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Native American : The Shapeshifters
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 2/5/2007 10:28 AM
Native American Stories And History
Grandmother Two Bears

Grandmother Two Bears is a researcher, historian, writer and Story Teller of Native American culture and customs.  Grandmother is a member of Eagle Clan, and writes for the Eagle Clan "Spirit Speaks" Newsletter.

Few words are more exciting in American Indian culture than
.  Both mysterious and illusive, the mind is challenged to know more about this phenomenon which has occurred through all the tribes in America.

To most, shapeshifting is a superstitious belief left to primitive people.  There is no such thing in "civilized society." 
Not true.  Folks just don't look at it the same way.  Shapeshifting occurs in American Indian culture in song and dance, hunting, healing, and warfare.

Only in the white man's world does it take on the dark side, appearing as werewolves and bats (Dracula).  As always, between the red man and the white man, there is a vast difference in point of view.

Shapeshifting touches the very soul of the Indian. Brothers in nature, it is quite natural for him to feel as one with the spirit animal sounds in his chanting, just as he feels Earth Mother's heartbeat in his drumming.

In the dance, he wears feathers or the skin of his animal guardian, while his movements take on the grace and form of the eagle, wolf, bear, etc., whichever one he himself has become.  The dance is shapeshifting in its most eloquent form.

In some tribes, shamans use shapeshifting in a more serious manner.  Wearing feathers, or the hide of his guardian spirit, the shaman would perform the animal's actions to imbue its healing powers in both himself and the patient. 
Belief in the healer and his shapeshifting often could mean the difference between life or death. 
So convincing were the shaman's performances, that sometimes an enemy would go out into the woods and kill the shaman's totem animal in the belief that he might be killing the shaman himself while he was in animal form.

A form of shapeshifting had a role in hunting.  To hone this skill, in days gone by, the boy-Indian would choose an animal to study.  It was usually the wolf, noted for its cunning and survival skills. 
For as many as two years, the boy would devote time each day to be alone, near the wolf, observing its ways.  In time, he learned to imitate its ways, and understood its thinking so well he could become the wolf himself.

So close was this relationship between animal and man that early settlers came to believe that Indians actually were part wolf and killed them as they would the animal itself.

Shapeshifting to his wolf counterpart was an asset to the Indian in warfare.  His ability to silently track an enemy was often superior to an enemy's gun. 
In actual battle, calling on one's spirit animal, and becoming that animal, gave a warrior uncanny OHITIKA (courage) in the face of unbelievable odds.

Shapeshifting is alive and well today, right here in our own society. 
You don't believe it? 
Well, the next time you are going somewhere, look in the mirror.  Are you not putting your best foot forward before stepping outside?

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/9/2007 6:10 PM

(2 recommendations so far) Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBoldyKatSent: 7/21/2008 5:09 AM
Thank you.. this article makes sense. And it is true that the White man (the race I'm from) would have to look at it in the negative Fear sense (Dracula, werewolves,etc)

I also think that there are those in other realms.. like the Fairie Realm, where they are actually able to shapeshift into animals when people are around. This is not common though. I guess if an animal keeps watching you and it is the only wild animal that doesn't run away from you... it may be from the Fairie Realm observing you.

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 7/21/2008 3:20 PM
what a great informative post thank you for sharing

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 7/25/2008 5:05 AM

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