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Native American : Drum
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 1/5/2008 11:41 PM
Spirituality and the Drum 
Excerpt from the book Sacred Drumming
Copyright by Steven Ash and Renata Ash
Drumming connects you with your bones, your heartbeat, and your natural rhythms. The beat brings you down-to-earth, out of your head, into your feelings, and your connection to the Earth Mother. The rhythmical beat pushes through the emotions, the intellect, and into the spirit, the most etheric part of our nature.
Spirit intuitively recognizes the transporting qualities of the regular beat as it draws the spiritual awareness out of the mundane into safe ceremonies and rituals that have proved protective for the soul over eons.
These ceremonies are sacred to the spirit of the people; with the drum, they draw the people together as one.
Drumming can be used in the following situations.
  a.. The centering of the Sacred Directions ceremony that pulls all of the spiritual qualities manifesting around and within our lives

  b.. The cleansing of the aura and our home space of negative
spiritual energy

  c.. The projection of prayers for thanks or need with the

 d.. To focus your meditation

 e.. To anchor your body through trance states

 f.. To dissolve negative emotions

 g.. To dislodge stuck spiritual energy in healing situations

 h.. To call up the spirits of plants, of those beyond the veil
where mortal consciousness cannot visit, and in the angelic realms

 i.. To create a cohesive spirituality within a group, which
draws all the participants together, in preparation for direction and spiritual ceremony
When you feel into the spirituality of the drum, you must start by looking deep within you--it is from here that Spirit comes. It is behind your eyes, observing how you are living this life. It is listening from within your head to the sounds that enter.
It is feeling through your fingers as you touch the skin of your lover. Your Spirit is the observer that is always there, always coming through--a silent voice that gently whispers your true name.. Your Spirit knows your potential and seeks to be fed with light and truth.. It feeds on prayer and meditation.
Drumming, music, singing, and chanting are your Spirit's deserts, pure sweetness for the soul. It is your longing to gain a deeper connection that sets the intention into focus. You draw yourself out from within yourself your "natural authentic nature", that which you really are.
You beat this feeling into the drum, pulling the feeling out with your sincereity. Where is your Spirit which lets this manifest? You were born with it; it was there while you were in your mother's womb.
Your Spirit formed at the moment of conception, and before then was in the space that we call the Mystery. It developed and grew within your form as you became an embryo. Just as the tiny, flying seed of the birch tree contains a future mature tree, so you as a child and before were filled by Spirit.

You will return to the Spirit world when you "drop your robe" and let go of your physical body at death. We all die, moving into the darkness of the west, and yet we become reborn as future generations.
Therefore it is vital to respect the ancestors.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegobber9Sent: 1/15/2008 2:11 PM
wonderful thank you for sharing

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 2/10/2008 1:41 AM