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Prophecies : USA's hidden agenda
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 2/17/2006 3:50 PM
From: <NOBR>MSN Nickname¤†∙Ġřäνìţíç∙Ţÿŕ∙†�?/FONT></NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 10/13/2005 9:34 AM
USA's hidden agenda....So as to render Humanity on this planet more potent to make war on arriving "spirits" and others in 2005-8, and which enjoy themselves with the flesh of those who do not make the ascension or dimensional shift in 2005, this going on until 2012-2013! [the biblical 2,400 days]), global dominion by the UN, suppression of overunity devices, secrecy of intelligence budgets (since 1947) a slew of Executive Orders, are all interrelated. The scenario is complex and organized by powers transcending Human Being. The budgets are supplemented by transmuting gold, by trafficking in drugs and guns, but mainly by the theft of $800,000,000,000/yr from taxes for "black projects" or "special projects."

Henry Kissinger heads a gold mining company owning mines with no gold in them. One hundred billion dollars a year is also earned through drug trafficking (George Bush) or by robbing and not arresting traffickers. There is a reason by Noriega is locked in the 8th sub-basement of the Federal Building in Florida. Furthermore, this siphoning of wealth is the solution to the question of how the USA economy functions as it does, low inflation and the resentment of those who are seen as leeches when the USA should be evolving toward an absolutely wealthy and cashless society without any "New World Order."

THE CITIES, STATES, AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ARE HOARDING SIXTY TRILLION DOLLARS $US60,000,000,000,000.00 IN TAX MONIES THAT HAVE BEEN ROLLED OVER IN THE STOCK MARKET FOR DECADES. (this information has recently disappeared from several internet search engines, i.e., CSFR) THIS WEALTH BELIES THE NECESSITY FOR TAXES AND ANY DOUBTS ABOUT THE EFFECTS OF INTRODUCING EVEN ONE OF THE SUPPRESSED TECHNOLOGIES BASED ON THE ALSO SUPPRESSED PHYSICS PERMITTING SUCH TECHNOLOGY, since the release of the money and the technology would without economic distress enable extreme modernization. Taxes cause one segment of the population to resent another; divisiveness that allows conquering. The events on and following September 11, 2001 are engineered by secret societies through the National Security Agency, its "cut-out, " assisted by a particular set of absolutely wicked beings. (There are 172 various "top species" living on and under this planet, not including the grays, which are not a species but cloned robotic slaves of about 20 types and sizes.) Any mimicking of Bush's actions in Afghanistan by Israel with respect to the Palestinians will result in Armageddon in more hurried eventuality. If you can't see how degenerate USA is and how delicate the "time" is, you are a damned fool. The European sees clearly that something was done in Florida to make the ding-bats in power "win" the last (LAST) election, so that they could do what is happening in Arabia. That election was a demonstration of applied mind-control techniques, using the 1876 presidential electoral fiasco in Florida as a template (His Fraudulency, President Hayes.)
It is painful to have repeatedly to link the daily with the eternal, i.e., current events with the nature of mind, scalar/natural/zero point physics. However, one should see that Ayatollah Khomeini set the course for events with his statements, especially his training of 1/2 of Iran's population to march to Jerusalem, killing Saddam and the Kuwaiti and Saudi families en route. Arabs including Osama Bin Ladin are trying to facilitate Khomeini's declarations, which are described in the New Testament. The suppressed physics of mind/matter is what will make all happen as predicted and will make it easy to affect billions including the entire population of USA, mentally, so that it can be broken with absolutely no trouble at all; in spite of what one might imagine about "this day and age."
The application of the science of zero point physics is far more highly advanced than had originally been appreciated by zeropoint, the webmaster and principal "physicist." This knowledge and applications based upon it are brutally guarded international secrets. Some number of generally Anglo Saxon nations, led by Prince Philip ... the leading candidate to be the voice behind the Antichrist, are in cahoots in manipulating this entire ignorant species. (The "antichrist" THING has been around since 1976 and visits the White House two or three times a week!) The cabal are ancient human societies which infiltrate US institutions, especially the military, and have agendas validated by command of or familiarity with or access to scalar technology. USA controls the black operations of ALL other nations, but USA is controlled by a few dozen individuals, including Mayan priests and the priesthood of Babylon as well as the Bilderbergers and the Illuminati, etc. These have long been in contact with other subversive and jealous species (reptilians/Draconians). Human Being perfectly images the nature of the mind of God. This is resented by the consciousness of this galaxy, called "Lucifer," (The Milky Way or the "firmament") also various reptiloid species, collectively called "the serpent".; In order to manifest in human or material form, [the galaxy has been unable to do so since copulating with the daughters of Eve,] the galaxy, Lucifer, has used the potentials of the bodies of Draconians. Draconians [devils] appear to have been created on biospheres which have no Jupiter in their solar system and or binary star systems. Understanding the Master Paradigm will clarify this since such a solar system does not invite the third curvature of the ninth dimension; thusly, its critters are "unfinished" and are other than the image of God. The third curvature is magnetism.
The weapon was developed at Los Alamos National Labs. The weapon is a nuclear weapon that focuses the energy in a laser-like beam. This rapid fire weapon has been the center of much strife between the military cabals of this species and others, since the weapon, a "Scalar Weapon," is perceived throughout the cosmos and achronically, that is to say it is perceived when fired without time lapse in all the creation of God Almighty. The weapon is being test-fired or has been test-fired from orbit recently. The massive amounts of x-rays generated have been recorded serendipitously by university scientists. Many years earlier, scientists at Los Alamos National Labs, including Dr. Hamrick, an indirect source for this material, who was working on the directed energy weapon, had been intellectually mutilated in unusual circumstances, and by parties interested in preserving peace in the cosmos.
The USA and other involved nations are deluded into thinking that there is merit is a unified human government on this planet to fight a massive alien invasion that will delete many hundreds of millions in Fall, 2005 AD. [This date is determined by US military time machines.
This is urgent and most important. Specifically, the suit complains about technologies of mind/control and two-way communications permitting psychic interventions and sabotage of individual lives. THE VIBRATORY RATE OF HUMANS GENERATED ON THIS PLANET (after the blending of our vibration with that of the lizard species in the "Garden of Eden" IS 6.66gigahertz. This link also guides you to many other weapons. This link has been rearranged, so the clicker does not point directly to information giving the frequencies for the ear, eye, and the parts of the nervous system/brain which can be caused to hear or see, etc., depending on the frequency of the transmission, which need not be scalar, a microwave transmitter can be used to cause a person to hear a message or to feel or to see something or another. The " vibratory rate" of humans on this planet will be a "standing wave" as the population approaches the number of cycles per second. The attempt by non human species, particularly the Galaxy itself, to take us over like the sheeple we insist to be, depends on their seducing us into worshipping them and WILLING them to be superordinate to ourselves who are still "Eve-Adamic" or invested with what is called among Judeo-Christians the "Breath of Life". Dozens of other worlds of humans have missed their moment. The nature of the configuration and spirit of USA government and people allows this planet's native humans to "take them with us" when the ascension occurs. This is no small part of the reason why the Constitution of USA is revered throughout the galaxy.
John F. Kennedy was on the Senate Intelligence Committee investigating this business. JFK was not expected to become President. Presidents are deliberately kept ignorant, for the sake of "credible deniability." In addition, it was feared that Robert Kennedy had been told by John and that he was about to become President. The other important fact about Roswell is that it revealed that humans are FOOD for grays who do not actually eat but osmose the nutrients through their skin, which is why they had been exsanquinating (taking the blood out of) large animals. The removal of parts of animals is for the sake of culture media for growing new grays or other entities. Los Alamos National Labs has invented a pseudo blood for the use of the grays, they being cloned by American military agencies as well as by Draconians
It is the case that overunity physics embodies (engineers) the "Theory of Everything," or reality itself, resolving questions of philosophy, cosmology, psychology, and human nature and history, as well as each of the hard sciences and their particular specializations. These all meld in The Grand Union that Fourth Millennium claims to grasp. This understanding is the result of analyzing devices which do in fact demonstrate special properties but which are themselves often not understood fully by their inventors. The Holy Bible, in its original alphabet not only tells the nature of the creation of matter out of naught or vacuum, but it also shows the shapes of "wormholes" with its very letters. The Bible therefore facilitates the understanding of reality by the ordinary lay person with a high school education and an unfettered ability to think.
 The original letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the "three dimensional" version of that alphabet which were used by Elohim to inscribe the Ten Commandments are "graceways" which are neutrinos. The letters are exactly the same as the scalar charge gradient.
The tetrahedral zone about the letters are QUARKS. The letters themselves are, in the quantum anatomy of subspace or the quantum singularity, NEUTRINOS. A neutrino is a process which is MASS itself. The neutrino is the process, in either direction toward or away from decoupling or the Event Horizon, of tracing Planck's Number to or from the second or [relative] zero, along the "scalar charge gradient", which is a logarithmic ingression/egression along that number/constant. The pathway concurs relative "zeroness" in any one of the fractionally charged quarks. As the various axes zero one into the other, i.e., as "z" zeroes into the planar environment of "x" and "y", the six fractionally charged quarks are symmetrically compressed into four and then two units of subspace which define the quality the word HADRON is presented to possibly describe. The HADRON is speculated to be a grouping of QUARKS. Most "particles" are artifacts of the investigative processes of high energy physics. The actual number of substituent parts to the quantum environment are far fewer and easily perceived and understood, with a little help such as is provided herewith.
The first Earthling time machine, worked out by analysis of the "accident" of the Philadelphia Experiment in the 1940's... the Eldridge appeared at Montauk Point in 1983. The three counter-fluxed north poles aimed at that ship actually generated a time machine!
THE FOLLOW-UP ON Dr. Wolf's account by another dying U.S. government defector. You must read . Armageddon will not be what you had expected. Military secrecy MUST be circumvented and abolished. We must come clean, in the way the foolish had insisted of Bill Clinton. (What is the "Hollow Oak" scandal? *02/15/99*)
Proof?....check <--This link is a large but incomplete document describing events involving non humans and humans and hybrids in a way that is formidable, owing to its quotes and citations, It is already ongoing between humans and others and among others. The intense investigations of the physics underlying overunity principles has led to this information. Everything in this document is acceptable in terms of the understood technologies. If you are a skeptic, look upon it as entertainment, but DO read it.
The Queen of England is buying up land around this future base - western region of the entity to replace USA...see here "" for national emergency powers. American Indians in the area are being infused with various diseases by use of scalar technologies capable of interacting individuals or specific gene pools or even those in a particular "frame of mind". This site shows the Denver Airport as the meat-processing plant and gateway to underground facilities for use by the English Illuminati at the first site of construction of the Airport, which was covered over and a second one, now in use, being built. What is depicted are intentions for the second phase of New World Order, or the second stage of PURGATORY, where ALL ex-Americans will be killed save "Aryans" and slaves, particularly 150,000,000 Negroes, after the various diseases cooked up have been applied and 450,000,000 African Negroid peoples liquidated... after the fashion presented by Shirer in "The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich. ( .
VISIT FOR THE EXTREMELY HIGH DEGREE OF PREPARATION OF THE CHIPS TO BE IMPLANTED IN ALL HUMANS IN NORTH AMERICA These are part of the cashless society and are the "Mark [MARC} of the Beast." It is hoped that this measure can be taken before 2005, but it will be inevitable after that year, after what the military calls a "mass evacuation" of hundreds of millions who will "vanish" or "ascend" or "rapture" or complete the next evolutionary leap for this species.
"The Grays," mistakenly accepted as a "species," have been allowed to consume a certain amount of American children by "contract." The Grays however are not a species and are an artificial life form with no soul, created by a SUPREMELY WICKED life form that if seen would be instantly recognized as individual devils by their physical appearance. Please read the Dulce Papers downloadable from a clicker at orion.htm. For reasons not stateable on the front page of this site, the Grays have no long term memory. When detected by a Navy Seals black operations unit to be taking far more (American) children than had been allotted, that unit went to war with the Grays and other military black operations continuing to collaborate with them. It must be understood by yourself that this is all part of World War II, which became a quantum war and continues, below the threshold of our perception. Movies, the scripts for which are submitted by various black operations units, are used to "suggest" to the public that aliens are either benign or malignant. The culprits among extraterrestrials are generally the non humanoid, principally the reptiloid and some insect-like species arrayed in the Orion Confederation. There are two other confederations of planets, the Pleiadian and the Sirian, which are trying to help ourselves. An extremely old war between good and evil is going on with the final battle to be realized as ongoing on this planet. The battle is not quite for human souls, it is for possession of the human body, the most perfect creation in reality except for the process of creation itself [Lucifer.] The understanding of this is rooted in a command of the Grand Unification, the so-called Theory of Everything. One humanoid species was overthrown after being desensitized by movies presenting the Grays as sweet and smart little guys. The Grays come in several varieties, some seven feet tall. There is a planetoid with 2,000 "mother" Grays from which are cloned others. There is another navigable planetoid with 30,000,000 Grays within it that is dawdling en route to arrive at the appropriate time for wreaking havoc on this planet, probably after about 2007, when the first of two comings of the Christos is terminated. Systems and technology is to be built and put in place between now and 2005 to be ready for ABSOLUTE control over USA/Canada and the globe between 2007 and 2013. About two dozen humanoid worlds have been spoiled by the Orion Confederation. You must find out about this before all personal computers are seized, something that will occur when the deliberate building of frenzy over gun violence allows us to be stampeded into Emergency Status, along with other engineered conditions. Under emergency law, hoarded food is also illegal

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname†•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?/nobr>Sent: 2/25/2006 10:59 PM
I knew there was something about this person that interested me ... he knows about grays, orions etc etc ... wow - usually a subject I maintain to self, the one world Govt and the Alien connections!

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname™†•΅MĮĐ•ŊĪĢĦŦ΅•†™Sent: 4/2/2006 8:09 PM
Thx for sharing