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Native American : Smudging
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 2/5/2007 6:34 AM


         ©Diana E. Stanley

The burning of herbs or incense is a practice held sacred by many traditional cultures and is frequently called "Smudging". Smudging takes many forms. Sometimes herbs are tied in a bundle called a "smudge stick" and allowed to dry. Some herbs lend themselves to braiding.

In olden times, the end of the smudge stick or braid was lit from the central or cooking fire. Today, however, a candle is recommended as it takes some time to get the stick smoking.

Loose dried herbs may also be placed directly onto the burning wood in an indoor fireplace or crumbled between the fingers over a piece of charcoal. The container used for the charcoal and herbs needs to be fireproof. Ceramic or glass bowls with a layer of sand or salt work well. Especially nice is an abalone shell with a layer of colored sand in the bottom. Remember that the container may be come warm enough to
scorch a surface or burn your hand.

When burning a smudge stick or braid, they will eventually go out on their own, but should you need to put them out quickly, you can tamp the end out in sand or soil, shaking off the excess. Using water is messy and not generally recommended. The idea behind burning herbs is to
release their energy and fragrance, not to fill the room or your lungs with smoke. Burning excessive amounts can lead to respiratory distress or problems (and may also set off your smoke alarm). Show consideration for other people when smudging. Avoid smudging in the room when
infants, pregnant persons, asthmatic or allergy-prone people are present. Smudging is not recommended during pregnancy! Never leave your smudge sticks, candles or charcoal unattended to avoid fire hazards.

There are many cultures and belief systems. Not everyone views the practice of smudging in the same way and different herbs may be used for different purposes.

Generally, Sage, Sweet Grass, and Cedar (also known as Cypress and Juniper) are burned to purify and protect one's living area, self and sacred tools.

Bay leaf is traditionally used to protect against colds and flu.

Epazote is helpful in establishing healthy boundaries and often used in combination with Fennel and one of the protective herbs (Sage, Sweet Grass or Cedar).

Fennel is effective in repelling negative energies and calms the nerves.

Mints are both uplifting and cleansing and are particularly good when used in combination with Sage or Cedar.

Mugwort is used for healing, divination and to stimulate dreams and visions. It can be burned during rituals or before sleeping. However as some people find it to be slightly mind-altering, avoid its use before driving. UNSAFE DURING PREGNANCY!

Mullien is an effective herb for healing emotional trauma that
originates from relationships with other people and it provides protection when beginning a new project. Most people find the smoke to be very grounding and calming. It is often used at the end of a ritual in which Mugwort has been burned at the beginning.

Orris root when burned with Celery seeds increases psychic gifts and concentration.

Pine, Fir, Hemlock, and Spruce are burnt for their purifying and cleansing effect. They are most effective in combination with other herbs.

Resin, Balsam, Gum, and Sap are obtained from a variety of sources. Some examples are sweet gum, birch, acacia, benzoin, copal, dragon's blood, myrrh and frankincense. Resins represent the four elements (water, earth, air and fire) when burned. The connection to all creation is
affirmed when using the Sacred Smoke of your chosen resin.

Uvi Ursi was traditionally mixed with tobacco and used for smoking during peace pipe ceremonies. The fragrance and energy when burned are very calming and grounding.

Yerba Santa has many uses medicinally. Burn it to nurture and protect that which is ancient, sacred and wild within yourself. Use it when you need encouragement or courage.
Any action, undertaken with intention and belief can become a ritual. It grows powerful through repetition and connection.
The repetition can be personal~during this life time or over many life times.

It can be cultural (such as celebrating Christmas) or ancestral (as in sacred dances passed down through the generations).

Finding your own personal ritual can be a very healing experience. All rituals have a beginning point. Many begin as dreams or visions. Sometimes direction comes from your spirit helpers. It is possible that Spirit will instruct you if you ask and open your heart. An important way rituals evolve is by paying attention to your feelings when you attempt to make sacred or healing actions. The right actions feel good.
A sense of well being and connection~of magick~comes into your soul. Some people experience this quickly and for others it evolves slowly. Patience and commitment is required as with any new endeavor. Let the searching flow through your heart, let it be spontaneous. There is no exact recipe, but
with time, you will find your own personal smudging ritual. Lighting the smudge and offering it to the four directions is a common practice. Then fan the smoke over your body, first bringing it to your heart, then over your head and down to your feet.

When used for cleansing, purifying and protecting, fan the smoke through the room, around yourself and draw your sacred tools through the smoke. If desired, you can incant some type of prayer as you do this, releasing your intent to Spirit.

The burning of herbs is also used during healing work and prayer. This helps connect you to your spirit assistants and carries your intentions out to both the physical and spirit worlds. During healing work, the smoke may be fanned over the person either by your hand or with feathers. This clears out unhealthy energies and brings in the special attributes of the herbs.

Invite the Spirit of the Herb(s) to join you and guide you in your sacred work. Whether you speak silently through your heart and soul, or aloud, is up to you. Do whatever makes the process seem real and feels right to you. Use respect, kindness and affection. Consider having the intention to form a lasting friendship and partnership with the Spirit of the Herb. Your intention will be known. If you merely wish to use the herbs rather than form a partnership, their magick may not be as effective. Part of the spiritual work of the Plant is to work with human spirits~when you have the intention to be partners, it enables them to work actively with you and much more of their magic manifests in your life.

Oh Great Spirit! Hear me as I light the sacred herbs in fellowship with my Plant brothers. Honor and blessings to all. Guide and protect me on my journey. Honor and blessings to the North. Direct my steps to places that balance the physical.  Honor and blessings to the East. Guide me in my journey to knowledge and wisdom. Honor and blessings to the South. Lead me to spiritual strength and courage. Honor and blessings to the West. Teach me the gentle ways of emotional balance. Be with me all, protecting and guiding me in my
search for true wisdom in Spirit's love and light.

Oh Great Spirit, thank you for your guidance, blessings and protection. Thank you Plant brothers for joining me and sharing your energies and blessings with me. Go with my blessings, Spirits of the North. My thanks for your help now and to come in empowering my physical life. Go with my
blessings, Spirits of the East. My thanks for your help now and to come in empowering my mental life. Go with my blessings, Spirits of the South. My thanks for your help now and to come in empowering my spiritual life. Go with my blessings, Spirits of the West. My thanks for your help now and to come in empowering my emotional life. In SPIRIT's
name, love and blessings to all spirits and creatures of the worlds. My thanks for blessing, guiding and protecting me on my sacred journey.

So be it


posted by John Adams

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From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/9/2007 6:05 PM