
fostering national unity, and it worked very well as a ploy to divert
attention from what was no doubt the hidden European agenda of the
time - total take-over and control of the country. In New Zealand,
this did not succeed, because the Maori warrior of the past, who was
to become such a legendary fighter in the ranks of the Maori
Battalion in later years, was also to become a worthy and honourable
adversary in the new political battlefields of the parliamentary
system. Thus, despite some notable exceptions, New Zealanders as a
whole do live in harmony together, and even when that harmony is
disrupted by arguments over past treaty commitments or current land
ownership, such events are more often than not resolved, or at least
moved toward resolution, by the efforts of all those who contribute
to the process of change. This process is not always peaceful - and
we are going to find, as the Maori have known for thousands of years,
that this is the way of Nature itself. In the century or more of
decay and progress (depending on one's point of view) since the
Europeans arrived in any numbers in New Zealand, what they have not
known is that a lot of Maori lore, knowledge, history, and true
science was kept from them deliberately. And although the Maori are
ostensibly one nation today, because of past tribal differences many
Maori may not be aware of this fact either. When sailors such as
Captain Cook arrived in the South Pacific to spread their diseases
and religions in the name of their country, king and god, Maoridom
was already an ancient culture, and as such, like any culture, it was
in a state of ongoing evolution within itself. Cannibalism and
slavery were reputedly a way of life. The tribes were supposedly
given to warring among themselves, or to helping shipwrecked
newcomers ashore, only to make them the main course at a seaside
feast. It might be argued that this once great culture which was
partly seeded by intrepid and learned men and women who migrated from
South America in pre-Inca days, had finally dissolved and decayed
into barbarism. But was such barbarism worse than the habits of the
English who were given to using the force of the press gang to turn
men into slaves as sailors, or hunting the Aborigine of Australia by
licence on Sundays? The British certainly felt no pangs of conscience
about developing a trade in shrunken heads and stolen artefacts, and
to this day films depicting past Maori culture tend to treat them as
cunning savages. But the outward appearance of savagery was never the
full measure of the Aboriginal and Maori cultures, both of which are
conversely famed for their mystical knowledge, the powers of their
priests or shaman, and their ancient roots - and both of which hide
ancient secrets about science, the human body and mind, and even
about the cosmos, to this very day. Both cultures date back to pre-
history, to the very earliest times, to epochs before the English
language existed anywhere; certainly to ages long pre-dating any of
the so-called empires or super powers that we are familiar with. In
reality, any nation which uses its scientists to develop an arsenal
of weapons of mass destruction which could destroy the whole world
ten times over - and vaporise men, women and children fifty miles
from the epicentre of an atomic blast in the time it takes for a
dropped plate to hit the floor - is far more savage, not to mention a
thousand times more cowardly, than the Maori ever were. Further,
when we reflect on the fact that in any civilized city right this
minute killers walk the same streets as rabbis and ministers, we
should understand that if there were killers and cannibals among the
Maori, there were also peaceful and loving people among them too, and
some of them were chosen from birth to eventually attend special and
secret schools of wisdom. Part of that wisdom decreed that it would
be dangerous to reveal their sacred knowledge to those with no
capacity for understanding the mysteries of prophecy, legend, and
ancient science; be they Maori or Pakeha, people are people, and some
of them care little for wisdom, preferring instead to wield power and
control through fear and force. So the sacred knowledge became
secret knowledge, and the students of these schools of wisdom (both
men and women) would become tohunga ("medicine men" by European
definition), who are the knowledgeable doctors and visionaries of
ethnic cultures which are so hypocritically decried by Christianity
as practitioners of superstitious ignorance because they call on the
powers of invisible gods and speak to invisible spirits (there is an
irony there somewhere). But the tohunga and tribal leaders were wise,
and this wisdom prompted their decision to keep certain elements of
Maori history, or the history of what is translated as "The Nation,"
as closely guarded secrets for many generations. Only recently, in a
book titled "Song Of Waitaha - The Histories of A Nation," has some
of this secret knowledge been revealed, starting with a prophecy
that "all will seem lost beyond recall," but the time will come
when "the circle of our dreamtime takes a new shape for a new dawn.
And the people of all colours join to bind what was broken and live
in hope." It is time to turn the pages of history, to recall global
disasters of the past, to question the current cycle of world-wide
weather changes that are upon us once again, and to look to the
future that is unfolding as we breathe. New Zealand will not escape
unscathed, if prophecy proves to be correct - but it will, in the not
too distant future, become once again a participant in the next step
in human evolution. Therefore, at the dawning of the 21st Century,
we may well ask ourselves, what is this land's destiny? Will it
evolve further as a nation of mixed cultures, or will it once again
be devastated by the forces of Nature; forces which have played such
a part in its past, and which legend and prophecy - backed up now by
science - expect to impact not only this one small nation in the
south Pacific, but perhaps the whole planet as well. In ancient
times, New Zealand was called Aotearoa ("The Land of The Long White
Cloud"). To put it in perspective it is a very small country when
seen on a map or globe and measured against the land masses that
exist elsewhere. But appearances are deceptive, because the existence
of vast oceans creates the illusion that places like New Zealand
exist in isolation, when in reality they are inextricably linked to
the crust of the world, which over the aeons has subsided beneath the
oceans. The world we know today is not the world it was in ancient
days. New Zealand then is only one of the multitude of features of
the planet Terra - a planet which is constantly undergoing its own
cycles of change, growth and evolution - and it is only one of many
countries whose ethnic peoples recall times of change that affected
the whole world. Some of those changes took many ages, but there have
also been times when they were both swift and violent beyond
imagining. Prophecy, legend, and science indicate that the world is
now moving into, and through, such a period of time, and New Zealand
will not escape its share of upheaval. Science knows for certain
that natural disasters are predictable, but they are far from
controllable. The best instruments cannot do more than provide data
about the past, the present and possible futures - and when people
interpret that data, it invariably gets coloured by the opinions of
those doing the interpreting. These opinions may be based on a
significant amount of knowledge and learning, but they are at best
nothing more than informed opinion. On the other hand, there are
gifted people throughout the world who for centuries have used the
finest instrument there is - the mind - to record past events, to
interpret current events, and to predict future probabilities. We
call their art, prophecy. But we generally treat it with scepticism,
or derision, because we cannot understand how anyone can see into the
future. Therefore, we do not believe what we are told. But this does
not mean it is not true, or that the prophecies will not come to
pass; it means only that we do not want to hear the message. Given
the reality that the ancient and modern prophets of many cultures
have been predicting for a long time that the earth would go through
a violent rebirthing around the beginning of the 21st Century, and
given that modern scientists have been saying the same thing, in
different terms, for at least half a century, it would be wise to sit
up and take notice. It is also natural for people in authority to
use their prestige or position to scoff at "wild stories" about
imminent peril or disaster, and to insist that no-one should worry
about anything so bizarre as old legends that tell of "fireballs"
from the heavens, "space brothers," volcanic eruptions, earthquakes,
floods, and tidal waves that took the lives of whole nations of
people. However, though we may scoff at legends of the past, we can
hardly argue with present statistics, which prove that storms,
earthquakes and volcanic activity have been increasing globally for a
quarter of a century. El Nino has made its mark with associated
weather changes everywhere; and, out of sight and out of mind, the
Pacific Ring of Fire is also beginning to writhe like an awakening
dragon; like water coming to a boil the very oceans are heating up as
underwater volcanoes begin to shake off their slumber. Such events
have indeed happened before, which is why they are at the core of
Maori legends of the past, and prophecies about the future. Like it
or not, that future is now. The Ring of Fire on which Aotearoa sits
is a long chain of unstable earthquake-prone and volcanically active
ground which circles the Pacific Ocean. In past periods of heightened
activity, it has played its part in the creation of the land of New
Zealand as it is today; proof of that can be seen in the constant
geothermal activity of the central North Island; the irregular but
menacing rumblings and eruptions from the volcanoes that straddle the
country from one coast to the other; and even in the South Island,
formed as it is by the battle between great tectonic plates riding on
molten magma within the earth, we see evidence that New Zealand is
accustomed to the fires of change. Once upon a time, the land was
not as it is now; and what it is now, it may not be for much longer,
because the tides of change are stirring around the globe, as they
did in the times of Maori legend. Back then, the whole world was
different - and again, science knows this, because it has core
samples from Antarctica which prove it was once favored by a totally
different climate. It was inhabited. And science knows that too - but
it is a fairly well kept secret So too was New Zealand, at a time
when world-wide changes rippled through the skin of the whole globe.
In those days, people lived in various places around the planet, and
those who survived what happened have recorded their experiences, and
many prophecies, so the Maori are not alone among the ancient nations
of the world to have recorded past calamities and to predict coming
ones. Those predictions now have a substantial degree of scientific
verification, lending credibility to the suggestion that the world is
on the brink of some form of global disaster. To cite but one
example, scientists are well aware that the Antarctic ice shelf is
slipping from its foundations, and that alone has the potential to
create a tsunami that could circle the globe, devastating New Zealand
on the way, and raising sea levels hundreds of feet. In addition, the
movement of such a huge mass of ice and water could create awesome
earthquakes, which the Richter scale has no capacity to measure.
Nevertheless, even if all the worst prophecies should come to pass,
the outlook is actually truly positive, for the same records,
prophecies and visions also speak of the establishment of a new era
of widespread peace and harmony over the following decades. This
story is about Aotearoa, how it came to be in the world of the past,
what it may experience in the present, and what role it will play in
the world of the future. In some respects it is a frightening story,
but if we are prepared to listen, we will find that it is one with a
happy ending, for as the Maori elders say, "we catch the breath of
Life. We speak. And, to open the way to the deepest knowledge, we
listen." Maori prophecy says fire will explode across the heavens.
It will roar like the greatest explosion ever heard by mankind. It
will create cyclonic winds that will in turn destroy the
infrastructure of civilization as we know it. Once again, the
passing of one age and the birth of another will be recorded and
remembered as the time of legend, when "the gods" vented their wrath
upon the world as they are said to have done before. And they
certainly did. When the tumult subsides, those who emerge from their
shelters, caves and retreats will recover, as will the land. Seeds
will begin to sprout. Life will pick up, and go on. The new legends
will recall the shattering of mountains, the shifting of vast land
masses, and perhaps even the fact that New Zealand slid through the
ocean like a rudderless ship before being anchored once again further
south. There is indeed hidden but obvious truth in the Maori history
which recalls how the South Island was once torn asunder by a great
storm (part of it sank) and was later joined by a new "outrigger,"
and then the North Island was "fished from the sea." Legend is but
metaphor for real events. Maori records and those of races which
until recently knew nothing of the Bible story of Noah and the Ark,
are all perfectly accurate about The Deluge, which was one of the
agents of global change many centuries ago. It was The Deluge which
played a very significant role in New Zealand's past. But who would
believe that anything vaguely similar might soon be upon us once
again? Education has a purpose - to fit the child into the society
in which it lives, teaching socially acceptable history, cultural
manners and values, religious beliefs, and so on. But what we learn
as formal history is not the whole truth, because history is written
to perpetuate the aims, values and beliefs of a particular culture -
and that is what happened when Europeans settled in Aotearoa. New
Zealand became a predominantly British colony, bringing with it a
parliamentary system of government, and teaching its new generations
of children that New Zealand was discovered by a certain Captain
Cook, a great navigator who sailed uncharted oceans with a fearless
crew, followed by the children's ancestors who made the perilous
journey to New Zealand from a country far across the sea. At a
cursory level, the Maori history is remarkably similar in that their
ancestors also came to this new land by sea, but in other ways it is
vastly and profoundly different, because what we have not known until
recently is that the Maori have a far more ancient history of their
discovery of New Zealand - complete with references to experiences
that were precipitated by The Deluge. It was not until the
publication of the book "Song of Waitaha - The Histories of A
Nation," that these secrets were revealed, along with prophecies that
are now coming to pass. But once again, the European mind appears to
have dismissed the Maori stories as insignificant and unworthy of
serious attention, ignoring the fact that the revelation of these
Maori secrets brings with them great insights into events which
Western science has only this century started to investigate. It is
a fact that, locked as it has been for hundreds of years into the
Judeo-Christian belief system, the Western mind has been prone to
ignoring, or if possible totally suppressing the histories,
practices, beliefs, and even the languages of the cultures which it
has conquered, subjugated, and, either benignly or by force,
assimilated into its own chosen forms of governmental, religious and
economic control. Some of the Maori were wise enough to recognise
these potential dangers when the Europeans arrived, and even though
real efforts were made to destroy their culture and their history
under the guise of assimilation, certain elders who were the
custodians of knowledge which predates European history by tens of
thousands of years, chose to preserve their records in the utmost
secrecy. Little did the pakeha know that Maori spirituality at its
most sacred, most secret core, espoused views and knowledge about
creation, God, love, and the powers of the mind which rivalled and
surpassed anything the Europeans brought to their shores. In fact,
what they brought was a religion and a cultural ethic which viewed
people of color as heathens awaiting redemption through allegiance to
a dogmatic creed that demanded that the "natives" give up their own
beliefs, even their own language, in favour of the new religion of
the immigrants. Perhaps, given that cannibalism, head shrinking, and
slavery for prisoners of war were part of the Maori culture at the
time, this was an improvement of some sort. But we have not paused to
wonder at the fact that not everyone was a cannibal, nor were all
Maoris "primitive natives." Behind the scenes of their culture, just
as there exists behind the scenes of today's societies, there were
great men and women whose knowledge, love and teachings were as wise
and sacred as anything ever known on earth. So why would they expose
themselves to a group of foreigners whose only interests were power,
domination, control and commerce? To be educated in the pakeha
schools of New Zealand around the 1950s was to learn little about
Maori history other than that "they were cannibals; they used stone
tools; they came here in primitive canoes from Hawaii or India or
somewhere - they don't even know themselves. They couldn't speak
English until we taught them. They're great bulldozer drivers. Good
shearers. Terrific soldiers. Bad drinkers. Rotten students,
especially at math.... But some of my best friends are Maoris. And a
lot have become Christians." So much for European attitudes of the
50s. Imagine then what it must have been like to be a Maori when the
first Europeans arrived, especially a Maori elder, well educated in
the ancient knowledge of his or her people, and knowing because of
that that history was in a sense repeating itself. New settlers were
once again coming from lands far across the sea - as the Maori and
Maoriori had done before them - and once again, the land would enter
a period of time in which the clash of cultures and beliefs would
result in turmoil and bloodshed, misunderstanding and argument,
distrust and hate. Such an elder would also know full well that while
the ancient traditions were based on peace, love, respect and
responsibility as the attributes of human nature which must be
cultivated to ensure harmony within a society, and by extension,
harmony with the life force of the land, there are times when the
minds of men choose the tides of conquest and the illusions of power.
It is best, then, to love the new neighbour (if you have the ability
to do so - and such elders do indeed), and treat him as a guest. But
do not open every room for his appraisal, and never reveal the
storehouse where the most sacred artefacts are housed. It is well to
let such people believe they have had the last word. It is well to be
silent. And the elders of the Nation have kept their secrets well,
knowing in their wisdom that a time would come when the new nation of
people would need to be told some of that sacred/secret wisdom. At
last, the tide is on the turn. Anger and violence are coming to their
natural conclusion - the world is replaying a drama which has been
played many times before: one civilization is on the brink of
disaster, and another stands ready to take its place. It is in such
times that the land itself is subject to upheaval on a massive scale,
as if symbiotically mirroring the attitudes of its human occupants,
and then, when the tide finally changes, peace returns. The Maori
leaders, the chiefs and elders of ethnic groups throughout the world,
know these things. They know too (often from hard experience, for
many an honest tribal doctor, priest or prophet has been killed by
the ignorant) that there is wisdom in silence. But now, the silence
has been broken. And what these elders have to say has implications
for the whole planet. ……………………………�?

Life repeats in Patterns - cycles, if you will - the loops of time created by sacred geometry patterns that create grid programs by repeating over and over.
There are also patterns that repeat in our daily lives. Sometimes they are learning lessons - but often just the flow of the program itself.
The most recent pattern was about 'sisters'. Most of the women who were here for readings - came with their sisters.
Prophecies all seem to follow the same patterns or formulas - humanity will destroy the Earth one way or another - this inlcudes gradual ecological changes. If we do not restore things to balance - all will be destroyed. Most prophecies then mention a savior who is returning to help us after which human consciousness enters a golden age of enlightenment - understanding - and unconditional love - balance now restored.
All of this references the end of the physical experience and the return to higher light - higher frequency where we lose the physical body and no longer exist in time and emotion.

A great changes is about to come to the brothers and sisters of the planet. The trees are dying from the tops down. Frogs are being born with deformities. We see the animal kingdom all changing. This is not just in one country but through out the world. We see coming towards us all these strange diseases and sicknesses. We see how the very air we breathe is destroying us. All this is part of the great prophecy of all time. We see the coming of new energies in the solar system. We see what they bring for us. We believe whatever the situation that you are in that you vibrate to creates cause and effect...Karma.
You'll get back whatever you give out. If you give out love, it will come back ten fold. This applies for other emotions. Now is the time to find the beauty of out hearts, that soul seat. Time to start repairing it.... that torn thread of the soul. The spirit has been tattered and now it is up to us to find that. Find the golden thread and needle and use it to heal the torn thread of the garment. The thread comes from the sacred garment of Creator. Repair the soul with the love of the creator. Then you dance with the beauty of "self", you become the enhancer. You have the memory of knowing your past lives of ancient times.
First we must become One with ourselves. We say that the longest journey is from the mind to the heart. Longer still, is that very journey that takes us back from the heart to the mind. Here begins the sacred of all journeys.... all experiences in one's life. This is a teaching.
We see great changes in the weather. We see water upon water upon water. The changing of the climate of the great mother earth, and the shifting. We see the changes in the structures of government and the fall of the monetary system.
We are living in the time of chaos, technology, where technology has left man behind.
There are 12 prophecies....
The first prophecy is the unity with self and the universe.
The second prophecy is to begin as the seperation of the witnesses. You be the witnesses. You stand there and witness the great unification that you are doing with people, with your friends and family, with other people that you come in contact with. With the God child within each one of us.
The third prophecy is honoring that God child within yourself thereby honoring other people that come in contact with you.
The fourth prophecy is to see through meditation, the artistic works of great spirit. That is the ecosystem or mother nature. Use mother nature to heal the hurts within ourselves. There the witnessing begins of the unification.
The fifth prophecy is the free gift of grace given to man. Grace is that femininity within the feminine. Grace is the Goddess, Shekinah, Sophia the Goddess of compassion.
The sixth prophecy is the most beautiful gift of all is unconditional love. Honor one another in the way we love. Learn when to let go. Learn not to possess or control.
The seventh prophecy is the Holy Trinity ... the great number of creator...the beauty that is enhancing the devine in all....brings in the joy and the love and the light of great spirit.
The eighth prophecy is the forever energy of the Christ Consciousness....the vibration and love that we have for one another...Uncondtional love.
The nineth prophecy is now, now and forever more.
The tenth prophecy is the perfection of great spirit.
The eleventh prophecy is the chaos we are going through and yet we will find the balance.
The twelfth prophecy is the order of perfection of what is to come to this beautiful mother Earth to make heaven on Earth.

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