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Native American : Your Personal Medicine Bag
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 2/5/2007 10:38 AM

Many of us has seen that beautiful hunk of a man specimen, Sully, on Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman wearing a small leather pouch dangling around his neck by a leather thong. 
This represents his personal spiritual medicine. 
We all can do this for ourselves and it is very easily done.
1 - First of all you might want to do this in ceremony. That is to know that you are cleansed Physically, Mentally and Spiritually.  Many of us have our own personal way of doing this.   (If you are not sure just how to do a cleansing ceremony, please to ask this before you start.)
2 - You will want to gather all of your materials that you are wanting to place in this bag and cleanse them as well, including the bag and string itself.  You may want to place them on a cleansed cloth or skin as you
do this.  This will make it easier to gather up your things if you may become interrupted during this time.   Just take up the four corners and tuck away in safe place until such time that you may resume this task.
3 - Now you are wondering just what do you put in your medicine bag.  This bag is filled with little things that really mean something to you, like little crystals, stones, seeds of your favorite flower, dried herbs that have special meaning to you, soil from your favorite place, a small feather, a tooth, a claw from your spirit animal, a piece of hair from someone special ( 2 or 4 legged).  Now I think that you have the picture.
4  - This bag itself can have a painted symbol on the outside or inside in order to symbolize yourself in some way.  It can also be rubbed with special oils to protect it from moisture.  This is your bag, more importantly, this bag is you.
5 - It is important that no one (but you) touches this bag or its contents after you have cleansed them.  Positive Energy is powerful.  And you do not want to put any Negative Energy into this bag either.
6 - As it is equally important that no one watch you construct this bag as well.  Secrets are powerful.
7-  Now you are ready to fill this bag.   You may want to sing your power song or chant while you are doing this.  If you are not inclined to sing you may play tape of favorite meditation music, this will help set the atmosphere as something very important to you is about to happen.  Pack this with reverence no matter what you decide. Your attitude toward this bag is very important.  This is reflection of your attitude towards yourself.
8 -  After this bag is filled, make sure it is sealed very well.  Contents do not need to leak out.  Some have a very snug drawstring.  You may dampen this and when it dries it will harden and become near impossible to open.  Some even have dripped a few drops of hot candle wax or sealing wax on the top of contents in order to provide a more permanent seal. (make sure this wax is ceremonially cleansed as well. )
9 - Say prayer of this bag so that Creator blesses it as well.
10 - now you are ready to wear your medicine bag.  You may wear it as Sully does, at all times, exposed to public.  Or you may wear it under your garments as your little secret.  Or some just keep it stored wrapped in the cleansed cloth and only wear it during
ceremonies and special occasions.  
Just a word of note here.  In many tribes is it customary for one to receive your medicine bag from the local Shaman. 
Be careful that this Shaman or Medicine Woman to be legitimate as well. 
Please Do Not accept medicine bag from anyone else. And follow the same laws of respect to this bag, as well.
Whatever you choose, I hope that you have enjoyed reading this and possibly making your own medicine bag.

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From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/9/2007 6:12 PM