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Prophecies : AA Raphael on the year 2012
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 9/25/2008 8:22 PM
About the year 2012
According Archangel Raphael, in the book "The Starseed Transmissions", by Ken Carey, Archangel Rapheal said that there could be Earth changes, but not on the scale once predicted. 
The media may react in fear, and it is important that we not buy into their glamour, illusion and maya, for it is not a fearful event, but a glorious, joyous, and wonderful event. 
However, this event will be occuring on a mass level, not just on an individual level.  It could be said that we will be having a global meditation on God.
Archangel Raphael says that we will recognize the unified collective consciousness of all humankind as our own true idenitity. 
We will fully realize our identity as God defines us, rather than as matter and the negative ego defines us.  This will initate the second period of planetary awakening that has been called the millennium or the one-thousand-year cycle.
As we begin to play our individual note in attunement with the great conductor, God, we will play in rhythm and in harmony with the planetary symphony. 
We will play our note in harmony with all other humans, animals, plants and minerals on Earth.
In the new millennium we will all communicate in the universal language of Light. 
This form of communication is far more specific and inclusive than words or even telepathic communication.  The living language of Light is the true universal language of God. 
The new millennium will bring back the pre-fall state of awareness that in truth never left.
As we move through these final years of the Mayan calender, slowly but surely a critical mass of awakened and enlighened people will emerge. 
This will cause a "hundredth-monkey" effect and instantaneously transform humanity as a whole. 
This is a transformation from self-centeredness to God-centeredness.
In the new millennium there will be a return to ecological balance and international cooperation, including an end to war. 
We will all seek to realize God's Divine plan instead of our own.  We will become the means through which God will implement His will in the realm of form.
In this new millennium humanity as a whole will wake up from the spell of matter. 
From the spirit and angels we have had some strange debilitating perceptual disorder.  We have identified with form rather than with essence. 
We have been living in a negative hypnosis.
The challenge of the New Age is to retain our human form and yet awaken from this hypnosis. 
According to Archangel Raphael, the angels have been programmed to awaken us at a certain point in history.  
This point was reached at the birth of Jesus.  It has taken the angels two thousands years to prepare us on mass levels for the profound transformation that is about to take place--fully moving into the New Age!
We are living in an astonishing period of history. 
After ten million years, humanity is about to fully awaken.  It is a great blessing to be incarnated at this time in Earth's history, for there has never been anything like it in terms of spiritual growth. 
Our work over the coming years is to prepare ourselves and others for the reappearance of the Christ and this coming quantum leap in consciousness.
We have our work cut out for us during this last years cycle of the Mayan calender.  We on Earth at this is time who are aware of these things are in a sense like God's infantry. 
The only way we can succeed is if we help him, for his work and ours is to reawaken the Christ in all soul extensions on Earth.
The more awakened humanity is by the year 2012, the more powerful will be this moment of mass enlightenment. 
Our challenge is to become steadfast and focused in our personal work and in our service work as we never before have been. 
His purpose is our purpose.
In the future all kingdoms will be looked at as equals.  As we transcend our negative egos, we will realize our proper place in the scheme of all life that is God.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 9/26/2008 4:02 PM
thank you for sharing

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 9/28/2008 8:16 PM